• Member Since 18th Mar, 2016

Thunder Cloud

Applejack is best pony. No question about it.

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SPOILERS for Gravity Falls' season 2 & series finale (Seriously, GF is best gone into blind!). Set during MLP:FIM Season 6 after "The Crystalling". You have been warned!

This cover art is not mine. It's a placeholder until I can make my own. Found it through google. It belongs to Pony Stark. Go check out their other artwork too.

One year after Weirdmageddon, the Pines reunite in Gravity Falls for another summer of adventure. A fall into Equestria wasn't what they had in mind though, or being turned into colorful ponies...

Twilight and friends seek to help the lost travelers return home, but meanwhile, a new danger sets its sights on Equestria, and revenge.

MLP / Gravity Falls Crossover

Big Thanks to MyOwnNameWasTaken for being my Beta Reader. Go check out his stories, too! :twilightsmile:

Author's Note: So after the epic Gravity Falls finale that was Weirdmageddon, and the welcome surprise of MLP's season 6 starting, I got inspired to write this. Hope you like it! Also, to those wondering about Daring Do and the Order of the Eagle, yes, I do plan on continuing it and fixing those first chapters. But I currently have writer's block for it, unfortunately, as well as other projects, so that might take a little while. :fluttershysad:

P.S. To those readers who feel the need to give me "thumbs down" votes: I would really appreciate it if you would please leave a comment telling me why you down-voted. I can't improve my writing if I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Obligatory Disclaimer: I do not own Gravity Falls or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Gravity Falls is owned by Disney. Everybody here already knows who MLP is owned by.

Chapters (12)

For the first time in over a year, Princess Flurry Heart is left alone, creating the perfect opportunity for any ol' villain to come and take her away.

Those poor bastards.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How's This For A Stinging Sensation?

Princess Celestia encounters a cockroach after making her breakfast. Naturally, she handles the situation like most ponies would.

Reading by Wolf newman.

Reading by LazerPewPew.

Reading by Lead Bread.

Reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade.

Cover art also courtesy of Wolf newman.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna decides that risking the lives of the Elements of Harmony time and time again is hardly the most sensible or strategic response to the threats Equestria faces, leading her to seek an alternative solution, one which will ensure Equestria's protection in a more efficient manner.

The vagrants and outcasts of Equestria then find themselves presented with a proposition, one which could ensure their futures and prosperity... Assuming they survive the tasks requested of them that is.

Additional tags: Princess Ember, Bon Bon / Sweetie Drops, Changeling.
Old Cover Art
TvTropes Page

Chapters (15)

Ted Valiant has been running the Valiant and Valiant detective agency on his own since his father Eddie passed away. When Twilight Sparkle, one of the stars of the hit show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, goes missing, the studio calls Ted to find their missing actress.

Crossover with Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Chapters (1)