• Member Since 28th Sep, 2016


I enjoy stories about changelings, crystal ponies, and the intersections of both.

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Estimated Reading: 5 days



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With how much ponies stumble, fall, crash, take hits, and get things dropped on them, you'd think they would... you know... actually get hurt.

Well it turns out there's a reason for that!

The reason: Ponies are squishy.

Awesome reading done by CaptainBron3y A.K.A TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade. Check him out!

Chapters (1)

Takes place during and directly after the wasteland scene in the season five finale. Rather than Starlight taking them to her past, the map instead takes the three to one final future. In this future, Starlight Glimmer has won. All of Equestria has succumbed to her vision of equality. So why does she hate it so much?

Twilight, Spike and Starlight need to get back to their Equestria. To do so they must join forces to battle a new Starlight Glimmer. Starlight begins to see things another way, and realises that she may have been wrong all along.

Chapters (1)

At Applejack's wake, Apple Bloom demands to know how Granny Smith, who actually died two centuries ago and has overseen Sweet Apple Acres ever since, is not only still alive but hasn't aged a day during the two decades they've known each other. The answer is fruit.

An Apple a Day is a work of absurdism.

Chapters (1)

A holiday tale in which Cheerilee learns the true meaning of the word "wassail"; Granny Smith fails to learn the true meaning of the word "polymath"; and somehow, amidst it all, three flowers finally begin to put down roots. Happy Twelfth Night, everypony.

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)

Happiness is something sought by all ponies, and Applejack and her friends have been lucky enough to obtain it. They have everything they ever wanted, and all is right with the world. But in that case... why can't Applejack shake the feeling that something is amiss?

Cover art by WhiteDiamonds.

Chapters (4)

During her time-twisting battle with Starlight Glimmer, Twilight finds herself in an Equestria ruled by a tyrant alicorn that calls herself the Queen of Equestria. In this world, Twilight's friends are gone and beyond her aid, and Equestria's citizens live in fear of their ruler's wrath should they anger her.

But no one has ever seen the pony who suffers the most in this world.

Pre-read by MythrilMoth and RT Stephens. Cover art vector by kindkristy99

Chapters (1)

Luna and Celestia call an emergency meeting with Twilight, and admit that there's more to tell about the birth of Flurry Heart than they've let on.

Chapters (1)

Where are you going, little one, little one?
Turn around and you're just hatched,
Turn around and play a game,
Turn around and you're a changeling princess who will soon be Perfect!

Chrysalis had a happy childhood, er, grubhood. Raised in the hallowed tradition of changeling princesses, she studied hard, played pranks, and loved her siblings. It was all so... perfect! Then one day the illusions around which she had built her life were revealed, and everything came crashing down...

This story is an entry in FanofMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest.

Edited by Nevina and original artwork by Mythee

Chapters (1)

It's been three weeks since Thorax became King of the Changelings, and with the help of his new friends, he has started building the Changeling Hive back into a powerful nation. That's when Chrysalis contacts him with promises of a truce.

Unfortunately for her, she doesn't know just how far along he has come in his studies for being a ruler. But she will. He'll show her.

Special thanks to AssassinMonkey on DA for the cover image!

Chapters (1)

Twilight, believing something has happened to her memory, seeks out Princess Celestia to see if she recognizes it and can offer a cure. But the answer lies far deeper in the root of her nature and her life as the Princess of Friendship than she would have ever expected.

Chapters (1)