• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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I love reading stuff. That all you need to know ^U^

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Equestria is facing another Changeling threat. This time the campaign to devour ponies' love is commencing in Ponyville.

It's up to the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends to contain the danger until Shining Armor and Princess Cadance can cast the shape-shifting invaders out.

But when suspicions arise about Twilight herself, will the Power of Friendship be powerful enough to defeat the menace?

Chapters (16)

Unexplained occurrences happen every day, but if you posses the Yo-Kai Watch, you will have the amazing and rare ability to see the elusive Yo-Kai. Invisible spirit like entities, responsible for life's daily annoyances. But beware.... When a Yo-Kai enters your life, things will never be quite the same....

After he gets lost in the Everfree, Spike stumbles upon an odd capsule machine in front of an old tree and after inserting a bit, he opens the capsule that comes out of the machine. A strange ghost creature by the name of Whisper comes out and introduces Spike to the world of Yo-Kai.

My second story! This was another idea I had going on in my head for a little while now, so I am really excited!

There are adventure elements but I can't put them in due to the slice of life tag.

Yo-Kai Watch is a copyright of Level-5.

Chapters (6)

King Sombra, the tyrant of Crystal Empire is back, only to be imprisoned by princesses and put through reformation with Twilight Sparkle as his teacher. Can somepony with heart as black as night be reformed? Twilight believes so. Sombra in other hoof isn't so sure but something in that mare makes him try.

This is going to be one of my longest stories this far. Marked Teen for sexual innuendo and slightly gory-ish scenes. Nothing too bad though. Also this will not be a story that deserves a dark marking.

For now I'd like to thank Alun Aleriksson, pony of change, Microshazm and Sidetrack for helping with the grammar and overall writing in general. Thank you so much.

Cover art by lorekhearts.

Chapters (32)

"Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn."

Mere months after the events of "A Canterlot Wedding," the memories of cold shoulders and dismissals remain fresh in Twilight Sparkle's mind, which causes her to question her ability to face the next task that Princess Celestia bestows upon her.

Alone, she must find a way to protect an entire empire. She's afraid and unprepared, but when a mysterious stallion lends a hoof to her success, she soon discovers a friendship that threatens to blossom into something much greater.

(6/9/2016): Made it to the "Featured" page again! You're so awesome, guys!

(( "Of Magic and Masquerades" is the first story in the Crucibles of Harmony series. It is an alternate take on "The Crystal Empire," with some alternate events from Season 3 and minor Twilight/Sombra shipping. ))

Chapters (26)

Searching for any records King Sombra may have left behind, Twilight learned of the shadowy king's tragic past. However, she also discovered his horn, in which his mind and remaining power were contained. Determined to learn how to use his Dark Magic for Good, Twilight brought Sombra back to Ponyville with her. After all, what could he possibly do as a horn? ...Or will he stay that way?

Edited by Darth Vendar and Myrkur
Inspired by Issue #1 of FIENDship is Magic
Gore tag just to be safe.

Edit 06/15/23: Now in the top 2K stories on the site, by rating! :twilightsmile: Thank you all!

Chapters (38)

Ever since she burst into flames trying to discover Pinkie Pie's sense, Twilight has had terrible feelings constantly tormenting the back of her mind. Nightmares show visions of her burning everything she has ever loved to the ground, and she is enjoying it. Desperate, she searches for anything that can help clear all of these terrible thoughts. Twilight then discovers that a unicorn whose coat was white and hair writhed in flames tried to destroy Equestria in the past. To her horror, she learns that she is destined to be the reincarnation... and there is nothing she can do about it

Featured in the group Authors Helping Authors

Special thanks to Thardoc for editing this along with several other of my stories.

This was inspired by the amazing story 'Inner Demons' by SapphireLibra3.

Artwork belongs to Tsitra360.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Aftermath of the Games

Change happens, no matter what any creature wishes. Actions have consequences, no matter how badly you want to ignore them. And now, magic is starting to grow in the human world in a very big way, a way that can't be hidden in a single high school.

With the inevitable coming, inhabitants of two worlds have to scramble to get a grip on what's going on before it flows out of control. Hopefully they can figure out this new magic in time to ensure a peaceful relationship between the two worlds.

Too bad there's another party interested in magic...

Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (28)

[T for safe reasons]
Sombra is dead, everypony is happy. Everypony except Fluttershy that is. For she has rather mixed feelings about her father's demise. She knew he was a tyrant, Tartarus after her mother died he wasn't even nice to her anymore. But he was still her father. How is she supposed to feel? And can she tell her friends that she inherited her father's dark magic?

Inspiration taken from this story!

Chapters (3)