• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016


Crazy female Reploid who tours the multiverse on random.

Tracking 224 stories
  • Tracking 224 stories - 1096 unread chapters
    Created by Skortch
    - August, 2016



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Unable to convince her former friends she isn't Anon-a-Miss, and out of contact with Princess Twilight, Sunset gives up on everything and tries to end it all. Instead a new chapter in her life begins when she's helped by total strangers, two of whom have familiar names and faces.

As she recovers from surviving her suicide attempt, she rebuilds her life in a new home and at a new school, though lingering forces from her past refuse to allow her a fresh start.

[Do note that the self-harm isn't shown directly, and is limited to the prologue. The story is about recovering.]

Meta notes, abridged version:

Moon-Lite gave me permission to do my own version of Fall of Harmony / Like the Phoenix / Flaming Sun. This is that story.

I asked for permission to do a version because Moon-Lite is not going to do a straight-remake and the old versions are gone, thus leaving no version whatsoever on Fimfiction. I want there to be at least one version on Fimfiction.

Moon-Lite's own new story, which he described as the straight-remake being reworked --kinda-- in a very abstract way, is Phoenix.

For the longer version of the meta stuff I'll make a blog post at some point and put a link to it here when I do.

Chapters (1)

The ancient and powerful Accipion Empire has conquered every nation on Equus... except one. Despite their apparent weakness, the magic of friendship has protected ponies for many years. Emperor Gaius Renault thought his kind would rule forever, that they would have ample opportunity to conquer their ancient foe.

Nature had other ideas. Beneath their claws was a force of unimaginable power, a volcano whose eruption will devastate the empire and smother their crops for years afterward. Even his most optimistic advisors agree that there is only one choice: evacuation.

Equestria might be friendly, but they are no fools. They send a pony, Starlight Glimmer, to see that the terms of the evacuation are followed, and to help the griffins integrate during their time as refugees in Equestria. But blood runs thick, and old rivalries can't just be forgotten.

The longer Starlight Glimmer watches, the more she is convinced she is witnessing the end of both nations.

Updates Mondays

This story was commissioned on my Patreon by Vilken666. Thank you so much for making this story possible!

Coverart by Zutcha, who maintains his perfect record. Prereading by Two Bit and Sparktail (sometimes).

Chapters (45)

Sunset and her friends had no idea that Anon-a-Miss was a plot to break them up. They had no idea that it was targeting Sunset. When Apple Bloom was outed as Anon-a-Miss the account had leaked all of one secret, and everyone believed it was simply a younger sister having fun at her older sister's expense.

They certainly had no idea Apple Bloom would respond to Anon-a-Miss' failure by resorting to a Plan B that had all the subtlety of a Plinian eruption and all the precision of a hurricane.

What they do know is that in one night the veil of secrecy around magic at CHS was obliterated when a video of Sunset Shimmer, with full demonic transformation, doing physically impossible things exploded across the internet.

Now they have to prepare for the fallout, even though they have no idea what form that will take.

[Everything that follows is real world stuff about where the story comes from.]
[Definitely not required reading.]

When you become unexpectedly popular for writing a story in a certain genre, you end up being exposed to more and more of what's in that genre, and your imagination runs away with ideas you encounter as a result, and suddenly what was meant to be a topic you touched for one or two stories at most instead becomes a mainstay of your corpus.

I was most definitely not looking for a new Anon-a-Miss fic. I've got two that have already been released and two in the oven, which makes four that I need to finish. I had no particular desire to start number five.

Then I encountered this idea. The idea in short:

Anon-a-Miss falls apart almost immediately with almost no damage done, which you would think is like dodging a bullet given how the genre tends to go, but because the underlying cause isn't dealt with it doesn't avoid the problem at all. It amplifies it by having Apple Bloom resort to releasing the one bombshell secret that was originally so far off the table it wasn't even considered.

Here's why it interested me enough to start up a new story:

The idea of the magic at CHS being exposed to the world presents seemingly infinite possibilities in itself, but there's also the fact that Anon-a-Miss occurs at a key juncture in the timeline. The human Twilight Sparkle is already on the case. If nothing major changes then you get The Friendship Games but changes could result in things that range from full blown apocalypse to her equipment never malfunctioning in the first place.

Credit must be given:

Uria came up with the idea at five AM with the help of fatigue and Pringles. Even now, as we speak I type this, a shadowy group of individuals are operating in a loose coalition in an attempt to bring that idea, kicking and screaming as it may be, into some form of reality and then unleash it upon the world.

This story is emphatically not the fruit of that particular labor. This is just me writing my version. That is, in part, why this isn't called "Your Past Is Here To Stay"; I wanted that title to be reserved for the official version created by the collaborating cabal.

