• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013


I write stories so that I won't be kept awake at night with a brain full of ponies.

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Author's note: this story is still undergoing occasional editing as I figure out what the hay I'm doing. Some scenes may be added, modified, or removed.

Two months ago, a changeling posing as Rainbow Dash tried to abduct Twilight. Nopony was hurt, but Twilight became a bit paranoid--how could she make sure something like that wouldn't happen again? The best thing she could think of was to invent a spell, empowered with her full might as princess, that would forcibly remove the disguise of any changeling in the vicinity.

It's testing day, and Ponyville's about to get twenty percent buggier . . .

AU taking place between seasons 3 and 4. Trigger warning for one scene of implied dubcon.

Chapters (6)

Alone, a young timberwolf must try to survive in the wilderness. Survival above all else. That was what his mother taught him. But when he encounters 'monsters' that could apparently 'gobble him up in mere seconds', he begins to doubt everything he knows about the world.

Chapters (1)

What happens when something crafted by a creature with no real care for material things is taken from him? Nopony else knew the answer either. But they found out. Oh... They found out.

Rated 'Everyone' because EVERYONE needs a good knock in the teeth!


Featured on Equestria Daily April 2, 2015! *face melts*

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Wild Card

Back by popular demand, Ace continues his misadventures across Equestria and surrounding lands. Along the way he must deal with Black Brew Smugglers, the Equestrian authorities, an old foe returning and his quickly dwindling supply of tobacco. At the end of the day though, there remains only two important questions:
Can he get away with this?
How much fun can he have whilst doing so?

Part of the Chess Game of the Gods universe
Cover art is by the ever-awesome Kaze1121

Chapters (13)

Twilight Sparkle is tired of this nonsense.

Every day, a slew of articles all focused on the minute details of her life invade her beloved newspapers. "Twilight Sparkle Eats Peaches." "Twilight Sparkle Hates Tea." "Twilight Sparkle Uses a Microwave." "Twilight Sparkle Makes Toast." All of it clogging up her precious sources of information from cities across Equestria.

But no more. The time has come to put an end to it, once and for all.

Written with thanks to Marceline from the #FimFiction IRC and for no good reason other than it sounded funny in my head.

Chapters (2)

A changeling gets a very risky and clever idea.
Pretending to be an advanced magic doll left as an anonymous gift in front of Twilight Sparkle's home.
It's so audaciously stupid there is no way it's not going to work.

Chapters (12)

"No, uh, that's my name. I've got better pickup lines." - Warm Hug, the Crystal Pony/Windigo -

Windigos, the frost spirits of Hearthswarming legends fame, are Equestria's secret peacekeepers tasked with preventing war at all costs, freezing any who dare threaten peace and harmony. Crystal Ponies, on the other hoof, are peacekeepers tasked with spreading Hope and Love through the Crystal Heart. They are one and the same, two sides of the same coin - Windigos in war time, Crystal Ponies in peace time. 'Frostfires', Starswirl once called them - ponies who grow cold in hate, who become warm in Love. With Equestria finally at peace Windigos are few and far between. It had been centuries since the Crystal Empire was last led by a Frostfire Emperor.

Warm Hug is a young blank flank crystal pony, seemingly incapable of the happiness and love required of his kind. Shunned by his kinsman, he spent years wandering. That was until Tirek's invasion of Canterlot forged an unexpected friendship between him and the unlikeliest band of friends.

But their friendship would be sorely tested when an apocalyptic snowstorm strikes all of Equestria and freezes the entire surface world. With Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence frozen solid and Warm Hug accused of high treason, will their Fire of Friendship light the way or will they fall prey to the frost consuming their world? With the world once again in turmoil, never have the Windigo peacekeepers been more loathed yet needed.

WARNING: Season 4 Finale Spoilers.

Now has a prequel - A First Hearthswarming's Tale - the story of Clover the Clever and the Windigo.

Written to the sound of pretty much the entirety of Socratic Brony's Upload List. This guy's music is simply amazing.

Cover Art: Did you know that crystal ponies are difficult to colour? Neither did I. Now I do. All them sparkles. So many sparkles.

Chapters (2)

This is a fic based on the Time Loop Files, the format of which was first codified by Innortal on fanfiction.net.
Here's a brief guide.
The basic idea is, one character (the Anchor, usually the main character of a fictional setting) is looping back to the very first moments of their parent series every time either they die or some kind of time limit expires. They of course end up monumentally stir crazy given enough time.
Eventually others start to loop as well.
The reset is not always perfect. Sometimes a loop's history will be different to the "prime" loop, or canonical plot.
"Crossover" or "Fusion" loops also occur, randomly. These can involve the home loopers having a guest, or the anchor for one universe spending time in another, or replacements of one character by another.
Vacation Loops are where the Anchor (or others) decide/s "buck it" and lets off steam by doing whatever comes to mind. There's little or no attempt to maintain the original timeline.

In addition, and particularly more recently, it should be known that this story has a collaborative element to it - people may submit loop ideas or loops, ideally at the Spacebattles thread (a link to the current version of which is on the Trope page), and they may become included.

There's two page image options, thanks to Filraen - the current page image has been edited by the original creator from this work of theirs.. The other one is here:

Chapters (233)

Pincer is a changeling, a proud soldier of Queen Chrysalis. After the failed invasion of Canterlot, he finds himself trapped and at the mercy of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard. Believing that Celestia sees his species as nothing but soulless monsters, he prepares himself for the worst. The weeks crawl by, marked by an endless series of questions he will not answer for fear of endangering his friends and family at The Hive. As his nerves wear down and his interrogators learn just how ruthless he thinks they are, they have nothing to report but his belief that they will kill and destroy his kind without mercy.

Celestia steps in to prove him wrong, and what Pincer learns leaves him questioning everything he has ever known — but also gives him hope for what he'd never thought possible.

Cover art commissioned from http://www.demonkings.com.

Now with a TVTropes page.

Chapters (15)

Anon has been living in Equestria for some time, and has very little to show for it. Shunned away from most cities, he finds solitude of a sort in Ponyville. But there are few places for an omnivore to satisfy all his appetites, so when he meets a fellow omnivore, both parties find more uses from the other than they'd expect.

Chapters (1)