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When passions flare and new relationships begin at the Grand Galloping Gala, it can be difficult to sort things out through the warmth and glow of young, budding love. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Captain Spitfire know full well such things are supposed to have a certain progression, but they're not going to let that stop them from enjoying each other's company as much as they can.

Prereading/Editing help by Cryosite, Jondor, Melon Hunter, Meridian Prime, and Timaeus.
Artwork by FlutterThrash.

Chapters (20)

Ponies are like those weird experimental dishes my broodmother sometimes makes: really interesting and probably good for a story, but never the type of thing I’d want to poke, for fear it might take off my hoof. I already learned my lesson the first time something I ate came back to haunt me. Sure, they're flavorful, but I’d like to be a bit more discerning when I’m trying to distinguish “edible” and “by-the-queen-it’s-looking-at-me.”

C-can I please leave the table?

I’m Nymph, and I'm now a changeling infiltrator.

Special shout-out to Georg for giving my chapters a final passover before publication! He is equal parts terrible and wonderful, and I am thankful for every bit of it.

Chapters (38)

SEQEUL: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/295946/dont-worry-we-wont-bite-sequel-to-night-of-the-werewolf

"Stay away from me!" She screamed as her body changed under the light of the moon, her pupils small as pebbles, blood dripping from her hooves, and mouth as they became more wolf like. "I don't want...to...to hurt...you..."

Her body went limp as she fainted, her fur and mane frazzled, paws replaced her hooves, sharp fangs going just past her lips. Vinyl stared in shock as the wolf-like creature lifted itself from the floor with a low growl. It turned to Vinyl, canines bared. It rose its head and let out a loud, mournful howl, and attacked. Vinyl by now had been scared past her wits, and having read a fair amount of folklore herself, expected to be mauled. But instead,

It licked her...

Chapters (6)

Cover art from HERE

Edit 14/3/2019: Had to remove the Drama tag because I wasn't allowed to save edits to the description due to too many tags due to the new rules.

I was enjoying a quiet day at work, when I suddenly find myself in what I can only describe as what a person high on drugs would see, before a blinding rainbow light slams into me and knocks me unconscious.

Upon awakening, I find something very off, not only about my surroundings, but myself. For one, I seem to have become a small horse and a female one at that.

I also seem to be in a forest of some kind. Hang on. Is this the Everfree?

Oh, great. What do i do now?

Well, having powers on par with a Chaos Lord certainly might come in handy. Let's see what i can do with them, shall we?

Sex tag for sexual references and teen for teen reasons, plus a lot crass swearing.

And, just be warned, that random tag is serious. Random shit will happen in this fic, so be wary of that when entering and DO NOT expect anything to just be normal at any point.

In Popular Stories 31/12/2015. What a way to end the year!

Featured 24/7/2016. Okay. Honest to God did not see that coming.

Featured again 31/7/2016. Wait. What?

Featured 5/8/2016. Someone's pulling my leg here, right?

Featured again 26/8/2016. No. Wait. WHAT?

Despite everything, got Featured 16/2/2017. Just hope the next update does this justice

In Featured 2/07/2017. Um... How? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad, but... how?!

Seriously? Featured 23/7/2017?

Featured 28?7/2017. .... Um, HOW?

Featured 4/8/2017. Wait, HOW?

Chapters (61)

A retelling of the ending of "Bats!". Twilight's spell was able to help Fluttershy get her mind back...but unfortunately, she's stuck as a batpony for the rest of her life! Naturally, Fluttershy is distraught, but luckily, her lifelong friend Rainbow Dash is there to help her get use to the change...while also unable to get over how hot she thinks Fluttershy looks now!

My entry in the FlutterDash writing contest.

Cover pic by Silbersternenlicht.

Chapters (1)

During Lesson Zero, Spike warned Celestia of Twilight's impending breakdown. What if Spike did this during the course of many episodes, with Celestia valuing his input?

Sometimes, however, it backfires on the both of them, as in the case of A Canterlot Wedding. Afterwards, Celestia has a heartfelt chat with Spike.

First two chapters are letters being traded back and forth with one actual scene. Family Celestia and Spike, Momlestia. Cover art by JAEneth, used with permission.

Day 2 of my Self-Imposed 28 Fics in 28 Days Challenge

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Crystalline: Her Destiny

Ever scholarly Princess Twilight Sparkle can't wait to finally embark on her own arctic quest with her friends to find evidence of Starswirl the Bearded's life.

But what if things don't go as planned? When Princess Celestia orders a new companion who is a master magic user to accompany Twilight she's thrilled until she finds out on who it might be.

Her fears come to life when it turns out to be none other than Sombra. Will this ambitious Princess and the snarky loner be able to refrain from killing each other? Ancient magic awakens and history becomes vivider and its participants a little too alive as things play out.

Book Two of Sombra's Odyssey. Takes place in between MLP:FiM seasons 4 and 5. Proofread by: ElderXelpud and an anonymous user. There are many unmarked spoilers in the comments, and many more containing excerpts may not be relevant any longer because of the changes made in the updated version. Find the old version here! Cover art is by matrosha123 and has been edited by me. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (21)

Chrysalis is dying and she has but one thought on her mind. When she is gone from the world, who will care for the one thing in the world she values above life itself?

What will she sacrifice? How much of her pride will be thrown aside? To what lengths will she go to ensure her daughter's life? Will she beg a mortal enemy for mercy, not for herself but for an innocent foal? She is already willing to die for her child so what else could she give to be certain of the filly's sustained happiness?


This is my entry for the EFNW 2014 Writing Contest. I'm really happy with it so it doesn't matter whether I win or not. Seriously I'm glad I got to tell this story.

Alright big shout out time. As of March 13, 2014 the impeccable Goombasa has posted this... HERE ... Now that a YouTube fanfiction reader has read one of my stories I am one step closer to world domination!

New big shout out time! As of August 28, 2018 the lovely CountessRose has posted this HERE ... Now that a second YouTube fanfiction reader has read the same story as last time, I am yet another step closer to worlds domination!

Now on to the important details, the shout outs to the artists responsible for the vectors and background I used to make the cover art.
The Chrysalis Vector
The Celestia Vector
The Background
Many thanks to them.

Chapters (2)

Lately, Princess Cadance has been feeling inadequate. She's spoken of this briefly to Twilight Sparkle at the Starswirl the Bearded Traveling Museum, but her longing for a grand adventure is really starting to get to her, as are the thoughts that she isn't doing her best.

When help comes in the unlikeliest of places, Cadance finds herself getting more than she bargained for, starting with her companion of circumstance: King Sombra.

Book One of Sombra's Odyssey. Takes place in between seasons 4 and 5 of MLP:FiM canon. Proofread by: NorrisThePony and ElderXelpud Spoilers in the comments. The cover art is assembled from a piece by sugarberryart, plainoasis, and Pedro Hander. This story is a rewrite of Crystalline. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (15)

A failed assault, a shamed monarch, and a spiteful sister.
The world has taken much from Chrysalis, but when her own nation is stolen from her, with her life almost following suit, she finds herself granted kindness from an unlikely source; the very ponies who she had wronged.
What kind of future can she hope to have, now that everything that she holds dear has been stripped from her?

Chapters (8)