• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016


Crazy female Reploid who tours the multiverse on random.

Tracking 224 stories
  • Tracking 224 stories - 1096 unread chapters
    Created by Skortch
    - August, 2016



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Twilight Sparkle is tired. Tired of spending every other month saving Equestria. Tired of being the bearer of the Element of Magic. Tired of having no romantic prospects. She's tired of dealing with the politics that comes from being the Dean of Magic at Princess Luna's university. And most of all she's tired of being at a dead end in her life. Some days, she just wanted to wake up, and not have to deal with any of those things.

Sometimes ponies get their wishes in the most unexpected ways.

[Reboot of The Trouble with Time Travel]

Chapters (8)

Things aren’t right. Ever since the defeat of Nightmare Moon, Twilight Sparkle has been having visions of a life that is not hers. Or… that’s what she thinks. Secrets long buried are about to bite back, truths come to the light and a conspiracy unravels. After all, how is Twilight to accept that her real parents are ponies that history says are threats to the land.

Inspired by Born Treacherous.

The Dark and Horror tags are for a later chapter. Crossover tag is for certain characters.

Chapters (4)

In the darkest moment of Twilight’s life, where all who she cared for have left her, a voice gives her comfort. It tells her that she is not weak, that she is not worthless, that they were foolish to ignore her. When she is offered power and knowledge that was denied of her, Twilight accepts and changes the fate of Equestria.

This story is going through revision and some editing, anything mentioning Nemoroth or Horus should be ignored.

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer has finally rebuilt her life at Canterlot High. She has friends, she's in a band, people like her, everything's going great...

And then out of nowhere, she turns back into a small talking unicorn.

Now, with the help of her friends, she has to figure out why she's suddenly a pony in a human world, and whether or not she can become human again...or will have to leave her new life and go back to Equestria.

(Cover art vector sources: Elsia-pony, TheShadowStone)

Now with a TVTropes page!

Chapters (25)

Story inspired by my own shit and "Oops! I'm Equine again!" by MythrilMoth.

Everyone who attends CHS is slowly turning into a pony-human (or the Equestrian equivalent species). Why is this happening? The magic of friendship has been brought into the human world, meaning more friendship equals more magic. And the area of effect is spreading. :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:


Chapters (3)

It's just been a few days since the friendship games, but something drastic has changed. The solar system of Earth isn't what the inhabitants of the planet are used to. Plus there are two teenage, high-school students, who control the most important objects in the sky.

Editor: GaleSinger

Chapters (11)

My first story for everyone. Need to be careful around cussing, 'cause that's why I normally rate everything T.

You know I thought why not turn Sunset Shimmer into a unicorn, while she's still at CHS? Why not adding human Twilight later on? This takes place after Rainbow Rocks and yes, Sunset will have her magic abilities. What fun in having a unicorn without magic?

08/11/2015 Okay, featured because 5 people are watching my new chapter. No wait, 4, I accidentally counted myself. I think the system is a little broken.

Chapters (15)

Trapped in stone, Discord recruits former enemies of the Mane Six to free him, but Trixie takes it upon herself to stop the God of Chaos and his band from within.

Fanfiction.net link
Equestria Daily... someday
Tropes Page... eventually.

Chapters (7)

The Artist class, a group of Changelings dedicated to the creation and preservation of art for the Hive, they planned the Hive's tunnels, the buildings, even the various small tweaks to the throne room. While they were a fairly small group, they were as important as any other.
At least until Chrysalis decides they are of no more use to the Hive, and begins hunting them down. The last survivor, a young Nymph named Spinnekop, is kept alive and given a very special task. She must gain as much information as possible from her target while trying to follow the commands of the Queen.
But when Chrysalis' plan comes together, and they attack the capital of Equestria, everything changes.

Chapters (17)

How far will a pony go for family? Will they fight dragons and Hydras? Will they fight even dreaded Ursa Major's? Will they fight that which has been torturing and breaking them for nearly a thousand years? Will they defy Princesses, Chaos, and even Fate itself to stop the horrors that have been inflicted upon their innocent daughters, sisters and mothers?

For the first time in nearly a thousand years the descendants of Lulamoon are going to answer those questions. Even if Equestria doesn't want them answered.

Chapters (7)