• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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I love reading stuff. That all you need to know ^U^

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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It was going to be a normal day. The best kind of day, one where nothing out of the ordinary happened. No pony princesses from another world, no ancient divas trying to take over the school, and no teenagers randomly turning into demons and breaking reality. Just school, cheerleading practice, and then spend the rest of the day playing video games or watching anime. That's what the day was supposed to be.
The first two did happen, but unfortunately she never did make it home. Upon leaving practice, a strange light shoots down from the sky on top of her.

And from there, her entire world went dark...

Our story picks up here. The story of a former bully who due to circumstances outside of her control, came to inherit great power, and eventually became Earth's greatest hero.

This is the story... of MegaMan Azure.

This story accepts the canon of Equestria Girls up to Friendship Games to the letter, with the exception of everyone having human colored skin. Anything beyond that isn't valid to this story unless it appears in the story.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer show the Equestrian Princess a certain group of the VanossGaming community playing a certain rage inducing kids game.

Thumbnail belongs to Wildcat’s artist.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle Watches Rage Compilations

Twilight is forever scarred from watching rage compilations, and she believes the Elements of Harmony are infected as well.

She reluctantly decides to go back, and learns of another group of gaming friends that she believes watching will cure her of this madness.

Unfortunately, that group is SovietWomble and the ZF clan. And they are literally one hundred times worse.

Thumbnail belongs to the ZF Clan.

Chapters (1)

It started off simply enough, Applejack's embarrassing childhood nickname. Everyone had one, Sunset's was Little Firestarter. The group ignored it, even when students take it a step forward and start teasing the farmer about it.

However the next day, after a sleepover at Rarity's involved all of them dressing up in silly costumes the fashionista had made, things got worse. Those pictures were posted online, and the poster, Anon-A-Miss, also left derogatory comments.

Those pictures came from Sunset's phone, but she doesn't remember posting them. What's going on?

Chapters (7)

After the slumber party at Rarity's, the humane 5 are shocked to discover that the pictures that were taken during the slumber party have been posted on Anon-A-Miss's page for the whole school to see. pictures that were taken using Sunset's phone.

Naturally the girls assumed that Sunset was Anon-A-Miss and when she didn't show up at School it further proved her guilt. But when they visited her apartment using the spare key Sunset gave Rainbow Dash in case of an emergency, they discover a very ill Sunset resting on her bed.

Pushing their anger aside to aid their sick friend the girls soon discover that Sunset is not Anon-A-Miss as whoever it is made a post while they were watching Sunset.

Now as they figure out who Anon-A-Miss could be, Sunset's fever continues to get worse and when her body starts flashing red, they realize that whatever Sunset has is beyond their world's ability to treat.

Chapters (22)

In the EQG Holiday Special, Sunset figured out that Anon-a-Miss was actually Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.
But what if things happened differently?
What if Sunset never figured out who Anon-a-Miss really was?
What if her friends refused to listen after her little chat with Twilight?
For those who haven't seen it, the comic can be read here:

Chapters (14)

Ever since Master Core's defeat, things were starting to return to normal, that's what the heroes of smash hoped for. It wasn't until Master Core's revival was soon heard across the smashverse, but this time things were different. Possessed and corrupted by the evil aura of Dark Matter, Master Core returns seeking revenge on the fighters of Smash. Fearing the consequences, both Master Hand and Crazy Hand uses their powers for good to seal Dark Mastter Core deep inside the hearts of Genesys Tower where Dark Mastter Core was sent into a deep slumber. But when two evil organizations joins forces, it triggers a series of events that will eventually lead to Dark Mastter Core's awakening. Seeking to use the powers of the legendary Prism Pokemon Necrozma to summon Dark Mastter Core, The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx Empire, attempts to start the Solunar Eclipse,an event where both the Sun and Moon stops it's orbit and threatens to collide with Earth causing a massive explosion that leads to the creation of a Dark Hole. The Elements of Harmony sensing the dangers quickly takes action only for them to end up captured along with the three alicorns. Twilight Sparkle in a desperate attempt scatters the Elements across the Equestria and beyond in hopes that neither The Sinister Legion nor the Necro Zynx Empire could get to them. Now with Equestria captured and under the rule of Lord Oblivion and Cross, Flurry Heart the last alicorn must travel and find six individuals to act as temporary Elements in order to stop the oncoming threat. The only way to win, Settle it in Smash!

MLP FIM belongs to Hasbro Studios.
Super Smash Bros. belongs to Nintendo
Story takes place when Flurry Heart is grown up
Characters from both Brawl and Smash 4 along with DLC characters with appear
Rated T for mild swearing

Chapters (12)

Every once in a while there is one character that defies all explanation and baffles the minds of geniuses the world over. Today, two such characters will be thrown into the field and all will find out who will win.


And remember... this is what I came up with without the hidden stash. Just goes to show you that you don't need to be high to produce something regrettable.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro Studio.
Death Battle belongs to Screw Attack.
Other properties belong to their respective owners.
Rated Teen for mentions of weapons and use of the word h-e-double-hockey-stick.

February 6, 2013: Remember back in last April when I thought this was going to be a one-shot?
Neither do I.

July 16, 2013: I hope I haven't made a terrible mistake by allowing fan fic suggestions for combatants. It'll take me forever to read through all of those works for potential abilities used. In other words, updating will happen at a pace that makes a snail appear to be performing a Sonic Rainboom. Oh well. It is what it is.

March 24, 2015: Spoilers are imminent when diving into this at any given point.

June 9, 2015: I may not respond to every comment, but I will read them. The same applies to any suggestions made in comments or PMs.
-Corollary (October 11, 2015): Multiple comments from the exact same user saying the exact same match up will not make the suggested battle happen any sooner. In fact, it may just deter me from even considering writing it at all. Please do not spam the comment section. Thank you.

Chapters (184)

WARNING: Slow-burn romance!

Tempest Shadow would be the first pony to tell you she's not worthy of friendship. All she deserves after a life spent helping the Storm King conquer and pillage is four walls, bars, and solitude. But she's getting a new life in Ponyville anyway, at the side of Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.

Tempest Shadow isn't a friendship kind of pony. She's not a party kind of pony. She's not a happy kind of pony in the least. So what could there possibly be for her in Ponyville? More than she thinks, as it turns out. Come join her as she discovers what she's truly meant to do, what she's truly worth, and who she's truly meant to be with. Her life is going to change far more than she ever would have expected.

A serial that will update as individual stories are completed. Incomplete until the whole thing is finished, but the reader is urged to keep up with uploads. Individual stories may also be comedies or adventures. Warning tags may be added as necessary. Find more stories here!

Cover art by Firimil!

Chapters (18)

Faced with redemption or prison, Tempest Shadow accepts Twilight’s hoof in friendship, though she fears how much trauma her new friend has endured on her behalf. With a hopeful heart, Tempest takes her place at Twilight’s side, but when she falls for the one who gave her a new meaning in life, things only get more complicated.

Editors: Ponysopher and Crowley
Prereader: Toothless

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (8)