• Member Since 10th Feb, 2016


I just simply like reading fanfictions.

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Months of torment without end. Months of going to school, fearing each torturous moment. Rarity, broken and afraid, finds solace in a small clearing in a forest near her school. Her bullies do not come for her there.

Until one day they do.

They make their intentions of beating her up quite plain, and when the leader went to attack her... What she did; she didn't mean for it to happen that way, but it happened.

In the main timeline, she killed all three of her tormentors and went on to become a deadly serial killer. Here, one of them escapes, and Rarity is caught right away...

An alternate universe of The Secret Life of Rarity

Cover art link

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Chapters (20)

This is the first installment to the Eternity Series:

• You Are Here – Slave of Eternity – Savior of Eternity •

NOTICE: Some chapter break and other images aren't working the way they should be. Here is the reason why. So sorry in advance.

The epic of Pinkie Pie and the Immortal Man who's fate is tied to Equestria's. His life will be filled with dangers, choices, secrets, love, and most importantly, beauty. As time flows, the world begins to understand the immortal, and the immortal begins to understand his true purpose in the universe.

Two side notes: The main character comes from an Earth where MLP does not exist, so he is not a brony. That and this story is based around knowledge of seasons 1-2.

Chapters (23)

After a run in with the Flim Flam brothers, Applejack and her family end up taking in the robotic stallion Big Lugnut. Big Lugnut denies all claims that he is a robot despite Applejack's constant persistence on the matter. This story chronicles the moments of tears and laughter during his exploits in and around Ponyville.

Chapters (18)

When deafness stole away her music, Octavia Melody became the greatest composer in Equestria. Her Tenth Symphony lies finished before her, the pinnacle of all her work, done against all odds at the very end of her life.

Yet the clock ticks, and she finds herself under the gaze of gods and devils. With only Discord's mocking aid, Octavia must journey through her past to save her very soul.

Cover art by JowyB!

(A ponified take on "Beethoven's Last Night" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra.)

(AU-tagged because the quasi-godly figures such as Celestia, Tirek, and Discord occupy a pantheon with rules and limits instead of simply being protagonists and villains.)

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Wandering Star

1002 years ago, Nightmare Moon and Commander Bolt lead Equestria into a year long war which ravaged the lands and spread nothing but fear and pain to the ponies of Equestria. now, Princess Luna has returned to her life of leisure and peace... however her commander now lives his life with self pity and regret. With the weight of the world on his shudders, he hides his identity, ability, and past under rumors and speculation, hoping that the world will assume him dead, and leave him to live in peace. This lonely commander now finds a new home and new friend that make him forget his troubled past.
However, an ancient evil will soon return from its prison too... only this time, it wont be so peaceful for the survivors, of his last rein of death and destruction more than two millenniums ago. Now... the commander must set aside his pride and his anger for the crown. to try all he can to protect his former love... and his friends. when even the Elements of Harmony arn't enough. But what will happen to this broken heart... when his world is once again torn apart, from death and destruction.
(The Sequel to Tears of a Fallen Star and The Wandering Bolt)

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Tears of a Fallen Star

Story of a broken soul, Commander Star Bolt the commander of Nightmare Moon's armies and her right hoof in a rebellion that was thwarted over a thousand years ago, has returned to Equestria and faked his own death so that he can put away his life of sin and live peacefully as a wondering pony. however, with rumors of his survival thriving, he is forced to dodge Princess Celestia and her Royal Guards and live a life of secrecy rather then peace. but is this tethered soldier really the monster of The Nightmare Legion? or is the evil that describes him, as phony as his own death? listen closely, as the ponies who meet this so called monster tell the tail of his travels from their own point of views.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Change: Avia

It has been forty-five years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright, forty-three years since she became Queen of the Hive. And never has it been harder on her than when a new power in the Undiscovered West makes itself known to the world.

The New Kingdom, another land of ponies. Unicorns dominate The New Kingdom, left behind during the founding of Equestria and ruled by their ruthless monarch. Their threats soon come, and ponies and changelings alike are left in a difficult position. One that may drive the Queen to the brink and destroy the fragile peace between Equestria and the changeling hives forever...

Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Cover Art was designed by Jesuka.
Featured on 05/05/2019.

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to Messenger

Sunset Shimmer has found herself spending a great deal of time with the Dazzlings as of late, as they adjust to their new life-after-magic. Though, considering what the four of them used to be, does she really know Adagio as well as she thinks?

A big thanks to Bookish Delight for collaborative help with vetting my ideas, supplying a few, authorial advice, editing, and general encouragement throughout the process here.

And thanks, as usual, to Csquared08 for additional pre-reading and some brief technical input.

Teen for occasional language, alcohol references and light intimacy.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Once Monsters

Gazing out across the ocean has a way of affecting a person. The vastness of the sea might bring peace to a troubled spirit. Its depths can open doors to soul-searching introspection. Its eternity, for some, may evoke the ache of longing for loved-ones lost—and for others, the memory of home.

But then... what is home? Perhaps there's more than just one simple answer.

SunDagio intensifies.

If you haven't read any of the prior stories, you'll want to for the sake of some context for how these two got to where they are now. (An Open Door is the first.) And I'm opting for a slow release of the chapters this time around, unlike the daily cycle for Monsters. The full story is outlined, but the chapters will be prose'd-out and written one at a time.

Editing and idea-bouncing by Bookish Delight.
Additional pre-reading by Theigi.
(If you're into some deep history for the sirens Equestira-side, check out her thing. Seriously. Do it.)

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to CRISIS: Equestria

This is a short collection of side chapters for CRISIS: Equestria focused primarily on the conclusion of Lockwood and Blackburn's story in regards to the events of CRISIS: A Royal Affair.

Edited by Devnator, who also served as a creative consultant.

Chapters (4)