• Member Since 15th Dec, 2015

Darth Maximus

My name is Darth Maimus, lord of lords: Look at my carnage, ye mighty, and despair! For this is simply the beginning of my conquest!

The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories
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Total Words: 35,807,783
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks


  • The Sith Holocron of Infinitus 608 stories Lord Infinitus had gathered a large collection of logs detailing advance worlds and technology.

  • The Sith Holocron of Vesper 662 stories This Holocron belongs to the Dark Maiden of Twilight. Untold amount of Sith Sorcery is contained here.

  • The Sith Holocron of Plagueis 331 stories Within this Holocron contains his study on the aspect of the dark side and the concept of death itself.


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"Are you happy? You know it’s your duty, right? Do as you’re expected!”

Twilight Sparkle lives with her friends in a technologically advanced utopia, where the happiness of everybody is guaranteed. There are no fights, no heartbreak, and no troubles of the past. Everybody lives in bliss.

Twilight and her friends need to rebel.


A/N If you're worried about that there OC tag, I can assure you that the only OCs are a few supporting characters. Rated Teen for violence and swearing, but used in moderation.
Beautiful cover art by the amazing Conicer

Chapters (28)

A long time ago, Twilight Sparkle, former Princess of Friendship and Magic, was banished to the Land of Twilight, a plane of existence where the Sun and the Moon stay in opposite places in the sky; never setting, always watching their only prisoner.
However, after one thousand years of imprisonment, the magical seal holding the plane together breaks and Twilight is set free... into a world that no longer remembers her, neither does she remember it.

Confused and lost in a mysterious world, and with ponies of dubious intentions aiding her, Twilight will have to find the only pony who can help her. And the only one she remembers.

This story is suffering 'rewriting'. Everything will be destroyed cleaned, some chapters will go into the trash and others will pop up and replace them, like changelings craving love. Characters will be wiped out of existence, orange ponies will be reduced to normal level of badass-ness and [DATA EXPUNGED].
Jesus Christ.

Chapters (3)

Clover the Clever was one of the greatest spellcasters of all time, only falling short of her teacher, Star Swirl. No pony could match her spell for spell but he.

Her friends are departed. Private Pansy is in the far south, exploring new territories. Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie are far too busy with diplomacy to ever speak to her. Commander Hurricane has flown far to the north to chase the Nimbus Ring. Her last company is her oldest friend, Platinum.

Now she's alone.

Platinum vanished without a trace right front of her, immensely powerful magical energy nearly burning her senses. Something has taken the Once-Princess, but unlike Hurricane, she has no need to travel far into the outer reaches of the world to find what she seeks.

No, for Clover and Star Swirl, the culprit lies far closer to home.

A side story to From The Mist.

Lastly, if you dislike my story, kindly leave a comment telling me exactly why. Every bit helps, and I aim to please.

Chapters (3)

Twilight went to sleep with everything being fine. When she woke up, she would come face to face with Sombra once more, but this time, he has an offer. One she would love to refuse. If only she could.

Chapters (1)

Lost and alone in the Everfree Forest, the showmare known as The Great & Powerful Trixie is beset upon by monsters only to find herself even more lost, and worse still, in a world not her own. Can she find her way home? Is there even anything she cares about going back to?

Perhaps this unexpected turn of events is exactly what the out of luck performer needed to make a fresh start.

This Crossover will feature elements drawn from both Doctor Who and Harry Potter.

Chapters (2)

No story is ever truly whole unto only itself, there are always details and events that go untold. This is one such tale. While searching through the Everfree forest, Twilight Sparkle encounters a musical aquatic trio, but are they really what the claim to be? Not if this unicorn has anything to say on the matter.

-- This story is set in RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse, and details an off-screen encounter that took place during the events of Boast Busted.
-- Art elements modified from source material by DeviantTy and my own shoddy screen cap work.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia, is sent by her teacher to retrieve a very specific book from the Royal Library. The only problem is, she doesn't know what it's called or where to find it.

Fortunately for her, libraries are the most orderly, most mundane and certainly the safest of places one could possibly be. Or, so she thinks.

Twilight is about to find out how very strange the world of books can truly be.

This story takes place before season 1. Many thanks to Coandco and Ekevoo for editing and pre-reading.
Cover image: Old Book Bindings

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Boast Busted

Scholar … Prodigy … Fugitive …

After an unfortunate turn of events, Twilight Sparkle has found her self on the wrong side of the law and on the run. It wasn't her fault though, well maybe a little, but Trixie was the real criminal. That witch, she had tricked Twilight into all it! If only there was some way to prove to Princess Luna who the real Element of Magic should be.

If only there was some way…

-- This story is set in RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse, and is a sequel to the events of Boast Busted. If you haven't already read that fic you should consider doing so for improved context.
-- Twilight Sparkle vector by Klarnetist

Chapters (12)

The fires of rage burn indiscriminately, and so in the inevitable wake of the aftermath which follows only despair remains.

Chapters (1)

A vengeful demon steals Starswirl the Bearded from his pleasant afterlife and shoves his spirit in a book.

Starswirl is secretly elated by this.

Not so much once he meets the pony he'll be staying with for the indefinite future.

Featured on 13/02/2015

Proofread by the wonderful God Of Physics and CryHavoc21.

Art courtesy of the awesome Lightspeed!

Chapters (7)