• Member Since 28th Sep, 2016


I enjoy stories about changelings, crystal ponies, and the intersections of both.

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Thorax seeks a new future for the changelings. There is one thing he doesn't understand however.

Every new era begins with the death of the last one.

Author's Notes: Hey guys long time no see. This is not a parody fic, nor do I have a gripe on how Chrysalis was treated in this episode as I expected most of this. I do however at times get some ideas that fit the canon episodes. Rarely so ((like my "Precious Soul of Mine" fanfic)) but it happens. This story is marked completed but I may or may not post something more to it.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna created me in order to make sure she never would forget the pain she caused Equestria.

But this? This is not the way to accomplish my directive.

If only I could let her know...

Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library
Russian Translation by Doof!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Code's Apprentice

Sequel To : The Code's Apprentice

The land of Equestria has been changed forever.

New monarchs sit upon the thrones of the Sun and Moon, the once almighty power of Harmony overturned to make way for a new Diarchy of Balance. Political unrest and turmoil have engulfed the land, and at the very center of it all, Princess Celestia - renamed Tia Sunbeam - seeks atonement for the crimes she committed in the name of Eternal Harmony.

With much of her power sealed away, Tia must live amidst the citizens of Ponyville as the world changes all around them. As Ponyville works to rebuild following the struggle between student and teacher, they must cope with the edicts of a new government determined to bring equality to all creatures, beliefs, and ways of life - even those that were long since banished to the dark places of the world.

Tia Sunbeam will struggle with her own deeply held convictions on the way the world should be, versus the way it will now become. She will face a truth she has long since denied, and realize the true meaning of Harmony. And perhaps, most importantly of all... She must make some Friends.

Cover art by SinSays at http://sinsays.tumblr.com/ - Go spend some money with her! :D
Oh, and go check out my new side story - Rise - It's going to become relevant here!
(character tags are not comprehensive! Some are being kept secret! ;3)

Chapters (34)

For a thousand years, the Code of Harmony has ruled Equestria, and the Code of Dissonance has sabotaged its works at every turn. Now the war for control over the land will come to a head, and one unicorn's decision may decide the fate of all.

For though she does not know it, Twilight Sparkle is the shining example of the Code of Harmony. Her teacher, Princess Celestia is Harmony's most powerful master and she knows her enemies are hatching a plan that threatens to cast down the Harmony of her throne and all she has sacrificed to create.

What she does not know is her foe seeks a new Apprentice to turn to his dark ways. A unicorn with seemingly limitless potential for magic, whose thirst for knowledge may yet lead her down a dark path, who is known to be such a faithful student of magic, eagerly seeking the truth no matter how forbidden it might be...

Sequel: Code of Harmony

Chapters (33)

The Changeling hive needs the upcoming invasion of Canterlot to succeed. The preperations will soon be complete. All they need is intelligence to give them a way in. You are the one tasked with collecting it from an unlucky pony by any means necessary. This will not be over quicky. Neither of you will enjoy this.

Chapters (1)

Celestia discovers a lingering trace of Nightmare Moon's soul still lodged in Twilight's mind—a survivor of the lingering effects of the Element's magic.

Faced with the threat of gradually losing her friend to Nightmare Moon's evil influence, Celestia realizes the only way to save Twilight is to let the storm of dark magic take its course all at once.

And yet, as Nightmare Moon's corrupting magic tears away at Twilight's forgiveness and understanding, and Twilight begins dredging up unexpressed doubts once kept controlled, Celestia must face a lifetime of confrontation her student has kept covered.

It is going to be a long night for both alicorns.

This story was written for the Tenth Bimonthly Twilestia Contest. It placed somewhere.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, the meaning of a cutie mark isn't obvious. What does a bunch of stars have to do with being great at magic, after all?

For the most part, Twilight Sparkle never paid much mind to this question. A lot of cutie marks are abstract, after all. But while browsing the Star Swirl the Bearded wing of the Canterlot Archives, she finds an old book with a cover that matches her cutie mark perfectly.

Inside that dusty old tome, Twilight finds the secrets of a bygone age, answers to questions she never would have asked, and a terrifying vision of what could have happened to her.

Chapters (1)

At the end of the world, Twilight must convince Celestia to let go.

(Originally written for the Twilestia is Bestia Lightning Round, expanded upon and made into a one shot.)

Chapters (1)

When Twilight received a letter from Luna informing her of Princess Celestia's death, she had no idea what to expect. However, nothing could have prepared her for what followed.

Written for the 13th F*** This Prompt contest.

Special thanks to fourths for editing.

Chapters (1)

While nobody had really known what a proper coronation ceremony was supposed to look like, it was pretty easy to tell this was not it. At the very least, the room looking like someone had exploded a purple feather pillow was a pretty bad sign.

Chapters (2)