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Vaati the Wind Mage has grown bored with the whole villain thing. He's trapped himself in a cycle doomed to repeat itself forever. Seeking a way to escape this miserable cycle of escape, kidnapping, and defeat, the legendary sorcerer inadvertantly teleports himself to another world entirely; a world populated by talking magical ponies who believe friendship is magic. Just how will the former villain survive this sugar bowl of a world? Will he end up learning a few lessons in friendship himself? One thing's for sure, retirement has never been this exciting.

AUTHOR NOTE: This story takes place in an episodic format. That is, it follows the style of the show in that every chapter is an 'episode', hence why they will all be lengthy. Some episodes will be canon ones with Vaati along for the ride, and others will be original where Vaati takes center-stage. The first episode takes place shortly after 'Griffon the Brush-Off'. Vaati is from Legend of Zelda and is property of Nintendo. You already know who owns FiM.

Chapters (18)

You've watched every episode at least twice. You make regular pilgrimages to Hot Topic for pony stuff. You post regularly on MLP fanfiction sites. And you have a crush on Fluttershy.

In short, you could not be more of a brony if you tried.

So what happens when the Mane 6 suddenly materialize in your bedroom...and they're not very happy to see you?

Special thanks to Espeon_in_the_morning, RDTwin, The Lost One, JarheadHME, and TinkerStrike, for pre-reading and editing!

EDIT: By Steinbeck's mustache, this fic has been featured!

Chapters (3)

One month after the events of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Sunset Shimmer finds her life in the human world crumbling around her. As a dangerous new enemy begins to show itself, in the form of a powerful terrorist organization known as the Chrysalis Syndicate, Sunset finds herself with no choice but to return to Equestria.

Upon prematurely crossing through the portal, Sunset is arrested for her past crimes and brought to the Princesses. She finds a new mentor in Princess Luna, is reunited with a long-lost family member, and is sent on a mission that would redeem herself in the eyes of the Princesses and the rest of Equestria.

But everything is not as it would seem. Even now when Sunset has come back to Equestria, she finds herself facing great danger, including a sinister villain involved in her past. Will Sunset and her new friends be able to confront this renewed, improved menace?

Table of Contents (For the reader's convenience):
Return to Equestria arc: Chapters 1-2
Mission to Fillydelphia arc: Chapters 3-22
The Weekend Off arc: Chapters 23-37
Vanhoover arc: Chapters 38-65
The Big Night arc: Chapters 66-80
Epilogue chapter: 81

Update: Now has a TV Tropes article, which can be found here. If you happen to be a Troper, please add any trope examples you find in this story to the article.

Current cover art by: mrs1989

Chapters (81)

For almost a thousand years, the immortal Nightmare Moon has reigned over Equestria as Empress. To the average pony, Nightmare Moon is an overarching enigma whose rule is absolute and whose wrath is terrible. But to Twilight Sparkle, who as an orphan has never known her parents, the Empress is something else entirely. When the young unicorn is brought under the royal wing as an apprentice, she learns a great deal more about the supposed tyrant than she ever knew. But as Twilight is introduced to life with her new mentor, she is thrust into a world of political intrigue, conspiracies and secrets. Secrets that were never meant to be revealed. As allies and enemies plot against the very peace of the nation, will Twilight fall prey to the perils of her new position? Or will she prosper and find in Nightmare Moon the mother she never had?


My eternal gratitude to my editor, LordOfTheWrongs, without whom Night's Favoured Child would not be the story it is today.

Now with added TVtropes!

Chapters (15)

After years of trying, Scootaloo finally discovers her special talent.
It's the worst thing that ever happened to her. She'll have to leave Rainbow Dash and all her friends behind as she's forced to go off and learn about her new talent... and then it gets worse.

The sequel, Choices Legacy, is now available.

As always, I adore getting comments about the story; the more specific and prolific the better -- negative comments included. Your comments help make my future stories better.
Featured on Equestria Daily.

Many thanks to my team. I couldn't have done it without them.

Dialog Consultants:
Jacob Ellinger


Unimpressive Vagaries

Scootaloo Vector by MoongazePonies
Background and cutie mark by author
In-Chapter art by author

Chapters (10)

Celestia and Luna rule the palace of Canterlot together quietly, while their assistant Discord always entertains himself with pranking the royalty. But what happens when he has the ultimate idea?

Crossover tag is for later chapters

This story is a simple thing for entertainment. If you're looking for an Equestria daily level fic... Well, this is not one. Just a heads up

Chapters (26)

"The pieces are set, and the dice are in play. But does every pony have the heart for this day?"

Nearly two hundred years have passed since Rarity Belle merged with the Crystal Heart and took the throne of the Crystal Empire. Since then, through her care, determination, and vision, the Empire has flourished like never before. Now Empress Rarity stands as not a ruler of a providence, but the monarch of a rising superpower.

Today though, is the Empress' Birthday, and Lady Merry Sapphire, seneschal to the Empress, is determined to make this the best birthday Rarity has ever had. Little does she know that not everypony shares her enthusiasm for today...

This is an official prequel to the Princess Twilight Sparkle's Birthday stories, created by Autumnschild. This story will develop and expand much of the world we made, but taking place 250 years before PTS500 and its sequel, PTS505. Due to its time gap and status as a prequel, you do not need to read the stories created by Autumnschild, and I have done my best to help that. However, knowing what happened in them will help you be a bit more aware of what is going on, and I encourage you to go read them for they are very enjoyable.

We now have our own group! Come check out the Birthdayverse!

Credit goes to Autumnschild for the proofreading for this story.
Razalon The Lizardman is credited for the grammatical overhaul.

Great thanks goes to these two, for this story would not be as good without them.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Wanderings of a Non-Brony

After the six year journey around the planet in Wanderings of a Non-Brony, The human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in Equestria for good. He sees no choice but to settle down in Ponyville, ready to live the rest of his life as best as he can.

This is his life.

Edited by Marioland1 and Strike89

Chapters (56)

This story is a sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria

Six months. A lot can change in such a short time. Like going from a human guy on Earth to a female alicorn in Equestria. I may be mostly used to my new body, but I still haven't found my place here. Being an alicorn has only made things worse... everyone expects great things from me, and too many ponies look up to me for no other reason than because of what I am. Hopefully I can figure this out sooner rather than later...

Looking to explore the concept of how a blank-flank alicorn would fit into Equestria... without the stupid silly charisma, insane magical ability, or supersonic flight capacity. I know alicorn OCs have some stigma to them that instantly labels them as a Mary/Gary Stu, but I plan to avoid all of that silliness.

A sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria (can't link directly due to NSFW content), now with much less insanity, but with the same amount of comedy. Reading this is not required, although it is recommended. If sex is not your thing, all three chapters marked with (***) are skippable without losing any story content. The writing is crude/humorous/unedited, please be aware of that.

NOTE - Tags. While the protagonist was human in the previous story, I am leaving the [Human] tag off. This is not a Human-In-Equestria story, please do not add it to any Human-related groups.

Explicit sexual scenes are being left out of this story submission. When I get to them, there will be a note saying to go to its prior story, as I will be posting the scenes on there.

Chapters (5)

Partially mirrored from The NP FanFiction Archive.

[Currently attempting a revival of this story after five years. I'd like to issue a personal apology for taking so bloody long.]

Spike has been in love with Rarity since they first met, so when a young filly reveals her feelings for him at the worst possible time, he ends up caught in the middle of a feud that is liable to tear a family apart. If only he could understand his own heart.

The setting, as well as the characters and original concepts, are the property of Hasbro.

[CC BY-NC-SA] Sibling Rivalry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Chapters (15)