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A man, empty.
A mare, damaged.
A life, lived.
A life - loved.

Now with its own TV Tropes page!

Chapters (21)

Stop me me if you heard this one: I have been sent to Canterlot High on a personal quest. Now... Wait. Isn't this supposed to be the Nightmare Night Special? Why is my Nightmare Night Special stuck in Equestria Girls? That's not scary! Wouldn't it be better if I was in... You know what? I'm okay with this. At least that doesn't mean some demonic, evil entity wants me to be her slave... Oh yeah, that's right. Sunset Shimmer.

Anyways, my name is Woundsalt.

Thanks to Spirit Shift for this lovely little cover.

And for those you don't know... You better hip to the jive.

Chapters (1)

Many thought he was just a legend, but Lyra Heartstrings and Carrot Top come face to face with the beast of legend: The legendary Brony!

Chapters (1)

"And here you'll see the statue of the Lord of Chaos, Discord, imprisoned in stone..."

A group of students from the School for Gifted Unicorns are given a chance to visit Celestia's royal garden and a curious filly decides to ask about a statue that's in their tour, where they all hear the story of how the spirit of chaos fell into a stone imprisonment for the third and final time.

Art by: Kabudragon

Chapters (1)

Displaced Story

I am Laharl and I am stuck in a museum in Canterlot…as a statue. It has been an eternity since I was turned into stone. Fully conscious to endure the mockery of these pony abominations. But I’m not imprisoned anymore. I managed to break out. You DON’T want to know how. I shudder at the memory.

But however…now behold, because the great and powerful Laharl is back! I’m going to build an army and free the one being in this world I trust the most. Afterwards I will crush the ones who imprisoned me.

Though I have to admit, that I was weakened through my imprisonment, which makes defeating the two sisters a real challenge. Or more of, I have to gather my strength first, before I can strike. They may be lucky for now, but I swear that I will get my revenge.

Hmhmhm… Haaahahahaha!!!!!

Yeah, this is a displaced story. The character has just gone crazy and thinks he is Laharl himself! :twilightsheepish:

Cover art by myself. You could call it the usual, since it consists of two pictures chopped together to one. I'm just taking the easy way here.

Crossover: Disgaea

Chapters (12)

Luna's return was met with significant fanfare, though with all the fuss dying down, and with the formal re-establishment of the night court months away, Luna seems to have had little to do other than lounging around.

or so Celestia thinks.

When she finds Luna entering the Ministry of Records unannounced she wonders, Just what is her little sister up to?

Edit: WOOO! Featured on June 2, 2015 (at least in my country's timezone i think) Thanks to everyone!

Chapters (1)

David Carrian can't help but be attached to his amazing, very expensive computer. As such, when a virus sneaks onto his system without his knowing, he puts all of his focus and knowledge into removing the threat that is screwing with his memory and CPU.

But he hears something coming from his headphones. A quiet, almost unnoticeable voice cries out from behind the computer screen. On one hand, knowing that the virus is playing such sickening sound effects drives him harder to fix the problem. On the other however, he stops to think after he finally makes out the words said to him...

"...Help me..."

This tale follows heavily on the Slice-of-Life and drama side of things, but sways towards adventure halfway through the story. As of Chapter 13 (treehouse.exe V1.31), we have not reached that point yet.

Episodes beyond season three episode two are ignored.

Click here to listen to a reading of the first chapter by Griffin Productions!

Chapters (14)

This is a one shot. It is the first one I've ever written and it was done in one session.

Dark tag is for implying certain outcomes.

Alexander suddenly finds himself in the world of Equestria without any explanation at all. He finds himself as one of the Pinkie Pie clones from the episode "Too many Pinkies" and staring at paint. He dares not move as he knows what's coming if he does. With only his knowledge of MLP:FIM and the memories of the clone he now inhabits he has to find a way to stay, while keeping the real Pinkie Pie out of danger as well.

This one, is a hard one.

This idea hit me like a truck after reading "Drifting" Written by: ShadowKirby

Featured: (2015-05-14) to (2015-05-18) Thank you all! Also, this story now has a sequel, it's called "This is worse!".

IK+ likes? Holy Guacamole!:rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)

The Mane Six, Spike, and the two alicorn princesses are sucked into an alien world. They soon discover that they have been transported to a galaxy far, far from home. A galaxy which is under the control of the evil Galactic Empire and where Emperor Palpatine knows of them and wants to use them for his own nefarious purposes.

Twilight must lead her friends on their journey through a cruel and hostile galaxy, avoiding the Imperial forces and bounty hunters sent after them, trying to find the Rebel Alliance.

They may be the ponies' only hope for getting home . . . .

Bonus: here's the main title music for this story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB4xZpWumYg

Chapters (31)

When Rainbow Dash agrees to temporarily care for an abandoned foal, she ends up getting more than she bargained for. Under the scrutiny of the public eye, Rainbow Dash has to try and bring up little Taboo right.

Chapters (16)