• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016


Crazy female Reploid who tours the multiverse on random.

Tracking 224 stories
  • Tracking 224 stories - 1096 unread chapters
    Created by Skortch
    - August, 2016



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This story is a sequel to Myriad Thoughts

Sometimes, events don't go the way they were supposed to. Sometimes, it's hard to incorporate small pieces into a larger whole. Sunset Shimmer's arrival on Terra has resulted in a lot of changes to the world, and there are a lot of small stories which rise from her myriad deeds and started fires.

These short stories are snippets of life in the Myriadverse. Some are large tales that will take multiple chapters to script out, others are just brief glimpses into the past or motivations for various characters. A few explain the lives of people who are touched- directly or indirectly- by Equestria.

If you haven't caught up on the two main stories in this 'verse, (Myriad Thoughts and/or Sparks Catch) you'll want to look at the first 3 letters to determine where a story fits. The key is below.

SE- Supporting evidence, files, experiments, and notes. Have no chronological place, with perhaps minor spoilers. Usually just fluff.
BEQ- Set before the first Equestria Girls movie. These stories will mostly deal with Sunset's past, but some will deal with other characters or the history of the characters seen in this 'verse.
BMT- Set before Myriad Thoughts, but after the first Equestria Girls Movie.
AMT- Set after Myriad Thoughts, but before Sparks Catch. Note that these stories can also occur in the one month gap between the last of the five days of Anon-A-Miss and the sleepover at New Years.
ASC- Set after Sparks Catch, but before the Friendship Games.

Cover art by PixelKitties. Used without permission.

Chapters (4)

Because of Anon-A-Miss Sunset's life has been ruined. Now she just wants to start anew. After she pawns off everything she owns, she takes to the streets to travel and find a family that actually cares about her.

This story is meant to be something to get me back into writing. I will use this to practice and relax. That means that there won't be a steady update schedule. Still, ill try. Sorta. No promises though.

Oh, and I won't be getting a proofreader for this one. I want to see how well I can do without personal help.

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer is a young mare who strives for power and doesn't care about anyone but herself.
Twilight Sparkle is a little filly with more scars than she lets on.
Now both of them have to make do, stuck in a world where their greatest talents are little more than a pretty mark on their clothes.

Cover art commissioned from GPizano, who draws a pretty awesome Sunset Shimmer.

Top of the Feature Box on 15/06/17, and an incredible 91:0 upvotes. Thank you all for your help in making that possible.

Chapters (5)

AU to a Canterlot Wedding with a twist. Shades of the movie.

Twilight left Equestria ashamed of calling Cadence evil without knowing she was replaced by Queen Chrysalis. The real Cadence was accidentally found and the Changeling invasion was foiled.

Since then Princess Celestia and her friends have been searching for Twilight.

2 years later the Crystal Empire returns and Twilight's friends are sent but it seemed that an armada led by the stern faced Tempest got there first. She is there on behalf of a new empire ruled by Queen Twilight.

20th January 2018, Featured! First of my stories that I know of to be featured on the main page!

Chapters (10)

A farmer, a teacher, a student, a family.
One morning, they woke up and realised something was missing.
But what, exactly, has been lost?

Chapter 2 - Deleted Scene
"What Do Ponies Truly Fear?" - Essay

Chapters (14)


The Crystal Empire came back much earlier than what it 'should' have. Sombra recovered much faster than he 'should' have. Cadence and Shining Armor were delayed. Sombra was so much more powerful than anticipated.

Trixie spent ten years of her life in hell on Equestria, imprisoned for many of them. Her body, wracked by disease, nearly gave out on her... but the Elements of Harmony would not be denied, for they are the most powerful form of magic known to ponydom. A contract, a stay of death, a rescue and escape, and an attempt at rebellion. Love.


One final contract. To earn back her life, Trixie's mind was to travel back in time and stop Sombra before he had the opportunity to kill Twilight Sparkle. Saving the others was a good thing, but the world literally depended on her survival.

With her healthy body back, free of Sombra's spells and... brands, with the strength of so much time spent on a rock farm, and with the training she received, it was disappointingly easy.

The problems started when the refugees arrived.

Turns out, her old timeline sent a few messages along with her.

Inspired by the many 'X beats Sombra before time' fics floating around.

With a little bit of 'Days of Future Past' thrown in, because I was itching for some even before seeing the movie.

Chapters (8)

With a single post, just a handful of pictures from her phone, Anon-A-Miss managed to destroy months of effort to redeem herself. Even her actions at the Battle of the Bands seem to mean nothing in the face of this apparant treachery.

But when the Rainbooms confront Sunset, about her sudden betrayal and cast her out, she gives a response none of them had anticipated.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Adapt and Overcome

The bureaus are ash, scattered to the winds. The Tyrant has fallen, and those who she enslaved, free. Those who followed willingly face justice, be it that of their fellow sapients, or that of the grave. But for one man, the trials are not over yet. He will find a wonderful, terrifying world, full of creatures that once sought the end of his kind. But something is not right. There is something about this place, something wrong. He'll survive though. Because a man without hope is nothing but a shell waiting to die.

First attempt at an extended adventure. Hope it appeals to you. A warning though.
1: It's HiE
2: There won't be much in the way of super-humans wandering the world. Those may come later, depending on which direction the story goes. The MC will mostly be exploring undercover. That being said, he still has his augments.

Chapters (2)

Sunset is feeling abandoned and alone during the Anon-a-Miss incident. With the portal to Equestria inexplicably closed, and every page of her journal mysteriously blank, she can't even ask Princess Twilight for help. After receiving a text from Rainbow Dash, Sunset heads to CHS at night, not knowing it is an ambush set up by Gilda. But before Gilda and company can even touch Sunset, shadowy creatures appear in the gym, and when Sunset chooses to fight the creatures to save Gilda and co, a mysterious key-shaped sword appears in her hand.

(Prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts is not required, but may make it easier to understand some individuals and events that are alluded to.)

3 things to keep in mind:
1) Even though this is a Kingdom Hearts crossover, Sunset will not be traveling to other worlds. The entirety of the story takes place in Equestria Girls Canterlot.

2) In the spirit of Kingdom Hearts, there will be multiple Boss fights. I will not reveal what those fights are, or even offer hints to that end. You are welcome to guess, just don't expect me say if you're right or wrong. Those who pay attention may be able to figure them out ahead of time.

3) Even though this is an Anon-a-Miss story, I intend to have that part of the plot wrapped up after the First Boss, and the HuMane 5 reconciling with Sunset will be finished after the Second or Third Boss.

Cover art is the Keyblade Hopeful Dusk, which was drawn (by hand) by yours truly, and colored in MS Paint.
NEW COVER ART drawn by Graglithan The Greater!

Once again, this story is proofread by River Road!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Numbers Don't Lie

While the girls are enjoying a slumber party, an ancient Equestrian artifact activates. Now everyone in town has a lie meter above their heads. Meanwhile, Anon-A-Miss is set on exposing secrets and ruining friendships, but this new magical phenomenon might cause the nefarious profile to lose power.

Chapters (4)