• Member Since 28th Sep, 2016


I enjoy stories about changelings, crystal ponies, and the intersections of both.

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They say a Cutie Mark is a symbol of a pony's special talent; a coming of age if you will; the starting guideline for a pony's destiny. Well, they got one part right at least...

What is the purpose of a Cutie Mark really, you ask?

Let's just say it's a lot less...cheerful than you think.

Chapters (1)

"So if you meet me, have some courtesy,/Have some sympathy, and some taste./Use all your well-learned politesse,/Or I'll lay your soul to waste." -The Rolling Stones, 'Sympathy For The Devil'

A mysterious store has appeared in Ponyville. The proprietor of this shop is a very sly and crafty stallion who has an odd manner about him. And the items that he is offering seem strange in their own right. What's stranger still, is that there is a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window. One yellow filly with a large pink bow is up to the task.

Written for Halloween 2015.

Chapters (7)