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    Created by mune72
    - October, 2014
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This is a crossover between My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Hâ‚‚O: Just Add Water.

Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are swimming in the pool on Knacker Island under a full moon, and become mermares. They're not all necessarily very happy about it.

Also Flash Sentry is randomly a rich kid that nopony likes.

Warning: this story would be tagged [Random] [Comedy] if it had turned out to be funnier. It's kind of a silly parody crossover thing. If you want a sensible crossover between Hâ‚‚O and My Little Pony, try H2O: Just Add Friendship by Jaded Naruko (or just stop wanting that).

Cover is based on art by tashiepie and toonham. Pre-read and made slightly less awful by Remedyfortheheart and Infinity Shade. ♥Thanks♥!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is one the fastest ponies in Equestria. She's always usually 1st in anything. First to get her cutie mark & first to win a race.

So, a certain aggrivating shell speeds to make her 5th place. Rainbow isn't too eager to taste the rage, so she'll need back up.

[Just for Kicks.]

Chapters (1)

Twilight's latest creation was meant to allow them a glimpse of civilizations not of their world. What they hear however, is more saddening, beautiful, and inspiring than they could have imagined.

Ponies picking up human transmission story for fun. Hope you enjoy.

Chapters (2)

Discord Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony is now reformed, but he is struggling to form Friendships due to his consent chaotic pranks he likes to pull on people, his only friend is the Element of Kindness Fluttershy but even her friends still do not trust Discord for what he done to them in the past. This inability to balance Chaos and Friendship will lead him to decide which one is more important even going as far as to think about giving up his powers to someone else.

Elsewhere in another dimension, Joker the Clown Prince of Crime uses Lex Luthors space dimension portal to travel to another world in order to avoid the combined might of Batman and Superman and happens to end up in Equestrian. What are the odds.

Inspired by the DC graphic novel Superman: Emperor Joker

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Chapters (5)

It's amazing what one could find in the Golden Oaks Library.

Seriously, on more than one occasion, Twilight had found texts and tomes that had no right to be in a rural town library. Once again, she's made a particularly curious find.

She really wishes she hadn't.

Dragged from her home by shadowy forces beyond her understanding, now Twilight must survive in a mysterious, hostile world. A dangerous world, filled with dark magic and bizarre creatures.

Kind of like Equestria, really.

Now Twilight must uncover the secrets of this world and find out why she was lured into the world and how she might return home.

And, hopefully, not be eaten or go mad in the process.

(This is a MLP:FiM/Don't Starve crossover. You probably won't need to have experienced Don't Starve to enjoy this story, but it probably helps. This is a standalone story, and no connection to or bearing on my other stories. Enjoy.)

Chapters (2)

Have you ever heard strange voices in your head? Have you ever felt like your life is being observed or controlled by some omnipotent being? Twilight Sparkle has, and it's driving her up a wall; the FOURTH wall! Watch the hilarity ensue as Twilight hears the soothingly manly voice of yours truly!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mechanical Aptitude

Six Elements of Harmony.

One hundred and eighteen Elements of the Periodic Table.

Let's see who blinks first.

(A collection of irregular short pieces focused on the ponies (and sundry) of Equestria dealing with the other fundamental building blocks of the universe -- more or less. Most of them will be part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page, FIMFiction group, and a newborn character page: new members and trope edits are welcome. However, these can be read as standalones, and no knowledge of the others is required.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Open Concept: any author who wants to write and post a TEoE story themselves has my express permission to go for it.

Chapters (6)

The Mask, an entity created by Loki to bring out the innermost emotions kept inside by its wearer. In the pores of a bad villain, it brings great harm, but in the hands of a wimp like Stanly Buttki-I mean; Ipkiss, it works for the greater good...but also against Ipkiss' credit card. The Mask allows its wearer to defy reality itself and perform bizarre deeds indeed (Oh hey! Two 'deed' words).

The Mask, after giving Lieutenant Callaway an atomic wedgie, escapes by travelling to Equestria, where he meets the CUTEST ponies he ever done seen...then he meets The Psychopath traveling to alternate Equestrias to see how they're like, and Mask will learn that he isn't the only reality warping being in existence.

This Mask is based on the one from the animated series that acts as some sort of sequel to the movie. I'm not sure how it works. Meh. Also, don't blame me for the quality of the image. It was the best one I could find. This series is so old even the Mesopotamian Civilization came after its conception, AND THAT'S PRETTY DERN OLD!

As this is not within Psycho's Equestria, it is not canon to that reality. It still happened, though.

Chapters (2)

This is a story of the messed world of the Conversion Bureau Universe and one man's dream of leaving Earth to seek a better life on mars.

Chapters (7)

This is my attempt to create a new story arch based partially in the Conversion Bureau Universe. This is a short one shot story.
The Conversion Bureaus have been successful. The ponies were victorious. The entirety of the human race had been successfully ponified... or so it seemed. The truth of the matter however is that humanity was not extinguished. A splinter group of humanity known as the Radical Dreamers had spirited the remnants of humanity away into the vastness of space. Now they make their way on a group of world ships to the distant world of Aeos and to what hopefully is the rebirth of their species. During which the Radical Dreamers intend to forever change humanity for the better.

I hope to eventually create a large story arch based on this story which will begin a thousand years after the events of this story when Humanity and the Equines will once again meet. These Equines will be from another reality and not the one's from the conversion bureau universe. So consider this my parthenian shot to the conversion bureau universe. I have ultimately decided that despite the excellent stories from users such as Chatoyance and Full Metal Pony I do not like the premise behind the universe and I find the very idea absolutely appalling and it makes both humanity and the equines look bad.

Chapters (1)