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It's been a thousand years since Twilight Sparkle left Ponyville to rule over Equestria. A thousand years of progress, guided by determination and her gentle hoof.

It's as good a time as any to disappear for a while.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III, in the Slice of Life category. Read the other entries here!

Inspired by the Mountain Goats song Andrew Eldritch Is Moving Back to Leeds.

G5 is not canon to this story. Please do not ask me to add the Alternate Universe tag; I refuse.

Preread by the incredible tag-team of Arkadios and alafoel!

Scouted by Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

A thousand year absence from the world would be disorienting for anyone, but when your job is Head of State, understanding how society has changed during your interregnum is vital. Princess Luna, banished in the age of the longboat and the longbow, has returned just in time for the launch of the tablet computer. With the help of her sister, she undertakes to understand the history she's missed and the people she finds herself among, in order to resume the duties of her title.

This story takes the form of a series of conversations between Celestia and Luna that take place months and years apart. It is openly concerned with political ideas and how societies are organised, and not at all concerned with monsters and magic beyond the conceit of immortal monarchs. The Alternate Universe tag is there because I will be ignoring every single one of the thousand year catastrophes that occur in the show after the Nightmare Moon crisis, the retirement of the Princesses, probably the presence of any other Princesses, and anything else in the show I feel like ignoring, because I find them irrelevant to the themes I want to cover.

In short, if you wanted The Audience with ponies, I got you covered.

This story can be considered canon to my comic works such as The Sunjackers, and my other associated worldbuilding projects, and uses the same date system as them (ie. roughly matching our own, with the return of Nightmare Moon happening the same year as the episode aired, 2010). May also be your jam if you like Equestria At War, but not affiliated at all.

Chapters (7)

Twilight did her duty. She saved everypony she could, except herself. Now trapped by an evil cult, in more pain than she has even been in before, and dying on a sacrificial altar, she calls for help. The Nightmare answers.

Will Twilight become the next evil to threaten the world or will the Nightmare simply be glad to have some freedom? One thing is for certain, Twilight's life will never be the same again.

The Editors
Cander (CH 1-Current)
Yutah123 (CH 8-9)

Now with an excellent reading by StraightToThePointStudio (Currently only up to CH 30)

And we even have art!
[Warning Spoilers] Twilight's Nightmare Art

Chapters (198)

After a wild bender with her friends, Sweetie Belle learns the downside of consuming alcohol the hard way.

Fortunately, Rarity is there to help her recover and offer her sister advice.

Both characters are adults as this takes place some time between "The End of the End" and "The Last Problem."

Rated Teen mostly for references to alcohol and mild suggestive humor

My entry for the Dialogue Only Contest:

This is my first story, so I apologize for it being a little rough around the edges.

Shout out to Octavias Melody for pre-reading and adding touch ups.

Update: Featured on Equestria Daily (06/16/24).

Chapters (1)

This is not the first time Trixie has had a drunken one night fling with a random pony.

It is the first time Octavia has.

A May Pairings jam.

Featured 5/30/2024 - 6/4/2024!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy's always felt more than a little different from the other foals her age, but it wasn't until recently that she came to terms with one of the reasons why that might be. Her best friend, Jet Stream, has always supported her, despite how different they are...but he's been acting a little weird lately. Fluttershy wants to believe it doesn't have anything to do with her, but she's the only thing that's changed recently. Is she going to have to choose between her true self and her only friend, or is there something else entirely going on?

This story contains transgender themes.

Chapters (1)

Fact: Dinky Doo has the best mother in the world, and Dinky Doo is fully aware of this. Ditzy Doo works hard for her every day, and Dinky tries her hardest to be the daughter that her mom deserves. To really show how much she cares for Ditzy Doo, Dinky needs to get her mother the best birthday gift ever. A new jewelry store opening up in Ponyville provides the perfect opportunity. Unfortunately, Amethyst Star's Fine Jewlers is going to result in far more than Dinky bargained for...

A Lunaverse story.
TVTropes Page!

Chapters (6)

Lyra Heartstrings, graduate of Luna's Academy of Magic, is going to have her first solo show - tonight! It's nothing major, just a few pieces for the Academy itself to play for the new student body, but with some of the most talented musicians in all of Equestria set to be there, the chances to make contacts and get her name known in the right circles is just the opportunity she's dreamed of! She just has to do a quick favor for Trixie first, and then it's off to Canterlot. Surely nothing can go wrong?

A Lunaverse story.
This story is happening simultaneously with Family Matters, but you don't have to have read Family Matters to enjoy this one.

Rated T for (non-sexual) nudity

Chapters (11)

Trixie Lulamoon, the personal student of Princess Luna, has finally, through a combination of reasoning, pleading, and whining, managed to convince the princess to invest some real responsibility in her, and give her a chance to show off everything she's been learning while under the alicorn's wing. Luna has appointed Trixie to be the official representative of her Night Court to the town of Ponyville, which this year will be hosting the Longest Night Celebration. Trixie is additionally tasked with overseeing the preparations for that festival.

At first, things seem to be going less than swimmingly. The catering is way too many kinds of apples, the weather patrol is far behind, the musical maestro is nowhere to be found, and the decorations could use significant toning down. To top it all off, Trixie can't help but feel that this was less an appointment to a position of real responsibility, and more an informal exile from the Night Court. Still, things could be worse: a mad alicorn goddess of fire and hate could escape from her millennial imprisonment on the sun and try and conquer Equestria.

But what are the chances of that?

A prequel to Boast Busted
Part of the Lunaverse
Now has a TVTropes Page!

Chapters (18)

Fizzlepop Berrytwist suffered a terrible tragedy as a foal and nearly lost her way until a chance meeting with Shining Armor showed her another path in life - as a member of the Night Guard of Luna. However, in her efforts to prove herself as being up to the task of being a Night Guard, she has pushed herself practically to the breaking point. As her commanding officers try and sort out her unique situation and if the Guard really is the place for her, she is given a simple assignment: keep an eye on Trixie Lulamoon, Princess Luna's new apprentice, as she spends a day in Canterlot.

This won't end well...

A Lunaverse story, and a prequel to the main series. However this is being written in such a way that new readers should have no trouble diving in.

Chapters (6)