• Member Since 25th Aug, 2016


I read stuff.

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Total Words: 32,296,247
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks



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A group of pony radicals try to summon a demon to overthrow the princesses. Instead they got a human. They don't know what a human is.

((Pre Princess Twilight))

((Edit: Featured 5/11/2020. Didn't expect this to go over so well!))
((Edit2: Ch.8 featured 10/1/2020))
((Edit3: Featured 10/22/2020))
((Final Edit: Featured 3/25/2021))

Chapters (15)

Daniel, a disciplined member of the secret service, is stuck with one of those jobs. You know, the one where he has to watch over some secondary personnel when his buddies are hitting it big protecting alien royalty itself, especially when one of his is jealous of her friend and keeps pouting about it. Regardless, he occupies the annoying Rainbow Dash as best he can. Well, until a yellow silicon mask falls from the ceiling and the flight takes a turn for the worse.

And when the pilots pass out, someone’s gotta fly the plane.

Finally, a new entry into the 24-hour fics shelf. It’s not a true 24-hour fic again, but it’s close enough for me to include it among the list.

Rated T for a decent amount of profanity.

Proofread by LordJanitor, shalrath, and TheManFromAnotherTime.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Am (No) God: Month 0

The Summer Sun Celebration 1000-Year Anniversary - an event that would forever change all of Equestria, as six average mares would soon become the heroes of Equestria... Except it isn't about them; this story resolves around a stallion who was present for such an event but not only had a role in it... but just... "appeared".

Destiny is a fickle thing, many believe fate happens, things happen... Some say there's a greater force in play that does the slightest actions to change our lives... So what happens when that very power is living just down the road.

Story Theme Song/Arc 1 OP: Don't Stop
Arc 2 OP: The Shield and the Sword

Timeline: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/825197/i-am-no-god-timeline

Story Artwork: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/894389/iang-art

Character Bios: (Direct Link) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rug4oFgvLCnZxrghCkOe389k3ty5gXa481jWj1SkXqY/edit?usp=sharing
(Blog Link) https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/900300/iang-update-data-inanis

Story Chronology: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1004596/iang-story-chronology

Updates: (08-24-18) Holy banana shakes, its only been seven hours and already this story got twelve likes, several people already added into their favorites, and I haven't even got to reach the third chapter... Who are you people and where is my usual readers?
(08-24-18) I GOT FEATURED! YEEEAAAHAAHAHAHA! And I whole lotta favorites, and one watch too; thank yeah all for enjoying this story!
Update (03-12-18) The new cover of IANG
(07-16-20) DAMN! WE GOT FEATURED AGAIN! Only took two bloody years and we got featured a second time!
(01-13-23) Ay yo shite! I got featured a third time after only posting my latest chapter, and the date too though could not have made it even better! HILARIOUS!
(11-24-23) Wow, I posted what is equivalent to a mini-chapter, and somehow I got featured... not going to lie, but whenever I seem to get back to posing is when I get featured... this needs some experimenting later.)
(04-11-24) Ohhh featured again, Noice.
(06-12-24) Alright another featured!

Milestone: (25-08-18) 1000+ Total Views
(25-08-18) 50+ Total Likes - Just what the heck people, you're all making my heart beat more than usual, and I'm getting the shakes! THE SHAKES!
(02-09-18) 1000+ Views of the old original first chapter
(20-09-18) YES YEEEES YEAAAAAAS *kicks boombox to play music* 100 likes baby! *insane evil laughter*
(??-11-18) Reached 1000+ Views of the current first chapter... don't know what date, but yeah
(14?maybe-11-18) HOLY SNAP, I got to pay better attention... welp reached over 100+ likes, oh and reached 5000+ Total Views too
(25-05-19) Over 10,000+ Total Views, another record breaker!
(01-11-19) 15,000+ Total Views, let's keep wracking up that number even further!
(09-12-19) 200+ Likes, now we should reach 300.
(31-01-20) 18,000+ Total Views, WOOHOO!
(21-03-20) 20,000+ Total Views, awesome!
(16-09-20) 30,000+ Total Views, WE GETTING HIGHER AND HIGHER NOW!
(02-01-21) 35,000+ Total Views, the first milestone record for 2021! LET'S REACH 40,000!
(30-03-21) AH FREAKING YES! 40,000+ Total Views in just two months from the last milestone! GO BEYOND, 50K TOTAL VIEWS!
(29-05-21) 5,000+ Views on the first chapter, we've come a long way since then
(13-11-21) So I was a tad busy, but now I got the chance to check - WE REACHED 300+ Likes, GO BEYOND!
(03-02-22) By the deities, we've reached 50,000+ Total Views! Can we reach 75,000+ and BEYOND!?
(17-09-23) 75,000+ TOTAL VIEWS! TIME WE REACHED 100k!

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. [edited]

Takes place a little over a thousand years post-Kitzumi Nova's adventures through the looking glass. Finding herself in a mirror room she turns herself into a filly hoping they'll think she's just a lost filly only to be used as a punching bag. And she's not the only one who'd been used as a punching bag. Just wait until Aunt Tia finds out.

This is a one-shot. A little something I found while looking for a different file.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Guardian

(This story is a Novella taking place in the Guardian story universe. This story continues with the sequel Legion.)

Tempest Shadow had heard the rumors. Stories, told in frightened whispers by traders and wanderers, in the taverns and around campfires. The stories told of an almighty champion, a monstrous creature from far beyond the stars, that had come to defend Equestria from its enemies. The stories told it had slain dragons by the hundreds, broke the savage beasts of the Everfree like twigs beneath its boots, and torn down titans and monsters alike with its wrath. They said it wielded weapons that could turn mountains into gravel, and seas into desert. That it was clad in armor, that neither the sharpest blades, nor the mightiest magics, could pierce. The rumors said it was unstoppable, relentless, beyond the power of mare or beast to oppose, that it was. . . a god. Tempest had laughed at the rumors and stories, as she flew toward Equestria at the head of an armada, intent on the conquest of her weakling former homeland. Never once did she give the obviously absurd campfire tales even the slightest credence.

