• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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The fate of Equestria is once again threatened when thieves from another dimension somehow manage to steal the Elements of Harmony. Now, with the kingdom's strongest defense missing and Equestria open to attack from anything and everything, Twilight and her friends set out to bring the Elements back before the kingdom falls and they have nothing to return to. It sounds easy enough, but the enemies that they will face will be harder than any other foe they have faced before- themselves!

Chapters (2)

Nightmare Moon has made an unwanted return, and this time she has her own army. No longer the Elements of Harmony but Team Harmony, an elite protection force for the sun goddess herself, the mane six find themselves in the middle of war. But everything changes when one of them goes rouge. Can they use their new military skills to save their friend and their country?!

Chapters (3)

A short alternate ending to 'Lesson Zero'. What if, instead of trying to create a friendship problem herself, Twilight pocketed her pride and simply wrote a letter to Celestia admitting that she has not been able to find a friendship problem to solve?

Chapters (1)

fanmade sequel to "Story of the Blanks". after Apple Bloom escaped the Blood Hooves, she brought something with her. Ruby, the ghost, is now inside of her. with her, nightmares related to the creepy "Sunny Town" appeared in the poor filly's head...

but they were nothing, compared with the danger that loomed now from the Everfree Forest.

now, Apple Bloom and Twilight, along with Applejack, will go to Sunny Town, defeat the Blood Hooves... and discover what happened eight years ago, with the Apple parents.

Chapters (5)

At chapter 10 of Past Sins, Princess Celestia brought Nyx to Canterlot almost by force(?) and Nyx became Nightmare Moon. What if Twilight went to Canterlot with Nyx? Will it change? Well, find that out on 'Past sins: What If......'

My first my little pony fanfic. Corrections welcomed but no rude comments.
Recommend to read Past Sins until chapter 10 before Celestia's visit if you didn't.
Special thanks to Pen stroke for the permission to write this.

Yup, my story is 'On Hiatus' again... I'm sorry. Read my blog post if you want to know the reason.

Chapters (2)

An idea which wouldn't stop bugging me til I wrote it down. After Albert Wesker is defeated,he finds himself in a strange land. A strange land known as Equestria. How will a supposed god deal with the power of friendship and magic? Rated T to be safe.

Cover picture was drawn by Astringe on Deviantart, I can't draw for the life of me. I've asked permission and everything so no lawsuits should follow.

Chapters (51)

Long ago Equestria relied on a small sacrifice of happiness from each pony. It was a tradition held through the ages, it protected Equestria from evil like Discord. When the tradition stopped the Spell holding the Spirit of chaos was released. To prevent such a travesty again the Pegasai held a meeting in Cloudsdale to discuss what to do. The answer was simple, tradition fades, so the only way to sacrifice the happiness to the skies was to take it forcefully. It's apparently been some other fanfic that Glaze wroe a song about, I didn't know that when I started writing. Anyways here's my version. Not so psychotic Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (7)

The world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic lives under the typical definition of harmony: everything living in agreement and happiness. But what of a world where harmony is not a philosophy, but a force? What of a world where the Elements of Harmony uphold a cosmic system of balance despite what others say? What of a world where a thousand years of Celestia MUST be followed by a thousand years of Nightmare Moon?

Twilight Sparkle and her newly-discovered friends find out the hard way when they reawaken the Elements' power and become pawns of this system. Six ponies have to come to grips with themselves, struggling with their desire to fight destiny and their inability to resist it.

A little project I found lying around on my computer. Just putting it up here to see how it goes.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle is pregnant and Big Macintosh is the father. Aid comes from the most surprising places as their situation becomes public. Secrets and long-buried tensions are exposed as the pair deal with a changing dynamic and learn what is most important in their lives.


SFC Ponycron: This story was started and originally written by Nagaina, and was adopted with their blessing. As of Sept. 11 / 2015, I'm doing minor edits and corrections to the previous chapters while mulling over Chapter 13.

Special thanks goes to:

Nagaina for letting me adopt this story and being of my pre-readers.

~HP~HF for the cover picture http://hp-hf.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5113nv

MisterClacky and Karn3, who volunteered to be the previous author's pre-readers. If you wish to continue to be pre-readers for this story, my warmest thanks.

For previous followers of this story, my thanks to you for wishing that this story continue. I hope not to disappoint.

Chapters (12)