• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015


I like reeding and gaming but mostly ponys [] edit .... and memes

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Sometimes your passions are at odds with one another. In some cases, they're so at odds with one another that you need to hide behind a different name just to be yourself. Living two lives is hard, and in the case of Photo Finish and Rainbow Dash, it's about to get harder.

Rated Teen for mild cursing, alcohol, and mild adult themes.

Thanks to my good friend Falkon for edits, MelodicMarzipan for the awesome cover art, and everyone who has pestered me to work on this story since I had the idea back during Season 2

Hey look, someone reviewed my story!

Chapters (15)

King Sombra survived the power of the Crystal Heart, and for a moment, it seemed as if his victory was assured. And then something unexpected happened...

He stepped on a nail.


Chapters (3)

Pandinus Imperator (You can call him Pan, he won't mind) is knocked back in time during the Canterlot Invasion, and accidentally kills King Sombra on arrival. Instead of being executed, the changeling is surprised to find himself being hailed as a hero, and is promptly put on the throne as the new monarch, the Crystal Emperor. However, Pan now faces a great many problems, among them Celestia and Luna, who seem certain that the changeling is secretly up to no good, as well as several political factions secretly plotting to undermine his reign. There's also the tiny problem of the constant snowstorm that threatens to cut the city off from the outside world permanently.
The Crystal Ponies need a hero now more than ever before. Why did they get a changeling instead?

We Has A TvTropes.

While not truly a part of Bucking Nonsense's Changeling-Verse, the same rules regarding changeling abilities and society apply.

Cover image provided by gabapple, used with permission.

Chapters (35)

Hiro Ecks is a gamer. After he was used as a cat's-paw in a villain's evil scheme, he is left traumatized, and just about ready to swear off video games forever. 8163264128 is a changeling. Almost pathetically incompetent when it comes to fighting, she is stranded at the entrance of a ruined palace, unable to escape due to her damaged wings. Fate, chance, or something stranger still has forced the two of them together. Hiro, through the medium of a small golden orb, has to win the changeling's trust and guide her into the depths, for the only chance that 8163264128 has for escaping the ruins is to reach the bottom of the catacombs beneath the palace, where a treasure beyond compare awaits... a wishing star. But between the two of them and their goal are fifteen floors of monsters, traps, sliding block puzzles, bosses, and more.
Rated Teen For Language
A Spin-Off from The Changeling Who Broke The World. Not strictly necessary for reading, but it will provide some background into Hiro's story.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to What I've Done

This is the third book in The Humanity Within Trilogy. If you haven't read the other two books first, go back and do that now. Don't worry, this will still be here when you get back...

Also, if you've already finished this trilogy, you should be happy to know that the next book in the series, A Darkened Sky, is out right now! Go read it, follow it, and all that stuff!

I don't know what to believe anymore. I was sure they were all monsters, all demons bent on destroying any peace I and my new friends might find in this life.

I was wrong.

Instead of burning this world down around me, their weapons are pointed away from the planet, not towards it.

As if that conundrum wasn't perplexing enough, I also have to deal with finding my own place in this odd, yet familiar society. But how does one simply go back to being normal? Especially knowing that the real monsters that caused this mess in the first place could be just around the corner?

After all, it's not like I'll ever see my home planet again. They may not be here to hurt me or my friends, but I still don't trust these 'friendly' aliens to get me a ride home...

Chapters (47)

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase have gone through a lot. They fought the Minotaur, Medusa, a Manticore, the Chimera, Kronos, and even Arachne, the Spider Queen. It was during this last fight that they recovered the Athena Parthenos, a sacred statue that would help secure the demigods' victory over Gaea and the Giants, but the unexpected happened: the floor gave away, and the pair fell all the way down to Tartarus. The first thing they noticed, was that a large mirror, that no monster would approach, not even for some tasty demigod blood. They were trapped, and the only way to save themselves, was through that mirror. What was on the other side, however, was even wilder than they ever thought possible.

(Added romance tag and made story "Teen" for planning on future chapters, and romance mostly in post-story Extras section.)

(Being a big Percy Jackson & The Olympians fan, I couldn't help but notice that Tartarus existed in Equestria, according to Twilight. This story recounts the events of Percy and Annabeth's journey into the other side of the Pit, and beyond.)

Chapters (17)

On a fateful night, Alex wins the divine lottery and is approached by Hermes, an Olympian god. He is promised one wish, whatever it may be.

Alas, the encounter doesn't quite work out like he hoped it would.

Alex finds himself thrown into a world that is wholly unfamiliar to him. Gone are his dreams of meeting the mane six. He doesn't even have the luxury of keeping his human form.

Having to deal with an unfamiliar surrounding and a new body, this story follows him on his way to find his own place in this alien world.

Character tags will be added as they become relevant. Teen rating is mostly for some bloody scenes. (nothing too gory). Also, the prologue plays far off in the
future of this story and we won't be returning to that point in quite some time.

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Arrival Arc:
Chapter 1 - 9
23,198 Words

Journey Arc:
Chapter 10 - 28
48,381 Words

Scholar Arc:
Chapter 29 - 63
133,627 Words

Disclaimer: You may encounter several broken image links in the notes of this story... sorry.

Chapters (64)

Spartan Red Team destroyed a Shield World out of UNSC controlled space, destroying the Forerunner fleet that was hidden inside. They leave behind a destroyed world and dieing Covenant fleet, stuck in cryo-sleep until they reach help. Unfortunately, anything but help finds them, and they are thrust into another battle, but a new pawn is thrown into the game, and Equestria is unsure which side will lead not to victory, but survival.

Follows the events of Halo Wars, some parts may seem confusing unless you've played the game. First fan-fic and experimental. Tell me what you really think, whether its a diamond of holy proportions or a piece of crap that should be shoved up a baboons ass.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Starlight and Sans

Author's Note: Featured! Oh my God, thank you all so, SO much! :D

Life for Equestria will never be quite the same now that two worlds have united. The Monsters from the Underground of Earth, the human ambassador Frisk, both are eager to make friends with a new kind of being...the pony. And the ponies, in turn, are quite eager to welcome more friends into their lives, especially those who seem so willing and talented! What could go wrong? Well...actually a lot. But a lot can go RIGHT too!

A collection of stories done in collaboration with me and MisterEbony, to give to you, the reader, a peek into the best of two worlds. I hope you all enjoy them half as much as we enjoyed writing them!

Chapters (51)

Meet X Team: six OC SPARTAN-II super soldiers from a FANON version of the Halo universe. When a slipspace accident sends the SPARTANS to Equestria, they have to find a way to get back home.

There's just two catches.

First: They can get home. All they need is the time to repair their ship.

Second: Through a series of misundersandings, the ponies perceive the SPARTANS as threats, and they don't intend to leave them alone.

What could possibly go wrong?

*Featured 12/4/2013*

Chapters (20)