• Member Since 12th Jan, 2016


Fan of different types of species

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This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Four

With her newfound responsibilities as Queen, Kuno has seen fit to lead the changelings towards a life of coexistance with ponies.

But there are those who would wish to see such an endeavour fail, and they're not above taking action to make it fail.

Cover art commissioned by Iakovl, drawn by Derpah.

Chapters (10)

A sequel to Instant Mom!

Cumulus is now 18 years old and ready to graduate. But, her mother has done so much for her...what could she do to show her that she appreciated all that she had done for her? When she learns that Rainbow once had a dream to get into the Wonderbolts, she sees her chance to see her mother happy. Rainbow accepts the offer, seeing that Cue isn't a baby anymore; with the rest of the mane 6 watching Cumulus she feels like she's all set to take care of herself while her mother is away with the aerial team for performances. Right?

I hope this will satisfy fans of the first story!
Cover art done by Roxanne10

This is now rated Teen because of some content that will be featured later on, I won't spoil it for you but when you do read it I hope you can forgive me.

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Chapters (14)