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Read Now! 498 stories
  • Read Now! 498 stories - 4480 unread chapters I'll read 'em! I'll read 'em! Life gets in the way of readin', y'know?
    Created by B_25
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 12,838,350
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



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Spike has always been very helpful to his friends, The mane six. But now that he is older and nearly stands as tall as his pony friends, they still consider him to be a baby dragon, and it begins to frustrate the young dragon. But during a visit to the Dragon Lands, Spike gets into a confrontation with his Dragon rival Garble which causes Twilight to interfere and make him feel that he can't take care of himself and that makes him even more angry and upset. But then during his birthday, he loses his temper showing his hidden dragon rage which scares all the other ponies including his friends. Spike then leaves ponyville and goes on a personal journey to figure out what is wrong with him. But when his friends discover that he has disappeared, they immediately go on a search party to look for him. But then they get overtaken by Garble and his group of thug dragons and captures them and overthrows Princess Ember. When Spike discovers what Garble has done with his friends, he knows what his true purpose is and what he must do.

Chapters (4)

Spike has lived in Ponyville for 6 years, and Rarity has always been his crush, and love interest. But, once he finally musters the courage to tell her how he feels, she breaks his heart with her views on inter-species romance. Now, Spike must deal with the fact that the only one he's loved will never return his feelings. On top of that, Twilight starts to act strange around him, but she's not in heat like he thought she was. Will Spike's heart mend, or will he refuse to open his heart again?


Chapters (13)

Cover art by the amazing Emosite CC!
Check out her DeviantArt for more fantastic art!

Spike was filled with doubts, confusion and fear on where he fitted in the world. It scared him to think that he was nothing to his friends, to Twilight. After finding out the hard truth in an argument, he realises that this bond he shared with them was nothing but a mere illusion, a painful lie that shattered him completely. Becoming lost in his own misery, he runs away only to be taken by an offer.

A few months pass and struggling to manage, Twilight comes to terms with her mistakes and the search for Spike dies down. Seeking vengeance, past threats are united through fear by a demented alchemist who wishes to twist and ruin Equestria with the power of terror.

In a desperate attempt to try and find Spike once more, Twilight and her friends must overcome their greatest fears.

Chapters (51)

Love comes in many forms: love for your family, your friends, your country, and your people. Twilight Sparkle has experienced it all, except one kind. True love, the love you stake the rest of your life on. As the royal wedding of her dear friends draws nearer, she begins to feel the desire for a love of her own.

Troubled and lonely from the newly-revealed gap in her life, she discovers that sometimes love is found in the strangest of places.

Takes place in the years after the epilogue of Visionary. Special thanks to _Medicshy for his editing and feedback on each chapter!

Chapters (16)

Spike, a little purple dragon, has a problem.
He started seeing a pony he knows from birth, in another way.
He knows he shouldn't.
But his heart tells him other ways
Can love bloom between them?

Chapters (3)

Art by ss2sonic. Check him out!

Before he left, Spike make a horrible mistake. He told all of his friends that he would leave Ponyville to cleanse the demon within him and to make amends for the suffering he brought. All of his friends didn't want him to leave, but he made up his mind. He said farewell to his saddened friends and painfully walked away from what he called "home". He told himself to venture of to the "Cavern of Greed". There, he can fight the demon from within...

5 years after the incident and all is peaceful in the town called Ponyville. Not a frown to be seen; not a cry to be heard. All was calm till a mysterious cloaked stranger came to the peaceful town. All the noise; all the chattering ceased. The stranger walked until he was in the middle of the town and simply said, "I'm home".

(Each chapter will be someone else's POV. The story progresses as the chapters go on. Also, come to this blog. I'd like to ask a question.)

Editor: LightningBass94. I can't thank enough without him(her) because my english is somewhat bad….

Chapters (12)

Dragons are feared creatures, portrayed as horrific monsters in every bedtime story that ponies have known from birth.

Spike is a dragon. And as time goes on, he grows more acutely aware of his monstrous side and wonders if the fabled beast is all he is meant to be.

His fears come to light one day while he his helping Rarity collect some gems. The two are attacked by a rogue Diamond Dog and Spike, acting in fear and anger, kills their attacker. Horrified at his actions, he flees into the Everfree Forest with the rest of the monsters. Now, it is up to Twilight and Rarity to find him and bring him back home, if they can prove to him that he is not the monster he believes himself to be.

Chapters (1)

It's Spike's 17th birthday and everyone is invited!

Upon blowing the candles, Spike receives a gift that speaks only to him. He decides to ignore it, however, until he starts doing things he would never do before.

The girls notice Spike's odd behavior, and confront him.

Shout out to Vexy & Monsieur Connoisseur for helping edit this.

Chapters (7)

While sharing an intimate moment, Celestia and Twilight Sparkle have a little chat.

Cover art swiped from Longinius.

Dramatic reading by Monanniverse.

French translation courtesy of inglobwetrust.

Chapters (1)

Finding herself unable to sleep, Princess Celestia occupies her mind by penning a letter to Twilight Sparkle. But for a weary princess, the mind has a tendency to wander...

Written for Equestria Daily's Writer's Training Grounds #7.

Dramatic readings available courtesy of Goombasa and PhantomBrony.

Cover art by unknown artist; modified version by Goombasa.

Chapters (1)