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It has been said to be place in Equestria where evil creatures are held prisoner, and guarded by the mythical three-headed dog, Cerberus. The guardian of this underworld prevents any and all of its inhabitants from escaping into the bright world of Equestria.

However, just as there as many stars in the sky, there are just as many forms of Tartarus and just as many gates. Some of these forms are entirely different worlds, netherworlds spoiled by spite, cruelty, blood soaked taboos, bad one-liners, mimes, and boundless riffraff.

Many a stallion have wondered what lies behind these gates – What worlds are hidden by the darkness guarded by Cerberus? Only the bravest and foolish know, and of those few… Well, they’re more like idiots cause nopony’s ever seen them again once they found that answer.

… What was I talking about again?

Oh, right, the story. So yeah…

As I said, a number of stallions have crossed the gates into Tartarus, but what if a denizen from the Netherworld stumbled into Equestria?

Disgaea Crossover

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Chapters (9)

I, Fusion Fool the Third, as well as 4 accomplises, have discovered a way to enter Equestria, dood.

Lots of hard work later, and now we are here to stay so that Lady Sparkle will treat us better then the demons we once served under, dood.

I shall document this historic event with my own flippers, dood!

NEW as of April 11th 2012! Next Episode segments form the Disgaea games have been included to ALL chapters and any future chapters, If I get off my lazy butt.

Safe Warning: this was written for giggles, so the sentence structure may be lacking, dood.

Chapters (16)

Supreme Overlord of the Dominion of Equestria.
Wonderful title isn't it?
Capture the Country, Marry the Princess, Take over the world.
Sounds like an Adventure story doesn't it?
Well this is no story.
How do I know? Well I'm not stupid for one.
All those other dolts that came before fell into too many simple traps.
They're all so easy to avoid.
That's why I work to rule.
The rules.
The Rules of an Evil Overlord.

Chapters (84)

The overlord is a powerful figure. He commands entire legions of devious and menacing imps who obey his commands without question. His age old deal with Beelzebub having granted him untold power, there's just one problem.

He's already conquered earth.

So when he gets his glowing red eyes on Equestria he travels there immediately.

Things could've gone better.

Featured on the 5/1/2015
Even though it was a fleeting moment, and lasted about five minuted, we did it, and I am so happy for it. Thank you to everybody who favourited and liked and decided to keep reading it!

Chapters (21)

After being trapped in the Abyss following his defeat of the Forgotten God, the Third Overlord seeks a way to return to his family and his Minions. To this end, he has constructed a massive gateway, with which he hopes to relink his old world with his new domain. Unfortunately, in the final stages of construction, a magical disturbance rocks across the dimensional boundaries and causes the portal’s aim to veer sharply to the left.

In Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are investigating an unexplained phenomena at the castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. An ancient summoning circle, used by Nightmare Moon to summon demons and Eldritch horrors to her side during the Lunar Rebellion, has activated. And something is coming through from the other side.

Cover Art belongs to Metal-Kitty on Deviant Art

Chapters (1)

A plot between two meddling immortals to find something to occupy their young charges time with sees Laharl, Overlord of the Netherworld stranded in Equestria. Twilight Sparkle is tasked with looking after the displaced demon while a way back home can be found for him.

Unbeknownst to either conspirator dark forces take note of the cheerful little planet inhabited by the peaceful equines, with their own designs for the colorful land.

(technically there are no actual humans since they're all demons or angels...but I threw the human tag on there to be safe)
I feel like a small disclaimer may be needed. I'm planning to take some pretty severe liberties with Equestria and many of the characters from the show, so now and again they may act a bit out of canon character. Just a heads up!

Chapters (9)

Having lost the Overlord some time ago, the long-lived advisor imp, Gnarl, and the all of the other minions toil over their loss. This Overlord, was perhaps the best of all compared to the past ones. During this time though, they have found a spell in a tome that may re-unite them with their master. But smally printed in the dusty and aged book, a message states that the spell comes with mixed results. Will they bring back their master? Will they fail? Or, will they re-unite in a mysterious new land ripe for plundering?

This is a satirical comedy of regular stories of heroes against villains. This story, instead of regular ones, features the villain as the protagonist and the heroes as antagonists. If you enjoy a story in which the Mane 6 are finally shown as vunerable instead of invunerable whenever dangers appear, feel free to take a gander yonder.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Just Horsing Around

Over a year has passed since Ryan found his way into this land of technicolor ponies, and he's adjusted pretty well despite many interesting truths coming to light and completely turning his world around. While he and his herd now have to deal with their new status as royalty, they've managed to keep their lives pretty much the same.
Unfortunately, things never remain quiet forever, and as they're about to find out, their greatest challenges still lay ahead.

It only took forever, but here it finally is! The long-awaited sequel to Just Horsing Around! We hope it's been worth the wait!

Chapters (3)

Across the vast sea of reality, multitudes of worlds exist in the great Omniverse. For every decision and variable, there is an Equestria that is unique to it's inter-dimensional neighbors. Normally, these boundaries are not easily broken, and the different realities know not of one another.
...unfortunately, thanks to lack of foresight and the cosmos being mischievous as always, DJ Sparkle and Malice are about to break that boundary in the hardest way possible. The consequences of such an action will make themselves known as this single act throws an entire other reality into disarray.
And to think, Ryan and Darkness Shade were hoping their trip to Canterlot after the escapade in Tartarus would be a relaxing one. Between having to deal with an inter-dimensional pone, his obnoxiously loud other self, and an evil cult hoping to capitalize on the instability between worlds to "resurrect" their chaotic master's "true self", it'll take all the heroes they can muster to save their herd, their home, and perhaps most of all: their sweet, sweet plots!

As teased at being real, and having taken on a life of it's own, Ryan and Darkness Shade of Just Horsing Around will finally have the tale be told of when they crossed paths with DJ Sparkle and Malice of My New Life With Ponies?!. Whether yer a fan of one story or both, this tale will most certainly not disappoint!

Chapters (4)

While writing Just Horsing Around, I had the idea to write a story for a particular event happening on another site; noting it wouldn't really fit well in JHA proper I decided to make a spin-off series of tales called 'Pony Tails' in which I could write little one-offs that are usually ideas I come up with that fit better on their own or are bits I allude to happening in the main story's timeline but work better as a silly idea all their own. These come a little slower, but nonsense makes itself known at it's own choosing so I don't doubt more than what is posted will show up. XD

Oh and, it goes without saying, these will possibly have some spoilers for interactions or events that happen in the main story, so read with caution if ya don't want anything spoiled. I'll try to remember to put in the author's note which chapter you should read up to if ya don't want the Pony Tail to spoil anything...but I won't ever spoil anything big...or at least try not to anyway.

Chapters (3)