• Member Since 28th Sep, 2016


I enjoy stories about changelings, crystal ponies, and the intersections of both.

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The changelings have been plotting their revenge ever since the wedding, to little avail. Most of their sleeper agents have been rooted out, there are regular guard patrols along the borders of the Badlands, and every deal they've made has been betrayed in record time. The only changelings not starving to death are the ones who have sold off the queen's secrets for clemency.

But despite all of these setbacks, Queen Chrysalis has a plan. A plan that, if she pulls it off, could topple the Crystal Empire in one fell swoop. Of course, it has more than its fair share of risks, but the reward will make it all worth it.

Rated Teen for brief descriptions of the various mechanisms of birth.

Also, don't worry about spoiler tags. The premise of this piece should seem fairly obvious.

Written before Season 6

Chapters (1)

It's usually boring work, maintaining an Equestrian border crossing. Doubly so if you're stationed at the Badlands crossing, with no incoming and a general populace still too busy licking its wounds to try anything funny. But it pays well, so guards tend not to complain.

But then you get the occasional day where everything goes wrong. Where an errant changeling with an attitude and an extremely punchable face tries to waltz past the station with a cart full of contraband, and sticky gross contraband at that.

If the border guard can get out of this one with all of their brain cells, they're definitely applying for a transfer to Ponyville.

Written as a birthday present for Carapace

Chapters (1)

There is a hidden village deep within the untamed forest surrounding Neighagara Falls. Should one ever journey to this village, those who live there will welcome them for a simple price: love.

When the village accepts a new family from Cloudsdale, a not-quite-altruistic pair of changeling siblings offer a young filly friendship and a chance to find her place in the strange village she hopes to call home.

New cover art done by Arcticwaters.

Chapters (52)

Like ponies, changelings can get pretty paranoid at times. After all, it's not every day that a changeling gets kicked out of the hive for being a pony.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters

What if... After "The Three Sisters" Rarity managed to find Chrysalis and talk to her?

A definite sequel.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: will contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor and Cadence's spell reveals something completely unexpected as it expels Chrysalis and her changelings out of Canterlot: A secret kept from everypony for several years...

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

One minute you have a changeling enter your boutique,
and the next minute you're getting a lecture of how offensive it is to think changelings are bugs.

Maybe Rarity should've thought twice before hitting a changeling with a flyswatter.

~Another fanfic I now regret writing...way to go Atlas~

Chapters (2)

The changelings are content with their recent change, but they're all still working to adjust to the full scope of these changes.

Thorax, however, finds there was one personal change he's somehow overlooked.

Rated Teen for implied subject material...but I was able to avoid discussing it directly so much so that it's probably overkill on my part.

Obviously, spoilers for the season 6 finale.

Featured (for some reason) on 10/29/2016

Chapters (1)

A changeling sets up a secret shop inside of Ponyville. He can be anyone you want him to be. The crush you wished felt the same way about you. The boss you want to just scream at. The parent you hoped would return someday. The friend that's now your enemy.

He can be anyone you want him to be. Just don't ask him to be himself.

Now with a youtube reading. HERE!

Chapters (1)

After the events of the Grand Galloping Gala, Fluttershy realizes that she knows even less about Discord than what she had originally thought.

When she asks him to tell her more about himself over a cup of tea, the answer is more than what she thought she could handle.

Cover art by johnjoseco on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)