• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016


Crazy female Reploid who tours the multiverse on random.

Tracking 224 stories
  • Tracking 224 stories - 1096 unread chapters
    Created by Skortch
    - August, 2016



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Princess Luna does not only raise the moon, but she is also the defender of dreams for all those within her domain. One night Luna discovers a dream that does not belong, when curiosity get the better of her she enters. What she sees are landscape never seen before and objects of impossibilities. Luna sets out to find the dreamer in order to question how it seen so many things nopony has ever dreamed of.

A/N: Gore will be present in nightmares. Also crossovers like there is no tomorrow.

Chapters (22)

Magic Fall. A phrase that conjures in the minds of ponies, a time of great strife and death, when magic abandoned pony-kind and left them to fend for themselves in a hostile world. Luna now sits alone on the throne as she has for the last one thousand years and watches as technology slowly but surely fills the gap that was left.

The Worlds Fair is in full swing in Canterlot and with the launch of the first ever Celestia Class airship, 'The Harmony', many predict a new era of peace is to come. But when disaster strikes and nearly takes the princess out of the picture, one pony who dreamed of flight will take to the skies and save Equestria.


Chapters (6)

My attempt at a more serious 'Luna meets Neil Armstrong' storyline. What would really happen, both on the moon and on Earth? Inspired by 'The Eagle has Landed' by CyanBlackStone.

Princess Luna has found herself on a very different moon after some strange force interfered with her banishment. She doesn't know what the metal objects that keep orbiting and sometimes landing there are, but she wants to find out. Meanwhile, Neil Armstrong believes that being the first man on the moon will be the crowning achievement of his life. Hoo boy, is he ever in for a surprise.

For those who are interested, the most excellent Zanec has provided this link to an interactive Apollo 11 site.

Chapters (17)

January 15th, 2014. A veil of light spans across the United States of America. As the citizens stare in amazement at what is certainly a once in a lifetime phenomenon, the entire country is ripped physically out of its place on Earth and sent to a new world, a world known as Equus. Now with 312 million Humans and their country trapped in completely unknown territory with no way home, they must do what Humanity has done for centuries that has allowed it to become a force of nature. Adapt, Survive, and Overcome.

Editor/Adviser: Sneaky Breeze.
Editors: Washingtonian & AlphaFartOfDoom
Technical Adviser: ArtichokeLust
A big thanks to them for all the input and help they have given.

Chapters (2)

Awakening as BlackWarGreymon, a lost human tries to adjust even as more surprises and traps spring up. Yet timing and fate seem set against him, as events lead him to being imprisoned in stone before he could make a name for himself. Branded by the crown as a villain, he struggles to adapt years later once free and takes an unlikely ally as his protector and savior. But what will his presence do to the events ongoing throughout Equestria? What truths will he find beyond the public eye? More importantly: Will he embrace his given role, or will he strive to be his own 'mon?


This is hands down the most dedicated piece of writing I've worked on to date. Before this lies many an aborted fanfic including some over on fanfiction.net. All of whom were nowhere near as taken seriously by me as this one was. Months were put into this just to reach the release point for the story itself. Struggling with my own procrastination and real life priorities made every paragraph I wrote important to me and I'm so happy to finally be releasing this. It may be a silly crossover between Digimon and My Little Pony, but I love the MLP fandom/show and I'm a huge sucker for successful crossover tales. So putting this much time and effort into a tale like this was thrilling as much as it was terrifying. I had to motivate myself so much at times and I hated every time my obsession over rewriting and editing older chapters got in the way of moving forward. But I think it was worth it in the end. I hope everyone who clicks on my tale and reads this enjoys the adventure you're about to go on as much as I did writing it.

Finally, major thanks to goattrain for drawing the amazing cover art. He's an awesome dude and I love looking at it every time I view this story. Thanks again man!

Chapters (8)

Sweetie Belle wants to learn a new language, so she chooses Changeling. But everyone- and I mean everyone, wants her to forget she even thought of it. But something happens in Canterlot, and the CMC have to tag along. But what happens leaves everyone in shock.

Chapters (3)

Twilight has developed a device that can detect strange signals coming from outer space; signals from aliens! She gathers her friends so that they can all listen in.

But they may not like what they hear...

cover image courtesy of DocWario

I'd appreciate if everyone could keep the YouTube embeds in the comments to a minimum. The sheer number of them is putting a bit more strain on my connection than I'd like. I'm going to start deleting any comments with 2 or more embeds in them.

Chapters (6)

An alternative to HiE stories. Midnight, a 14th century knight's steed and veteran of numerous battles during the hundred years war, faces her demise during one such engagement only to find that fate has other plans in store; including a chance to start anew in another world. But can a mare who knows nothing but conflict adapt to a land ruled by peaceful pastel-coloured ponies, or will it prove too much?

Warning: contains brief scenes of descriptive violence; especially in earlier chapters. Not enough to warrant an M rating, I think, but hopefully the mods will let me know if I'm wrong.

(Cross-posted from my Fanfiction.net account)

Chapters (9)

After Princess Celestia appoints Twilight Sparkle and her friends to be ambassadors to Earth, they decide to introduce themselves to the humans by appearing in a horse show, but they need someone to get them ready. They call on Megan, the legendary warrior who guarded ponykind in days of yore. Megan has banished or slain countless demons, but can she convince the ponies to hold still long enough for her to braid their manes?

This crosses over with G1, but should be accessible to all.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Featured in The Royal Guard.

Now with its own TVTropes page!

Editing and fact-checking by Horsegirl123. Additional editing by Portmeirion.

Big thanks to Trinityinyang for the cover art!

Chapters (7)

Instead of banishing Nightmare Moon, Celestia successfully separates Luna and the nightmare, and both then seal it in the moon, but the stain of both acts are too much for the Princesses and both perish, but not before giving the prophecy of their return. 1000 years later is a changed Equestria, a splintered government, no advanced school of magic, difficult weather patterns, and a looming threat from the Moon. Can the reborn Princesses be found in time? Is friendship still the best hope for a happy tomorrow? The more things change...

Chapters (2)