None the less, this is inspired by Uria's idea, the first chapter extremely so, and credit must be given. Also, given my ties to the currently undisclosed syndicate working on the official realization of Uria's idea, there will probably be a fair amount of cross pollination between this story and the eventual "Your Past Is Here To Stay".

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer, the most antisocial student at Canterlot High School. No one would guess that she's actually the mysterious vigilante, Blacksun. But what happens when someone enters her life and flips her world upside down by asking to be her friend.

Will Sunset, A.K.A. Blacksun, be able to save who she needs to save with this wants-to-be-friend wasting her precious time? Or will Sunset learn that she's the one who needs saving?

Throughout their journeys, Sunset will fight threats both in school and out of school. And along the way, maybe the two will find that they like each other more than friends? Or Sunset's become delusional.

Chapters (6)

Knowing what its like for everyone to hate you is all too familiar for Sunset Shimmer. Since the Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands, Sunset thought that she was forgiven. That her past was all behind her. But when a MyStable user named Anon-A-Miss appears and starts posting everyone's personal secrets, all fingers are pointed at Sunset. Now the entire school hates her again. Even her friends believe she's guilty. Will Sunset be able to overcome this and prove her innocence? Or will she admit defeat and lose all hope in friendship? Or worse?

Rated T for profanity, violence, and depression

This is my very first story. I have never written anything before this so I would appreciate some comments on how I'm either doing good or bad and what can I improve on
Special thanks to Snowflake Dissonance, Madox, Sar Meister, Tungul, and probably Demegor for helping me proofread and fix some stupid and simple mistakes of mine and for providing the awesome looking cover photo :twilightsmile:

Chapters (5)

[Co-written by Onyx Archer]

The Memory Stone is gone, and Sunset Shimmer’s friends have regained their lost memories... but her own memory has not returned.

Faced with the reality that her friends would lose their memories of one another, Sunset Shimmer dove in front of the magic shot forth from the Memory Stone, and watched as her memories of her closest friends left her bit by bit. In the end, this act allowed her friends to come out on top, and regain what Wallflower had taken from them in her quest for revenge.

With the memory stone destroyed, the question now is how to restore her memories. After all, who was she without the memories of the events that had defined her? Could she still be the same Sunset Shimmer that her friends remembered, or is that Sunset Shimmer gone forever?

Twilight Sparkle of Equestria certainly doesn’t want to lose a dear friend. But, perhaps, some things really are forever; some things once done cannot be undone.

Digital pdf version here

Featured on 2/18/18!
Coverart by overlordneon

Chapters (12)

Nearly a century ago, he found himself in a world he recognized, one he dove into with an enthusiasm only an RPG lover could manage. But it wasn't everything he'd hoped, it wasn't a paradise. It was a prison. Now, after a desperate attempt to flee that empty world, he finds himself lost once again. Only now, he can feel the wind and the snow. He can feel hunger gnawing at his stomach. He feels the burn of every step he pushes his body to take.

Definitely worth it.

Chapters (4)

Wallflower only erased the memories of the humans at Canterlot High. She completely overlooked the animals. When Sunset Shimmer shows up at the beach and is shunned by her friends, Spike comes to her aid. With the help of the others who haven't forgotten about Sunset Shimmer, they'll need to get to solve the mystery of the missing memories.

(Totally not inspired by the TV continuation of Disney's "Aladdin". Especially not the episode called "Sandswitch".)

Edit: Featured 2/19/2018, 3:30 PM and 9:30 PM

Featured 2/22/2018, 10:10 AM

Featured 3/3/2018, 6:10 PM

Featured 4/13/2018, 6:40 PM

Featured 4/14/2018, 6:10 PM

Chapters (7)

There was no doubt in Sunset Shimmer's mind that as Celestia's personal student she was the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria, bar none. But between the arrival of 'Princess' Cadence and Celestia's dismissing her for prying too deeply into Starswirl's Mirror, you can hardly blame her for being a little desperate.

Now trapped in another world in a form not her own, she'll be forced to learn the hardway the lessons Celestia so desperately wished for her to learn. Fortunately, there's more to her new friends than meets the eye.

Chapters (1)

[T for safe reasons]
Sombra is dead, everypony is happy. Everypony except Fluttershy that is. For she has rather mixed feelings about her father's demise. She knew he was a tyrant, Tartarus after her mother died he wasn't even nice to her anymore. But he was still her father. How is she supposed to feel? And can she tell her friends that she inherited her father's dark magic?

Inspiration taken from this story!

Chapters (3)