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Twilight Sparkle has spent months researching chaos magic, developing a new spell to unlock magic nopony has ever experienced before. But when something goes wrong with casting, Twilight finds herself turned into a Draconequus and unable to control her new chaos magic. If she ever wants to be a pony again, there is only one who can help her learn to control her new magic.

Of course, learning from Discord was never going to be simple. And after a while, being a draconequus doesn't seem so bad anyway....

Based on the concept by Lopoddity

Editing by DB_Explorer
Proofreading by Mac349 (Ch. 1-11), Trippy998, Just A Fabulous Cat (Ch. 1-5), Doctor Candor and skysthelimit (Ch. 1-11).

Chapters (23)

Now with an audio reading by Skijarama!

Now with a print version available for order!

A purple Alicorn shows up one night and then vanishes into thin air. Many wouldn't think anything of it besides how strange it was.

Not Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash has met that Alicorn before.

The implication it brings and the guilt that follows leaves Rainbow Dash with questions weighing on her mind.

Luckily, in the crushing pain of reality, she still has friends.


Cover art created by the extremely talented invertigo and paid for by the amazingly awesome Shipmun. Oh my gosh it's just so cool.

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Dash has a secret that she keeps from her friends. If caught, she could end up in prison. What could it be?
Not related to any other stories I've written.
Thanks to Son Elec for and JackRipper for helping to improve this story.
The cover art comes from the Spike At Your Service episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all related content is owned by Hasbro. CYA.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle are the first club of their kind in Ponyville.
Or are they?
Turns out that their big sisters had a club too. And they were more awesome, more dangerous, and more mischevious than the Cutie Mark Crusaders could even imagine.
This is a collection of stories, told to the Crusaders by AJ, Dash, and Rarity themselves, about their childhood exploits. Danger, pranking, experimenting gone woefully wrong - the young club of daredevils had it all. Except cupcakes. Because only Pinkie Pie has those.
I invite you to come and find out exactly what kind of disharmony the Elements of Harmony got up to in their childhood. It'll be a wild ride.

Link to cover artist's page: http://ratofdrawn.deviantart.com/art/Milkshake-525540020

(MON DIEU! How did this story get featured?!) 4/9/2017

Chapters (4)

It's been a long time since Trixie Lulamoon could call herself "Great and Powerful". After her humiliation at Ponyville, she searched far and wide across Equestria, looking for some way to restore her reputation and shore up her pride.

Lucky for her, Princess Luna has decided to re-open a very special division of the Guard: The Dreamguard. Trixie was only one of many to apply, but she was the very first to be accepted. Now she has a roof over her head, three square meals a day, and lessons in dreamwalking taught to her by the Princess of the Night, herself!

As far as Trixie is concerned, life couldn't be better. But the Dreamrealms have wonders and dangers all their own.

A side-story to Project Sunflower: Harmony, though no prior reading should be needed to read this story.

Cover art: Trixie vs Ursa Major by Korcika, used with permission.

Editorial poking and prodding provided by Razalon the Lizardman, Coandco, BrilliantPoint and Ekevoo, listed in no particular order.

Chapters (8)

[This story has been rewritten, link to it is here ]
Canterlot is getting ready for the wedding of the century, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is marrying the Captain of the Royal Guard and part of the draconic royal family will be in attendance. In addition to helping prepare the most high profile wedding Equestria has seen in living memory, Celestia has tasked Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Elements of Harmony with befriending the future queen of the Dragon Empire and her entourage, the first Sorcerer the Empire has ever had. One thing is certain, this will be a wedding that nobody ever forgets.
(New description has be made by none other than DoomManta)

(Story has been inspired by This picture) Go check out the person who did it Zig-Word

New cover art is drawn by http://akerabronzpaw.deviantart.com/ It may say a different name but same person.

Note to all: This story has been made before the season 6 ep 5 "Gauntlet of Fire" was made but may have some details about it. ;)

Also this story got Featured, a lot... thanks everyone xD

Chapters (10)

Changelings and ponies had always been natural enemies of each other, especially with the crystal ponies when they were around. Why wouldn't they be? Changelings were like parasites, feeding off the love that ponies gave off and driving them to illness.

However, Changelings had begun to decline. What started out with as seven hives have diminished down into three, all of which had gone into hiding so well that most ponies didn't know what changelings even were. Even Celestia had not seen one for quite a while, a long feat for an immortal pony.

Until she found a nymph. A new Changeling Queen.

Unable to find it within herself to abandon the changeling, Celestia ends up taking the nymph back to Canterlot under guise as Twilight Sparkle. The plan was simple; find the hive that Twilight belonged to and return her back to be raised with her race.

Of course, despite everything she learned through her long life, she had forgotten that things were never that simple.

For starters, she did not anticipate herself to grow fond of Twilight as time began to pass, or to beam in happiness when Twilight began to refer to her as mom.

Many Many Thanks to my Pre-Readers: Rewrite and Doctor Disco (Welcome to the Team Doctor!)

Chapters (4)

When a colt named "Bad Dude" storms into Celestia's personal study and declares himself as her latest arch enemy, the Princess can't help but nearly gush from the sight. As perhaps the cutest villain Celestia has ever encountered, she hurriedly calls for Luna to meet him as well.

But is there more to "Bad Dude" than his cute exterior would suggest?

No. No there is not.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (2)

Going through a re-edit faze

Shoot, move, communicate & kill grubs

Four things you need to know in life after fourteen years of fighting monsters.

Now at the near end of her ropes, Sargent Abigail Terrell, is one of the few gears in the COG's Special Forces and a former member of the Onyx guard still fighting on the front.

On another regular patrol mission she finds out what happens when you fall into a pond of hot Imulsion during which a light mass bomb go's off followed by some timely other dimension magic popping up.

Nothing is ever going to be the same.

Gears of War/MLP crossover.

Gears of war is owned by Epic Games
MLP:FIM is owned by Hasbro

Takes place in the end of Gears of War one ending
During the season 6 final (spoiler)

Chapters (17)

Scootaloo ran away years ago. Since then she's settled into a life in Ponyville. It's not much of one, but it's hers. One cold day she finds herself in the library.

Twilight Sparkle is a Princess, sworn to help all the citizens of Equestria, but how can she help somepony she doesn't know needs it.

Edited by Zimmerwald1915 and Johnny Bench

Chapters (15)