• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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Inspired by KnightMysterio's take on the Nightmare-Timeline in the story Context

The Princess of the Sun has fallen, the Queen of the Night now takes her place.

To the surprise of many, Nightmare Moon isn't evil. Or insane for that matter. She is attempting to be a queen that can properly rule a nation she has not seen in a thousand years. Some will try to aide her, others will attempt to thwart her, but the Wrath of the Night is something not to take lightly.

However, Celestia may have made a mistake in letting Luna fade from history and the only mention of Nightmare Moon become a demonized fable- no one would take that very well in her place.

Features: Twilight reluctantly helping a Sane and Noble NMM, curious and confused guards, and ponies being reminded of their lost history.

Chapters (1)

Reforming villains can be pretty challenging, but for Twilight Sparkle that's not a problem. What is her problem? The fact that most of them want to date her! Will she be able to redeem all these villains without falling in love with one first, or will second chances be put on hold, proving that not every villain can be saved? With help from her friends, and her new student Starlight Glimmer, she might just pull it off.

This story takes place at the start of Season 6, right after episode 1 and 2. Season 6 Finale doesn't happen in this.

Teen and Sex tags are for the childish innuendos and specific topics.
Also includes the worst thing imaginable: Crackshipping

* This story is part of my "Writing Goals" under 100K Word Story.

Chapters (37)

Discord is brought to Ponyville to be reformed. As a safety precaution, he is deprived of his magic before his release. Naturally, he is upset by this, but...
No one thought that the powerless spirit of chaos would actually run away! Twilight Sparkle won't let him get a way with it!

A word of warning: If you read for the Twilight x Discord, be aware that the buildup to actual romance in this story is extremely long. You will have to read for a long time before receiving gratification romance-wise. However, once it is established, the romance will be ongoing from then on.

Chapters (28)

While researching a new spell, a miscalculation leads to Twilight and Pinkie Pie switching bodies. They decide to hide the accident and live as one another - for Science! What could possibly go wrong?
(With apology to the scientific method)
Cover art by Conicer!

Chapters (6)

Sombra was defeated by the Royal Sisters many moons ago, cast away forever.

However, he left one thing in Equestria that would guarantee his return. One thing that would let him rule not only the Crystal Empire, but all of Equestria

And he did return...and lose. Thanks to one, small, miniscule baby dragon.

That just means one thing...

His weapon is getting stronger even now.

In the world of Remnant, Roman Torchwick has been arrested, the efforts of the White Fang have been halted, and the tournament has begun. Things are looking up for Team RWBY otherwise known as, Ruby Rose, Weiss Shnee, Blake Belladona, and Yang Xiao Long.

However, on their way to see their friends, Team JNPR, fight in the first round, Team RWBY find themselves being pulled into not only a new world, but a new conflict.

Oh, and they are all ponies now.

Can the Mane 6 and Team RWBY overcome Sombra's forces?

Or will shadows of past sins plague the land forever

Chapters (5)

Fluttershy is a shy, awkward Pegasus who is afraid of her own shadow. Flippy is a war sergeant with PTSD who can kill anybody in an instant. Two very different people. So what happens when Discord does the impossible; switch their minds? I can tell you what...

Twilight and Sniffles go crazy trying to get them back to normal, Rarity and Flaky try to help them fit in, Pinkie Pie and Lumpy try and fail to make them feel safe, Applejack and The Mole succeed at melting their hearts, Splendid and Splendont fight, Rainbow Dash gets into trouble, Lifty and Shifty get rich, the CMC almost die and Discord has a good old laugh. Dear Celestia... When will this end?!

(A Happy Tree Friends and MLP crossover. Rated teen for the occasional swear and a bit of gore. I'm sure you guys can handle that though... Otherwise, why the hell are you watching HTF, let alone reading this?! Anyway.... cover art by meeeee!)

Chapters (1)

Ta-da! My first story!

(The following story contains elements of Rooster Teeth's series, RWBY. For those readers who do not know what RWBY is about, it can be simply summed up as a show about a group of friends that attend and live on campus at a school that trains monster hunters.)

One day, Team RWBY receives a strange mirror from the local Dust shop in Vale. Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Mane 6 are studying both the box from the Tree Of Harmony and the Mirror from the Crystal Empire to see if there is a possible connection between the two.

After both RWBY and the Mane 6 realize they can see one another in the mirror, Nora dives right in, with the rest of the girls not far behind.

When Remnant's youngest Huntress' in training arrive in Ponyville they find that one small detail has changed.

They're now ponies.

However, what seems like a burden to the girls what actually be the key to saving Ponyville and Equestria from a alliance of Remnant's foes and Equestria's villains. Both the Mane 6 and RWBY will need to team up if they want to take down this league of evil.

Looking for Editors and or Pre-Readers! Any grammar help is greatly appreciated.

To note: I realize I'm not the first person to think of doing a crossover between MLP and RWBY. However, I wanted a story that plays to both series strengths: RWBY's high intensity action and MLP's characterization. My hope is that this story is the combination of both without ruining either series charm.

Chapters (1)

After a mysterious and widespread spell causes ponykind to vanish, Fluttershy is left behind to cope with what the future has in store for her and the remains of Equestria.

In a matter of days, the once-prosperous nation begins to descend into a harsh and unforgiving place. While cities crumble around her, Fluttershy finds herself living in a land rife with dangers and heartbreaking reminders. With nopony to turn to, Fluttershy is forced to learn to fend for herself, discover what happened, and, if possible, find a way to reverse it.

Survivor Shy is an illustrated story following Fluttershy in the weeks after a magical cataclysm. While the last pony relives her past, readers are offered a vivid glimpse into Fluttershy's mind and are led on a harrowing journey through the ruins of Equestria and beyond.

Story branches out before Season 3 Finale.

In-progress Reading by Finish Line available
In-progress Russian translation by Papilion_star available.

Chapters (13)

Rarity has finally found the courage to confess her love to the mare of her dreams: Princess Twilight Sparkle. But once their relationship takes root, Twilight finds that her heart longs for another pony—her sweet friend Fluttershy. As a princess, she’s committed to making everypony happy and comes up with a solution that she hopes might bring all three mares together, even if everypony else in Equestria disagrees with it.

This is a “What If?” tale based on my earlier story, Beauty, Books, and Butterflies.

Image credit belongs to Hasbro.

Chapters (14)

After failing to stop Nightmare Moon in the ancient castle of the pony sisters, Twilight Sparkle is left with a scar that will permanently change the rest of her natural born life. As Twilight recovers from her ordeal, she finds that she is left with a difficult choice. Either live her life as a lie or sacrifice her innocence to protect the ones she loves. The path before her is set and she must now walk it alone. The sands of time continues ever onward, with everyone already trapped in its muddy depths. The sun will rise and the sun will fall. Waiting for its call, Death awaits for all.

Tags, rating, and characters can change.

Art created by:
http://cuteskitty.deviantart.com (top)
http://ventious.deviantart.com (bottom)

I just put the two together

Chapters (17)