The arrogance of fools and tyrants, shall awaken the rage of a monster, and lead an empire, to its DOOM. . . .

Chapters (5)

Kitzumi Nova the fox pony is trapped in the past, and the only way home is to travel to another dimension. It's a world of wizards and witches, and because Princess Celestia wants to make sure she gets some magical education while she is there, Miss Nova will be attending Hogwarts starting First-year in 1903 and finishing in 1992. From there the story will continue as we follow the efforts of ponies to help Wizard kind despite themselves. Will the world of Harry Potter survive?

1/27/2021: So far I'm up to chapter ten for editing and most of the edits have been really minor, so I decided to go ahead and resubmit now.

The explanation for why Nova is going to be in first-year so long can be found in Nightmare Moon’s Daughter if you don't want to read the entire Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. or wait till I cover the reason in this book.

The time of 1903 isn't canon from the lore of Harry Potter but based on the original build date of the type of locomotive most often seen being depicted as the engine for the Hogwarts express.

The CMC arrives in the eleventh chapter. Nova rescues a troll from the crusaders from a troll, and then...

There will be drama, there will be shenanigans, and there will be the occasional breakage of forth walls.

The character of Kitzumi Nova Moon in this story while bassed on the character in my previous books actually represents a different individual within the multiverse who has been having similar if not identical experiences. My reasoning for making her a different Nova is on account of a number of continuity issues that will simply be too much trouble to fix.

Chapters (54)

This story is a sequel to Kitzumi the fox pony. Book one. [Edited]

This series follows Kitzumi the fox pony. Book Two. and starts out with Kitzumi practicing her transdimensional jumps and devolves to her getting lost in time and space. The stories will be about Kitzu exploring different worlds where we will meet various different variations of many of our favorite characters. We start out with Kitzu discovering a world where Twilight is still a little filly apprenticed to Princess Celestia, and after a second visit, gets a bit more than she bargained for on her return trip. Will Kitzu find her way home? Well, I suppose that depends on whether I want to be nice to her or not. What we can expect are some fairly random stories that Kitzumi gets injected into as she travels across time and space making a mess of events as she goes.

Oh well, just so long as the continuity police don't come after her she should be OK... provided of course her own mother doesn't mistake her for a changeling being it's only a matter of time till she encounters herself.

Chapters (9)

This is the story of Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal Silvermane, and how she deals with the outcome of a spell gone horribly wrong. Kitzumi, known as Kitzu or Kizu by her friends, by means not entirely understood, somehow manages to go back in time, and finds herself in the ruined castle of the Two Sisters where she is found by Twilight Sparkle. Twilight is astonished that such a young filly would be so far out in the forest, and even more so when Kitzu identifies Twilight as her mother.

Kitzu is now faced with having to live in a past were no one knows her, and Kitzu isn't like other ponies either. Kitzu is part enchanted fox. A fox pony to be exact. Not only that but she has both wings, having been born a pegasus, and a small horn that's barely noticeable when she first arrives in the past. Just a pegasus with a button horn. How well will she cope with her situation, what will Twilight do now that a foal has been suddenly dropped in her lap? Not to mention the paradox of raising a foal who hasn't even been born yet. To make things even more complicated Kitzu is afraid of Princess Celestia while looking to Princess Luna as a second mother. It wouldn't be long before Luna finds herself doing everything she can to help Twilight.


There have been a few minor alterations for the sake of clarity, and with any luck I've found the majority of the issues. And to be honest I really didn't find a lot. I've lost track of how many times I've been over this and everything else, and quite frankly, yes there are probably more mistakes I've missed, and at this point .... take it as is because it's not really worth the trouble for something I'm not getting paid for. If I was, it would have professional readers and editors. Some of the best story tellers in history never worried about whether or not they had everything perfect.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Destinies

Nearly a year has passed since the events that had brought two realms together. Each had kept the other a secret until now, two worlds separated by a certain cartoon. Finally, both are ready to deal with the inevitable complications, to realize the benefits of trade: human technology for Equestria, and magic for humanity.

The Princess of Friendship is convinced she‘s up to the task, while Meg‘s doubts over the true meaning of her cutie mark grow as the two worlds converge.

Read Destinies first. You won‘t have any idea what‘s happening if you don‘t.

Pre-reading and editing by Mitch H, Doggyshakespeare, and darkszero.

Chapters (41)

This story is a sequel to PaP: Bedtime Stories

Earth has faced terrible things since the Event transformed all living humans into ponies and scattered them across time. Equestria's own demons nearly wiped out civilization more than once, and devastating internal war nearly finished the job.

But now the worst threats are gone, the weapons ponies created to survive them are more dangerous than ever. The superintelligence Athena now rules the world, absolute authority over all civilization. With her power and intellect, she drives the survivors towards greatness, regardless of the body count along the way.

But there are ponies who resist, who yearn for something better. Jackie is not one of those ponies. But maybe they can get her help. It isn't like they have anywhere else to turn.

A ponies after people story. Requires knowledge from 'The Last War' to the end of Bedtime Stories to really make sense, but not necessarily full coverage beyond that.

This story is a patreon commission for the wonderful Lightfox Lowell, who provided the general premise. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail, cover by Zutcha. Thanks to my wonderful support team for making this insanity possible.

Updates every Tuesday.

Chapters (45)