• Member Since 25th Aug, 2016


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Inspired by Parting Words, by RHJunior

Princess Celestia is the paragon of Harmony. She is kind to her subjects and generous to those in need. She is loyal to her ideals and never compromised. She has a good, if mostly unknown, sense of humor. Above all else, she is always honest. Right?

Twilight Sparkle trusts Princess Celestia implicitly and in all things. The Princess has never steered her wrong, not once. When Twilight thought that her concerns for Nightmare Moon were being ignored, Celestia had her back, even if she was withholding information.

Wait a minute.

Shortly before Celestia leaves for Canterlot with the redeemed Luna, Twilight has a conversation with her mentor that will change her perspective on the Princess forever. She will receive something new, beautiful, and damning all the same.


Six Little Words or: The Question That Twilight Didn’t Ask in Canon.

Violence Tag: Implied torture.

Comments are back open. Please try to keep it cordial.

Chapters (5)

When Starlight Glimmer tricked Twilight Sparkle into freezing a filly Rainbow Dash in crystal, the sonic rainboom was prevented. This sent a wave of chaos through the timesteam as destiny unraveled, and empowered Discord. He is quite curious as to who exactly was evil enough to cast a potentially lethal spell at a filly.

Chapters (1)

Long ago, the Seraphim granted power to the Doom Slayer that he might conquer the forces of Hell. The Doom Slayer has won, Hell lies defeated, and now he returns to the Seraphim's holy realm. His mission is not over though, he has promises to fulfill, rewards to collect, and as always, evil to defeat. Let those who would harm this sacred land tremble, for the Guardian of Equestria, has returned!

(This story now has two sequels: Legion and the novella Doom Slayer.)

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Little Consequences

When Twilight Sparkle woke up from a coma, she had amnesia and was unable to remember anything save for her name. She couldn't even recall Rainbow Dash, who was the first pony to welcome her back to the world. While upset by Twilight's inability to remember her, Rainbow Dash made an oath; to help Twilight move on from her shattered past and look forward to the future, and make the most of their situation.

Now back in Ponyville, and with the knowledge that they were once very close, Twilight is trusting Rainbow Dash to be her guide as they begin their life in Ponyville anew. The road won't be easy, but with friends like this, what does Twilight have to fear?

Edited by Chromio.

Cover art is by Novaintellus. Go and show them some love.

Beware spoilers in the comments!

Chapters (52)

Things have changed.

When Rainbow Dash unexpectedly arrives at the Badlands Hive, her open displays of hostility leave Princess Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis perplexed. The situation only devolves from there as differences in this Rainbow Dash are discovered, and it soon becomes apparent that two worlds have collided that were never meant to meet.

Twilight and Rainbow, each with scars both physical and mental, have to find common ground before time runs out. If they can’t, then the pegasus may become stranded in this world of changelings forever.

A crossover between the Little Flashes series and the Change series.

Cowritten with Skijarama.
Featured on: 04/11/2019.

Chapters (29)

Long ago, a terrible monster known as Ninetails unleashed a reign of destruction upon a distant land before being defeated by holy priests. While helping the land recover and purifying monsters, a fox they had in their care spawned a second tail. Despite knowing the risks, the priests believed she could be a force for good and began to train her in the ways of healing and purification. 

However, not long after gaining her third tail, word of her existence began to spread, causing her caretakers to fear for her life. They decided to send her to a distant land, a land of peace, harmony, and friendship. There, Princess Celestia found her and, interested in her ability to purify monsters, took the three-tailed fox in with the hopes she could save her fallen sister.

"Will she find acceptance and happiness among ponies? Will she save Luna? One thing is certain, her race's heritage and instincts won’t make it easy."

Special thanks to Rated+Ponystar for CO writing and editing assistance.
And Special thanks to Sweetolebob18 for very quick proofreading assistance.
And also, thanks to Kitsune Tales for cover art for the story.
Recently joining editor: RebelRogue12

This story starts 50 years before Nightmare Moon Return. Humans make appearance only in prologue and they do not play any significant role later in the story. This is not pokemon in Equestria, main character is a Kitsune. Warning, bleeding, religious themes and fluff is to be expected.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Seven of Six: A Screaming Butterfly

Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn prodigy, her special talent of magic allowing her to wield all manner of the arcane arts with ease. She is an SGU graduate, has connections with the Royal Guard, knows Princess Celestia, and is a mother to a juvenile dragon.

She's also apprenticed to Discord, Lord of Chaos and Disharmony.

And he has a mission for her. A fallen alicorn named Nightmare Moon will soon return to bring eternal night and assured death to all the world. It's up to her to retrieve the Elements of Harmony and stop her.

Join her as she explores a familiar town, befriends familiar ponies, and completes a quest that's as old as the fandom itself, but with a twist.

A retelling of the pilot episode Friendship is Magic, but set in one of Starlight's alternate timelines.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Complications

After getting into a bargain with Discord and having the aspect of pegasus replaced with that of a thestral, Page is having some trouble with some of the things he discover with time and some choices made, may have unforeseen side effects.

Then again, all decisions have their effects on the world around you. Be it making a deal with chaos or choosing tea instead of coffee. Or sneaking up on a jumpy sun goddess. No matter what you choose to do, there are always going to be Repercussions.

AN// Big thanks to Sipioc for the awesome cover image!

Chapters (116)

During a night hardcore studying in the Castle of Friendship, Twilight is interrupted by ten astronauts who begin doing various tasks around the palace for seemingly no reason. Little did she and the rest of them know, one of these small masked men was actually an impostor! Well... actually, everybody thinks it's Red for some reason. I don't know why.

Among Us Crossover, it's just a One-Shot fanfiction, don't expect too much out of it but I hope you enjoy anyway!

Edit: Jezz! I wasn't expecting the story to make the featured list or get this much attention. I'll be releasing the next chapter around this same time tomorrow! And the chapter after that around the same time again the next day. Thanks for all the support!

Also red is sus.

Chapters (5)

Late Shift is a late night radio personality in the human world.

She talks a little bit about everything and nothing.

Humans are weird that way, they'll chat about nothing for hours and still feel accomplished.

She's not whining though, it pays the bills.

PoE Story.

This is a Comment Driven Story, where you can call in to chat with Late Shift. Feel free to ask her any questions you feel like, but keep it tasteful. Also if your Oc would like to be a full on guest at 3: 00 A.M. , sign up by sending a PM.

This Week's Topic, Ponies Working Human Jobs.

Inspired by Admiral Biscuit's writing challenge.

Beautiful cover art by, Climaclysm.

Featured On 6/8/20 & 9/21/20!

Chapters (4)