Favourites 1113 stories
  • Favourites 1113 stories - 46 unread chapters
    Created by mune72
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 18,467,258
Estimated Reading: 7 weeks



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We trained her.
We taught her.
We raised her to godhood.
She brought us down to earth.

Sequel can be found here: Memoirs in Ink and Blood

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Monster We Made

She betrayed us.
She mislead us.
She imposed her rule upon us.
We rose in defiance.

Chapters (20)

Many have heard of the Swords of Justice, but not so much their mortal equivalent. The Shields of Justice have not been around as long, but they definitely do good, however, not all of their number are pure. Just after this brutal realization, an ancient, almost forgotten god is released, and brings their number to Equus, including the bad apples. Now, with the help of the worlds pony denizens, Their leader, Gallavant and his allies must find their betrayers and rid the world of them, before they corrupt this beautiful, relatively good new world.

Chapters (3)

Tyler was a fairly average Pokémon trainer from Hoenn. All he really wanted was to explore, battle, and grow stronger. But all of that is interrupted when Arceus escapes his ancient prison and brings him, his team, and many other inhabitants of his planet to Equus.
Now, with the help of Fancypants, a rich noblepony, and Valerie, an unique Poison-type eeveelution, he must face a variety of challenges with help from his friends, new and old, as he learns to live with his new body, in this brand new world.

Based in the "A New World, A New Way" verse, by ZeusDemigod131

Cover art by VotedDerpyCauseMuffins

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle Exports Herself Repeatedly

After a drastic and ill-advised attempt to quash news stories regarding her previously non-existent love life, Twilight Sparkle has inadvertently given practically everypony she knows the wrong idea about herself. Or is it the right idea? She really doesn't know.

Which is starting to become a very serious problem.

The writer has no idea what he's doing at this point.

Chapters (2)

A breakthrough in science appeared in Opelucid City's laboratory, allowing one to see beyond the dimensions of their own.

Then, Arceus's exodus occured. Due to the nature of the equipment in the lab, the destination of the lab workers had shifted towards a different destination. Now, Mono, Lith and the other Pokemon and former humans have to unite with the residents of a futuristic version of Equestria so that they can survive underneath the shadows of a new dimension filled with less than friendly alien contact and ancient secrets.

NOTE: Alternate spinoff of Zeusdemigod131's A New World, A New Way. Preread by Warrior_Princess and Zeusdemigod131

Chapters (57)

Lyra’s hunt for the supernatural in Ponyville continues unabated, and this week the object of her desire is not changelings, nor sea-ponies, but the rare and secretive human. With the help of her plucky (and irritable) assistant Rainbow Dash, Lyra is sure that this time she’s going to get to the bottom of a real mystery. However, the real question is why does Rainbow Dash hate humans?

With thanks to Thornwing, JCatt and Lord of Dorkness with their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

The Mane Six were taken, abducted to be more exact and at the orders of the Queen of Blades were made Zerg. The Mane Six travel with their Queen to help her accomplish her revenge against the man who had ruined her life. They travel with the once again human Kerrigan to crush the Dominion and anything else that stand in their path.

As of 10/5/2022 this story if officially canceled, my apologies to all who were awaiting its end. More information here.

Chapters (19)

"Have you ever wished you can control the sun? Have the wind dance at your fingertips? Make a mighty waterfall shoot from a puddle? I have..."

Naomi Misuka and her friend, Landon Ward, are the recent victims of a Dimensional misplacement. Stranded as the two white wolves, Amaterasu and Chibiterasu, they strive to find a way home (While having a little fun with ol' Sunbutt).

I. Regret. Nothing. This has been on my mind for a looong while now and so I'm doing it. Just take nothing seriously.

I own NO pictures or music used in this story.

Chapters (8)

~A crossover with Civilisation: Beyond Earth~

Equestria is living on borrowed time. By controlling the movements of the sun and moon, the Unicorns, and later the Princesses, were able hold off the death of their star. But now that time is up, and Ponykind wants to survive, they will have to copy a species they discovered only recently, and take to the stars in search of a new home.

If you like the story so far, leave a like to show your support:twilightsmile: . If there are some parts that you feel are weak (i.e. Structure, Continuity Error, Characterisation) please feel free to point it out in the comments. This story will get better as it goes on both in content and structure. Trust me:pinkie happy:

Credit List:
Co-Authors: Architect Ironturtle, Brother Malachai
Editors and Proofreaders: Architect Ironturtle, Savoured Thoughts, Malefactory, Curious Quill
Artists: Hei201, CheshireTwilight

If you like to know the progress of the story, head over to my user page and check the story progress box.

Featured: 07-1-2016 Thank you guys!

Chapters (16)