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The royal wedding is saved but at what cost? There was more to the changeling attack than was apparent and Twilight begins to wonder if it was all as black and white as it seemed. Queen Chrysalis was defeated and her rule was taken from her. With no food and no allies, she is doomed to the dreary fate she had always feared. When faced with potential tragedy, Twilight has to make one of the scariest decisions of her life. Does she help the dying changeling or leave her to her "just" end?

Continued in Hive Alive!


Featured July 20, 2014.

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (4)

Sundays are always special for her; but, through the thick and thin, this was most certainly Rarity's best Sunday ever.

Disclaimer; Cover art by GlancoJusticar

Chapters (1)

It all began with a single, sudden kiss. One kiss, and one question. Sweetie Belle found herself wondering... If Applejack and Rarity had found love together, was the same thing possible for her and Apple Bloom?

Scootaloo thought it was a stupid idea, and wasn't shy about saying so, but Apple Bloom reluctantly agreed to see where it led.

And suddenly, things weren't so simple any more.

Now, just as they're figuring out their new feelings, they find themselves with another problem. And between their shocked older sisters and an angry Scootaloo, they may find their love taken from them before it's even begun.

And speaking of Scootaloo, what's her problem anyway?

Inspired by a picture by the ever-talented WhiteDiamonds (who has been kind enough to let me use that picture as cover art) and my difficulty finding anything that has both Rarijack and Sweetiebloom in the same story.

Chapters (1)

"Twilight isn't exactly a social pony." Could win me the Understatement of the Year award.

However, what most ponies don't know is that Octavia, a high-class socialite, isn't exactly much better herself, despite countless rumours about a liason between her and a certain DJ.

Now, drawn back to the upper-classes that she tried so desperately to get away from, can Twilight Sparkle find solace, and companionship, from one of the very socialite ponies of her past that she is so desperate to escape?

Chapters (10)

Spike figures out that Cheerilee is making up reasons to visit Twilight at the library, and Rarity further figures out that it's because she must have a crush on Twilight.

When Ponyville's dedicated fashionista combines forces with Ponyville's only dragon to bring two adorably awkward book loving mares together, nothing can go wrong! Except perhaps, everything!

Oh yeah, and some pony ordered 20 trampolines and a bunch of other stuff that keeps getting delivered to one wrong address after another because of the world's worst delivery pony, Blue Bonnet.. More on that later.

Re-tagged to reflect that it's a Twi/Cheerilee, Mane 6, CMC and Blue Bonnet (Background pony) story.

Also, it's fair to say this is also a AppleDash and Fluttershy / Background pony shipping story. Also ScootaBelle? .

Chapters 3-10 have been edited by the amazing TheLastBrunnenG

Chapter 9-10, attention must also be paid to pre-readers Guy Incognito, Cola Bubble Gum, and SpaceCommie

Chapters 9-10 also edited by SpaceCommie


Chapters (13)

Failing once in her attempt to take Canterlot and failing again in her attempt to take down Twilight, one would think Chrysalis would have cut her losses and let things be, but the queen has once again appeared, this time in broad daylight with no disguise and no army. Her weapon of choice? Diplomacy.

Now Twilight is having to deal with the changeling queen, but surely putting up with her antics will be worth the knowledge she's willing to provide about her mysterious race and the potential undiscovered agents still within their midst...right?

Takes place before Magical Mystery Cure and diverges from there.

With thanks to MisterGunpowder for proofreading and editing.

Revision History:

05/09/2015: Chapter 1 updated with millions of little corrections.
05/20/2015: Chapter 2 revised and edited with another million small and large corrections.
06/12/2015: Chapter 3 given a thorough editing and revision.
06/23/2015: Chapter 4 taken to the gutter and edited twice to be sure.
07/14/2015: Chapter 5 thoroughly brutalized with the editing stick.
08/03/2016: Chapter 6 finally edited. Yes, I'm still alive, dammit.
09/29/2016: Chapter 7 fell out of the editing tree and hit every editing branch on the way down.
10/26/2016: Chapter 8 has emerged from the editing emergency room.
11/17/2016: Chapter 9 found and edited. No casualties reported.
11/30/2016: Chapter 10 treated for whiplash after lightning fast editing.
12/22/2016: Chapter 11 edited. Chrysalis shot first.
01/17/2017: Epilogue edited. Time to hit the cider.

Chapters (12)

Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash are about to find out.

For science.

Rated for sexual humor; contains no actual sex.

Pre-reader by The Albinocorn and RTStephens. Cover art by Baekgup

Readings by SheldawG (channel contains NSFW content) and Night Guard Rob Royale

Chapters (1)

This fanfic was written in 24 hours as part of a Charity Challenge to raise money for BBC Children in Need and is posted here exactly as it was at the completion of the time limit.
I went into this without any plan. I'm so, so sorry.

Moondancer's house has been destroyed, which isn't the best start to the week. Of course, she's more concerned with the closure of Canterlot Public Library, after plunder vines wreck the city .

With nowhere else to turn, Moondancer decides to seek out her once-friend, Lyra Heartstrings, in the hopes of finding a place to stay the night. But when she makes her first trip to the famed Golden Oaks Library, Moondancer runs into a familiar face—one that she hoped she would never see again.

Unable to go home, and with nowhere else to study, Moondancer soon finds herself spending more time with Twilight Sparkle, and is surprised to find that their friendship is not so difficult to heal. But is it really friendship that she wants?

This fic is dedicated to:
Dubs Rewatcher, Horizon, Callypony, Pineta, Lalzu, Oroboro, GMP, Dubs Rewatcher (again), FDA, and everyone else who has donated to the ongoing fundraiser!

(Also thanks to KingRui for the awesomerific, appropriately speed-drawn cover art!)

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle thinks that Cheerilee would provide a very interesting partner... to talk to... about literature. Nothing else. Right?

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Queen No More

Twilight Sparkle made the most foolish and selfless decision possible. She saved the life of Queen Chrysalis. The dynamics of Twilight's relationships begin to change as Chrysalis introduces the changeling hivemind to her pony caretaker. Chrysalis' only hope was to relieve her loneliness, but events begin to unfold that will change Equestria forever.

Nothing is stronger than the power of redemption...

1. This is the sequel to Queen No More but there is a time jump between its end and Hive Alive's beginning.
2. This is Alternate universe due to the fact that this story will run off of a disparate timeline. Events forward of season 2 may be similar OR significantly altered.
3. There is mention in Chapter 3 of an old changeling tale titled As a Star. A version of this has been written by Farseer.

NO MORE UPDATES: The story is complete. A sequel has been made: Queen of Equestria.


Updated outer cover, inner cover, and description!
2 new HD wallpapers!
Hive Alive 2013
Hive Alive 2014
New extras collection, Hive Alive Moments, including...
Too Hot
Perfect Marriage
The Hive Before Halloween
Take Two
Shy My Heart

Featured May 24th, 2014 and on every chapter release since then.

Art by BlackWater (that's me)

Chapters (50)