• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016


Crazy female Reploid who tours the multiverse on random.

Tracking 224 stories
  • Tracking 224 stories - 1096 unread chapters
    Created by Skortch
    - August, 2016



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Red Vs Blue Xover!

Church, the Alpha, was fairly sure he would die when he went to confront the Meta. Dead or not, he didn't expect to wake up in a forest, and not as a horse. A horse with a horn, wings, modified armor, and mounted firearms- but still a horse. Because he refused to call himself a pony, no matter what the locals said or how much Tex teased him! Now he just has to try to save his fractured mind. The AIs, luckily or not, are there to help him as they explore this new world.

Meanwhile, his loud and painful(for him) entrance into their world has brought a great amount of attention to the mysterious being that is now wandering through Equestria. The ponies best tread carefully. After all, the Alpha's "pack" can be protective.

May be Harem/Marem/Herd.

PS The Dark tag is mainly for Alpha Church's canon back story.

Chapters (3)

Inspired by KnightMysterio's take on the Nightmare-Timeline in the story Context

The Princess of the Sun has fallen, the Queen of the Night now takes her place.

To the surprise of many, Nightmare Moon isn't evil. Or insane for that matter. She is attempting to be a queen that can properly rule a nation she has not seen in a thousand years. Some will try to aide her, others will attempt to thwart her, but the Wrath of the Night is something not to take lightly.

However, Celestia may have made a mistake in letting Luna fade from history and the only mention of Nightmare Moon become a demonized fable- no one would take that very well in her place.

Features: Twilight reluctantly helping a Sane and Noble NMM, curious and confused guards, and ponies being reminded of their lost history.

Chapters (1)

SG-1 is sent through the Stargate as a forward scouting team for an extended scientific mission to P3X-597. Arriving in a long abandoned castle, the team heads out for the nearest village. As they approach, it becomes clear that the locals aren't exactly human. Their contact with the pony-like aliens goes well, conveniently timed alongside a celebration of the sun, until an over-the-top, hammy, evil pony appears to ruin the festivities.

A Stargate SG-1 crossover.

Chapters (12)

After Chrysalis attacked Canterlot and revealed Changelings to the world, the other hives are angry. A single spark could set off this powder keg, and then anything could happen.

Meanwhile, Princess Mirage, daughter of Queen Imago and heir to the Everfree Hive, tries to figure out what to do about her best friends, as yet unaware that she is a changeling.

When the inevitable happens, and war breaks out, is Mirage ready to navigate the political minefield she finds herself in?

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Consequences

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn doesn’t make it any easier.

Especially when you are trying your best to keep it hidden.

Since the defeat of Tirek, Blank Page has been trying his best to keep his sudden case of Alicorn hidden from the general public.

Because honestly, who would want that much responsibility?

Coverart by Sipioc

Chapters (43)

Hello my name is, well was, Scott. I was just minding my own business, exploring FanExpo in a sweet SPD Shadow costume when I meet this suspicious looking vendor. He offers to sell me Cruger's Shadow Saber, the only thing missing from my costume, for $10. Then it all goes downhill.
First I get sucked into a world of multi-colored pony people, then I find out I've become a blue dog person(whatever race Cruger is), and finally I find out that there's another race of dog people who gives dog people a bad name.
At least I've got my tunes.

This is a Displaced Fic, please do not hate just because it is one, it is also my first.

Okay, news. On December 18, 2015, 11:35 AM, this got featured. I would like to thank all my faithful readers for this, and I hope this brings a new level of respect for not just me, but Displaced Fics in general.

Chapters (71)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

Princess Celestia had a good day. Luna had been going out more often and was becoming quite fond of nightclubs, her dear niece Cadance had formally announced her pregnancy—though, privately, Celestia felt she was too young to be a great aunt—and, of course, Twilight, her beloved former student, had taken on her first student and Celestia couldn't be prouder! Yes, it had been a good day.

Celestia Sol woke up much like she did every day the morning: sun waking her as it danced upon her eye lids. Wait, the sun? Celestia's eyes snapped open to reveal she was in Twilight's old room in the observatory. On the other side of the room was a smaller bed where a small dusky unicorn was drooling on her pillow.

Clearly, it must be Tuesday.

Preread and edited by Stahl, Kinsley, and Jumbled

Chapters (2)

[This story has been rewritten, link to it is here ]
Canterlot is getting ready for the wedding of the century, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is marrying the Captain of the Royal Guard and part of the draconic royal family will be in attendance. In addition to helping prepare the most high profile wedding Equestria has seen in living memory, Celestia has tasked Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Elements of Harmony with befriending the future queen of the Dragon Empire and her entourage, the first Sorcerer the Empire has ever had. One thing is certain, this will be a wedding that nobody ever forgets.
(New description has be made by none other than DoomManta)

(Story has been inspired by This picture) Go check out the person who did it Zig-Word

New cover art is drawn by http://akerabronzpaw.deviantart.com/ It may say a different name but same person.

Note to all: This story has been made before the season 6 ep 5 "Gauntlet of Fire" was made but may have some details about it. ;)

Also this story got Featured, a lot... thanks everyone xD

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle, scholar and adventurer extraordinaire, has journeyed to the ends of the earth in search of the single most significant find in the history of academia. What she discovers is something else entirely...

Chapters (3)