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Princess Celestia, tired of the constant pressure that ruling a nation puts on her, decides to take a day off and let Luna take her responsibilities for a day, something the younger alicorn is more than happy to do. She disguises herself as a pink maned pegasus pony named Sunny Skies and decides to go walking around Canterlot without any supervision. Unfortunately for her, not all parts of Canterlot are as safe as the palace, and she finds herself at the wrong end of a gang of muggers, who decide to kidnap her for a ransom when they see how much money she has on her.

Luna freaks out.

Celestia thinks it's hilarious.

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Featured on Equestria Daily 8/15/13

Go here for the French translation!


Edited wonderfully by sqarishoctagon and Cloud Hop

Updated cover art by Dominatore

Chapters (9)

TD, the human first seen in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! has been in Equestria for a little over a year now and he's just beginning to fully adjust to his life there. However, when he wakes up one morning to discover that five of the Mane Six have switched cutie marks, he endures a significant change when he helps them out.

He is less than pleased.

Edited wonderfully by Strike89

Buy a print copy here!

Chapters (48)

Further wanderings through the Leroverse. This fic continues on after the Xenophilia main story so you'll need to read that to be able to understand anything that's going on here. This fic may not be clop (so no explicit man-on-tiny-horse action to be found here) but the original is so you have been warned.

Most importantly, a huge shower of gratitude goes to AnonAuthor and AnonponyDASHIE for granting me permission to play around in their pool. Hopefully they won't need too much extra chlorine once I'm done. I'd also like to thank all my co-authors and guest authors. You're fantastic, every one of you.

Chapters (89)

This story is a sequel to Into The Depths

The horrors of the catacombs have turned to distant memories for Celestia, Twilight, and Luna. Discord’s change of heart and Twilight’s coronation have helped to ease and erase the mental scars from that harrowing night. The three princesses can even smile and laugh as Nightmare Night moves into full swing.

Yet, it should never be forgotten that those who have been touched by Tirek are forever within his grasp.

Chapters (9)

Ace has snapped, and now Doctor Robo terrorises Equestria in his bid to reform the world in his own image. Meanwhile, sinister forces are working behind the scenes and taking advantage of the chaos. What will become of Geo and Twilight, and all that they hold dear?


This story was once known as Part Seven of the canon Geoverse, but it was declared non-canon due to a lack of updates — as well as being requested by some readers.

Co-written with Crimson Star.

Rated Teen for language and violence (in later chapters).

Chapters (6)

When Fluttershy received her certification as a fog specialist, she only wanted a plausible excuse to write off the expenses associated with her ground-based house on her taxes. However, when an accident in Cloudsdale sends a blanket of industrial-grade clouds rolling towards Ponyville, Fluttershy suddenly finds herself in charge of coordinating the response, mostly because she's the only fog specialist in the area. Can our heroine step up to the challenge at hoof, or will she risk facing the wrath of the Equestrian Revenue Service?

Artwork by Page Turner. Now with a TVTropes page!

Chapters (52)

This story is a sequel to Dash of Humanity

I'm stuck in Equestria, which reminds me of the dark ages. Instead of internet and fast-food, I have Rainbow Dash. She's been asked to help me learn to fit in... I'd like a refund.

I suppose we got off to a good start, aside from being told that after all I'd done I'd never see Earth again. So long as I can look on the bright side of life, and not get arrested for running pranks on everypony with Dash, I might just survive long enough to find my purpose in Equestria. So help me, however, if I get any vegetable related cutie marks I will choke a Princess.

Cover Art by JinZahn
Sequel to Dash of Humanity
Edited by: Selbi, Abcron, Cassius Litner, Seven Fates,
Refro, BronyWriter

Chapters (17)

I have two foals, but I only love one.

I use my music as a way to drown out my depressed thoughts.

I am so afraid of making mistakes that I shun myself from others.

One foggy morning in Ponyville, the residents wake up to find their deepest darkest secrets sloppily written in red paint on their homes. No one knows who the culprit was, the only thing that the town knows is that it will not come off, no matter how hard you scrub. The town is baffled, humiliated, and in shambles. But no more than Twilight and her friends.

In a time where everything you fought to keep hidden is out into the open, will you embrace your faults or sins, or will you let them consume just who you really are?

Time to fess up, Ponyville.

Thanks to ThePristineEye for the coverart!

Also thanks to Kleora for editing!

Oh, and Skeeter The Lurker for proofreading.

Chapters (9)

Some ponies just don't have any luck.

Twilight Sparkle is one of them.

Sure, other ponies might say she's the luckiest pony ever, being the personal protégé of Celestia, a well known pony in all of Equestria.

What they don't know, Twilight Sparkle isn't Twilight Sparkle.

Everything was perfect, her cover has never been blown. Until that one fateful day, the day Shining Armor, Twilight's brother, should have been married, the day of the changeling invasion.

The cleansing wave of love that send every changeling away...

There are only three ponies who know the truth, Twilight Velvet, Night Light and Twilight herself.

Edited by Jphyper, thanks for that.

Chapters (3)

Now with TVTropes page! Show it some love: TVTropes

At last, the second season of your favorite wind mage's adventures in Equestria is here!

Just as Vaati has fully settled down into his new life in Equestria, the unthinkable happens; Ganon appears and declares his intent to conquer. Now, with the Princesses forced into hiding, the Elements of Harmony scattered all across the land, and races all around Equestria suffering under Ganon's harsh rule, it is now up to Vaati, Twilight, and their friends to join forces with unexpected allies, recover the Elements, and take the fight to Ganon. And all the while, an even greater evil plots from the shadows, enacting a scheme centuries in the making that shall soon encompass two worlds that do not yet know the connection they share...

And as the adventure gets underway, one by one, the Mane Six begin to have nightmares...

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders must combat the darkest depths of madness and twisted illusions if they want to save Scootaloo from falling victim to the evil power that weaves the strings of all their fates...

Rated T for action violence, minor language, mildly suggestive themes, and some scary/disturbing images.

Chapters (19)