• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013


I write stories so that I won't be kept awake at night with a brain full of ponies.

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Breezy Beach is a travel writer with a stalled career and an editor that doesn't return his calls. A small farming town like Ponyville doesn't carry the same romantic flair that a tropical beach or the sand dunes of Saddle Arabia does, but it pays for rent and cider. Without anything to tie him down and no responsibilities, Breezy is confident he has the bachelor life made. Nothing could take that away from him.

Not even a dragon.

A collab between myself and Jaestring.
Cover art by Jaestring.

Thanks to Rainbow Bob and ROBCakeran53 for editing.

Chapters (2)

Currently being written by Antojo Pony .

So then, what would happen if a human baby ended up and was raised in Equestria?

Will they be a normal everyday worker? Will they be a Celestia Knight? Will they take over the world? Will they speed up Equestrias technology level with good old human ingenuity?

Honestly I have no idea!

So that's why I need YOUR help! You, the readers will decide their personality, their dreams, their... everything really. So lets get started!

Cover art made by ForestOfSpring

Chapters (9)

He didn't deserve another chance after what he did, but he got one. He got the forgiveness he never expected, from the last pony he ever expected to get it from. In gratitude to her, he writes her a letter, thanking her and her friends for everything.

His mind and heart laid bare both to himself and those who read it. He has the freedom he truly wanted.

But you know what? Just a letter isn't enough. No, he must tell her himself.

Equestria Daily Featured, and proud of it, baby!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Tiny Student

(Title changed from "Ponyville's Tiny Librarian" for reason pointed in this blog )

Twilight Sparkle is a one-kilogram pony the size of a large rat, shrunken by Princess Celestia following her entrance exam to the Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns to ensure that her power surges would not pose a danger to the ponies around her.

She’s spent thirteen years full of hard training at her new size, facing the life-threatening experiences that came with living in a world of giants. To survive those thirteen years of hardship and joy, of learning and adventure, and of pride and humility, Twilight has challenged herself to be stronger, to overcome any obstacle.

Now that tiny Twilight is on her way to Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, how well will this miniature mare fare outside of the confines of the castle? How will the other Element Bearers react to her? How will Nightmare Moon react to the tiny unicorn? Is Twiny prepared to face Ponyville, and, more importantly, is Ponyville prepared to face her?

Art cover - kc day

Top editors: (editing and rewritting for months, hope quality is to your liking).

Nightmare Moon's sentences editor:

Applejack accent editor:
Crimson Star (Chapter 1 - Applejack)
Rebel Brony
The Notebook is grounded

Pinkie sentence's editor:
Plump it UP

Other editors:
Lab (small editing from prologue to chapter 4)

Rated Ponystar

To celebrate the release of this sequel, I created a group called “Twinyverse” for all fans of this story where you can talk about it and track all side stories with ease.
The Twinyverse Group

Chapters (25)

The captured Changeling sits despondent in the interrogation chair. Looking up, he sees what can only be his interrogator enter the room. A one way glass window holds Celestia and Luna, or at least, that is what the Changeling assumes. The interrogator sits down, rather uncomfortably. Apparently, he has not had much experience in dealing with Changelings; who had? The Changeling surveys his surroundings. Three white walls and one with the mirror and door. A table waits patiently in front of him while a light shines overhead. The Changeling is bound to the chair by his forelegs and wings. A faint humming sound suggests some kind of magic dampening field. The interrogator is an Earth pony, or as the Changeling designation system states, a norm. The interrogator opens his mouth to speak but two green eyes glare him into silence; he is clearly afraid of the Changeling. Overpowering his fear, the interrogator speaks.

Cover art is provided by jjamess10 because he's awesome.

Now with a sequel!

Chapters (9)

The world was literally falling apart around them. Mountains drifted off into the sky, rivers tied themselves into knots, and hideous monsters ravaged the scattered remains of ponykind. At least the unicorn named Twilight Sparkle had her friends, right? Well, no. You see, they all were separated while they were sleeping when the ground split, carrying each them thousands of miles apart in a single night.

A week after losing her friends, Twilight Sparkle woke up with a strange affliction: she was hearing voices in her head. At first, they were merely having idle conversation; they didn't talk to her and didn't acknowledge her, and thus were easy to ignore. But then, as Twilight searched for her friends, she realized that if enough of the voices agreed upon something, they could alter reality itself to get what they wanted.

Then YOU came along and spoke to Twilight. YOU are the collective voices that have recognized her and decided to aid Twilight Sparkle in her journey to rescue her friends and save the world. But beware, the powerful THEM seeks to destroy the world and see Twilight suffer for all eternity.

Are YOU ready?

Inspired by "Twitch Plays Pokemon."

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Oskar Osäker: True Omnivore

[PROTOTYPE 2] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Crossover

Oskar's secret has been revealed to Twilight in totality, now Twilight faces the moral quandary of betraying her friend or betraying her morals. The events of season 2 are fast approaching as well and the ripples Oskar has caused through his mere presences alone changes more and more. Can a friendship survive when one of the friends is a murderer?

Thanks goes to: NightmareKnight for spending time being my editor, Trondason being an all around great fellow and helping me with ideas

Chapters (16)

Nightmare Moon was indeed banished. Where to was another matter entirely. Through an unfortunate series of events poor wittle Woona ends up sealed away inside a young boy living on an entirely different rock. Then one fateful day, on the verge of death, the boy gets to meet his inner self. He certainly wasn't expecting a little blue horse intent on snuggling him the rest of the way to death.

With the ninja exams quickly approaching, the boy needs help. And the ever-helpful Woona knows exactly who to ask. Ponies of course, cause ponies are always nice and helpful! That's what big sister says! Now armed with the power of the pony summoning contract, the boy attempts to summon a pony able to teach him something, anything, other than the absolutely deadly 'death-by-snuggles' technique.

Naruto crossover. Yet another one of my stories that will explode violently if taken seriously. Handle without care. Leave your sanity at the door. You have been warned.

Featured 4 - 6 June 2014. I'm not even entirely sure how, but many many thanks for all the interest and support that made that possible! You guys have double-double-doubled the fun!

Chapters (6)

In the aftermath of her battle against Tirek, Twilight Sparkle is unwell. She wants more. She needs more. And she is afraid of what others might think of her.

But even in the midst of her growing despair that she has betrayed everything she stood for, she learns something about friendship and what it means to be an alicorn.

Chapters (12)

Kuzan had no idea where he is, how he got here, or any idea on how to return home. All he remembered was taking a nap on Camel and waking up in the middle of a forest when he was pretty sure he was in the middle of the sea.

Well the good news is that he found a native, hopefully one that will tell him where he's at. The bad news? Neither of them can understand each other due to a language barrier, not to mention that said native is a blue unicorn that he saved from death... Actually, compare to the things he have seen in life, that doesn't even phase him.

Still he has to find a way home... after a quick nap.

Chapters (4)