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Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption.
Can he succeed in the trials of parenthood?
Can his daughter survive the life of royalty?
Can the royal coffers endure the doting of three zealous aunts?

Set seventy years after the end of Season 3.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Cover art by EZTP also featured on Equestria Daily! [#3]
Additional supplemental art provided by MelonDraws, spokenmind93, EZTP, EifieChan, Ayemel, and Ninny, with more to come in the future.

Edited by the amazing Shahrazad

*Note*: [Sex] tag added for the use of innuendo and mention of the topic in later chapters. No 'on-screen' content included.

This story's update frequency is incredibly sporadic, but I promise, no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, this story will reach completion. (Update 12/28/22: YES, I PROMISE I'M STILL WORKING ON IT!)


Chapters (65)

This story is a sequel to Brushed Away 2.5: Hearth's Warming Morning

After months of planning, organization, and the occasional disagreement, Troius Clawston and Canvas can finally see the anticipated day of their union in sight. And with Troy's family returning to Equestria early to help with the festivities, nothing can go wrong... right?

However, considering how much there still is to do, and what kind of family Troy has, sometimes things can get a little complicated. And even with most of Ponyville in assistance for the couple's big day, things are more than likely to spin out of control on the way to the wedding aisle. Especially when a group of Gryphons is planning one of the bachelor parties.

Big thanks to JackAnarchy for the cover art.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Brushed Away 2: By Hoof and Claw

As the Hearth's Warming Season comes to Equestria, Troy and Canvas decide to spend the holiday in each other's company. Of course, among all the presents the two have for each other, one specific gift might add something very special to their home...

I want to give a huge thanks to Brasta Septim for making this audio recording of my story. You're awesome!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Brushed Away

Despite being one of the few Gryphons living in the land of Equestria, Troius Clawston couldn't be happier with how his life has been. Along with having good friends and a stable job in Weather Patrol, Troy is happiest about his life for one reason: Canvas, the Earth Pony artist that he saved and befriended, who grew to become so much more.
However, before the two can begin their lives together, Troy has to overcome a new challenge in his life. Something he never thought he would have to face until now...

Telling his family.

Because of strong Gryphon values which look down on alternative relationships, how will Troy's family react when they discover he's not only with someone of a different species, but of the same gender? As traditions clash with taboos, how will the Gryphon handle telling his brothers and parents, while still staying with the stallion he cares about? Can he keep everyone together, or will family bonds break under pressure?

The cover art was made by High-Roller2108, and I want to thank Bad_Seed_72,Shadow Hawk, and Zyrian for proofreading this.

Chapters (43)

After a long hard day of friendship lessons Twilight settles down with Spike to look through her old photo album. Starlight's reaction to one of the photos brings a shocking secret to light. Starlight is a mother, and she does not know to whom.

Twilight and her friends now want to help Starlight find her long lost foal, while trying to puzzle out just how a mother could not know her own foal. Starlight meanwhile is trying to decide whether to bury the past, or drag it all up once again. Both will be painful, but the question remains. Which one would hurt the least, for all involved?

Several truths are revealed, and motivations are uncovered. When everything is laid bare how will everyone react? Will Starlight's life be turned upside down, even in this time of change for the former villain?

Chapters (14)

If it weren't for a group of young mares, saving the day with luck and intuition, Equestria would fall. Chrysalis finds this absolutely unacceptable. For the love of ponies and their carefree way of life, the changeling queen takes a stand. Will she survive? Will Equestria?

Whoa, buckle up everypony, this one promises to be another big story!

The art is once more done by the amazing Vavacung, please show them some love and appreciation!

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (36)

The Galactic Empire discovers an odd star system in the outer rim. Tasked with scouting the first planet in the system, Scout Trooper TS-588 and her partner TS-571 make unintentional first contact with a new alien life form.


Chapters (3)

After the Changelings got flung out of Canterlot, one of them brought a Guardspony with them. When they crash into a deep cave, both of them end up crippled and unable to leave the cave and all they have is eachother to count on for survival.

Edited by the fantastic mikesnipe
Preread by the equally fantastic shynight

Upped the rating and added "Sex" tag because of language in the later chapters.

Featured on 2015/10/25. Thank you guys!

Chapters (13)

He was an alien raised by humans, torn between two worlds and belonging to neither. His efforts thwarted, he found himself descending into madness, destined to be consumed by the nightmare he was becoming.

She was a loner, withdrawn and anti-social. When one whose regard she valued above all others turned away, she sank into darkness and despair. The madness waited.

The madness drove him to decide that if the world could not accept his enlightenment, it would suffer his madness.

The madness drove her to decide that if the world had no place for her, then it could do without her.

Sometimes, it takes another broken soul to help put your pieces back together.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Cover art by Sanyo21, commissioned by Level Dasher
Edit 2: Since everyone keeps asking, this is a crossover with the 'Mother' game series. Look it up.

Chapters (99)

This story is a sequel to The Mare In Gold

When a Royal Guard of the Crystal Empire finds an abandoned changeling foal, she takes in the infant and raises it as her own daughter. It’s love at first sight, and the bond that forms between them gets the guard in a lot more trouble than she bargained for.


***Updated: 07-31-2019***

Up Next: Black Gold

Chapters (19)