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Contains Movie Spoilers

Derpy arrived home after yet another long, grueling day at the post office, wanting nothing more than to unwind with a nice cup of tea and some muffins.

She never would have expected Twilight Sparkle to interrupt her rest, nor did she expect the events to follow when the Princess of Friendship wanted to talk about a deed that had gone unnoticed.

Cover art by FluffyXai and used with permission.

Top featured on 12/8/17

Chapters (3)

When you're down in the dumps, all it takes is something simple to raise your spirits.

For Twilight, simple things somehow end up arriving in ways she wouldn't expect.

Contains spoilers for the My Little Pony movie.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis thinks jokes, puns, and off-key musical numbers are the way to Twilight's heart (and bed).

She is ever so slightly, possibly, potentially, just a wee smidgen completely and utterly wrong.


Chapters (1)

Stella finds a new world full of wonders, what starts as pure research becomes something life changing for her.
There are stories with characters dance around each other and finding each other just at the end of the story... this is not one of them. The focus is on their relationship.

"sex" tag because of all the sexual innuendo, without writing explicitly what they are doing.
There is now a mature version if you want explicit sex scenes. For science (mature version)

Picture made by the very talented PriDark (commission)

Chapters (43)

After a dozen books and twice as many adventures, there was little that could out-puzzle Daring Do. Ancient tombs, civilizations long forgotten, dastardly villains—she'd seen and bested them all. There wasn't a single adventure she hadn't conquered.

Though, as always, Rainbow Dash succeeds at proving to be the exception to the rule.

Preread by Carabutt and Jondor.

Cover art by Rossby Waves.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Winds of Change

Changelings have always been a secretive race, shrouded in mystery and keeping to themselves, staying unnoticed and in the shadows, feeding where they could and avoiding discovery at all costs. When Chrysalis made peace with Celestia, the veil of secrecy and subterfuge was shattered, and thanks to Twilight's efforts, the other changeling queens can no longer remain hidden.

Of course, Twilight is more than happy to leave the tricky diplomacy to Celestia. She's having a hard enough time dealing with her own amorous changeling queen and her new personal pegasus guard competing with her.


Cover work done by the talented Jazzy. You can find his works here and his stream here.

Editing work provided by Snoodude and MisterGunpowder.

Chapters (14)

Some Canterlot entertainers aren't just musicians... and some ponies fall in love with them anyways.

When one of Equestria's most popular cellists appears at Twilight's birthday party, it's just another gig for Octavia, but a shock for Twilight and the rest of the party-goers. She arrives, wishes Twilight a happy birthday, wows them with her beautiful music, wows them with her musical beauty, and doesn't leave until after everypony else has left. So when a few ponies suggest that this 'entertainer' might be more than just a musician... some eyebrows are raised, but nothing more. Twilight is beyond reproach, after all, and Octavia can earn her living however she wants. When she sticks around Ponyville, however, it becomes a slightly different story - Twilight is romantically-naive, after all, and Octavia is... most certainly not.

The romance of Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's protege, and Octavia van Clef, Canterlot's most famous entertainer.

Rated 'Teen'. Per FimFiction's rating guidelines, this story contains some 'more adult themes', but has no 'graphically adult content'. Rated primarily for sexually suggestive material, but also (in later chapters) alcohol use and adult language.

Chapters (11)

Sol was a stallion living a secret life, but after an incident involving his father's side of the family, he was hidden away and sealed within a crystal. That was over one thousand years ago, and has since then remained dormant, waiting to be awakened to aid Equestria in a time of dire need, or when it's finally safe enough for him to return. At least, that's how it was supposed to go.

Having been accidentally awoken, Sol must now adjust to the present world, cope with what he's lost with time, sort out his growing feelings for another pony, and eventually, accept his position in this modern-day Equestria. However, even after a thousand years, some grudges aren't so easily forgotten.

Note: Tags may be added as the story progresses.

First Featured on 3/25/17:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (65)

"Backstage Affair" has gotten a sequel! Check out "Centre Stage Romance" here!

It could have been a normal evening for Twilight. Hanging out with her student, experimenting with magic, trying to fix the map... Thanks to Pinkie, it wasn't.
Now she was here in Manehattan, at night, and to keep the crazy, pink mare at hoof's length, she had no choice than to hunt after an obscure destiny that was supposed to change her life... Something she did not believe in the slightest.
That her life would get turned upside down by a random visit of Manehattan at night was just completely absurd, that's something Twilight was sure about...

Short Twinyl shipfic, commissioned by Rubahhitam for winning the fourth Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders fic contest. Set after the events of "The Saddle Row Review" and a few days before the events of "Spice Up Your Life".

Cover picture was drawn by MrSpanners on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)

When passions flare and new relationships begin at the Grand Galloping Gala, it can be difficult to sort things out through the warmth and glow of young, budding love. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Captain Spitfire know full well such things are supposed to have a certain progression, but they're not going to let that stop them from enjoying each other's company as much as they can.

Prereading/Editing help by Cryosite, Jondor, Melon Hunter, Meridian Prime, and Timaeus.
Artwork by FlutterThrash.

Chapters (20)