• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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You've been married to Celestia for a while, and you courted her for even longer. As such, you'd think that you would know her age apart from "thousands of years old." Alas, she seems to enjoy watching you try to guess. Fortunately for her, you aren't going to let that stop you from trying to give her a great birthday.

And you have a few ideas about how to do just that.

Chapters (1)

Ah yes, the fridge raid. The time of year that Celestia and Luna compete to steal a shortcake from the fridge. It gets fierce. It gets bloody. And most of all, it tastes delicious.

You want no part of it.

Sucks that Celestia is your wife, then, doesn't it?

Chapters (1)

The princess just finished her last task for the day. Spike is out of the castle on an official errand. You know how to slip by the guards without drawing attention to yourself. Everything is falling into place.

You have business to take care of, but you'll have to do the unthinkable first: You have to kidnap Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Uhh... why?

Chapters (1)

Narrowly avoiding imprisonment due to the intervention of the Princess of Friendship, Tempest Shadow reflects and prepares for the new role she has been given in Twilight Sparkle's kingdom.

Cover art by imalou.deviantart.com

Chapters (10)

How did the festival in Starlight's village get its name? Perhaps a certain pony wandered into town one day, a pony who knows firsthoof about making a huge mistake, and what's needed for everypony to get over it...

Chapters (1)

You didn't really think it would come to this.

Starlight Glimmer confronts you one evening after she catches you in the act. It's not an easy thing to swallow, considering that you two had just begun your relationship with each other. But like any good partner should, Starlight tries her best to connect with you in a way that would enable her to better understand your position on the matter.

Trigger Warning: Themes of suicide and self-harm, mentions of blood

Cover art by maren on Derpibooru.

EDIT: Featured on 20/1/2023!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is an extremely important pony to you. After ending up in Equestria, she was the one who took you in. She was the one who taught you what friendship can be. She was the one who treated you like an actual person. Over time, the two of you became extremely close. How could you not fall for her? The problem was, you weren't brave enough to let her know that. It took some time to finally build up the courage to tell her how you feel.

But you were a day too late.

Chapters (1)

Equestria can seem like a magical place where wonder and excitement await you at every turn. At least, it can to a human like you. Over time, though, you get used to it, and it's inevitable that the excitement will die down sometimes. Now is one of those times, as you and your wife Celestia wait in a stupidly long line at the market. What sort of magical antics will you get into to pass the time?

You're going to have a casual conversation, of course. What else would you do?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has long been aware of the existence of Daybreaker, a version of herself powered by fear, anger, and stress. Thankfully, Daybreaker only exists in her nightmares. At least, that's what she had hoped. In truth, with the mounting pressures being put upon her in an ever-advancing society, she has become acutely aware of the very real possibility that Daybreaker may one day overtake her. Now, it's up to you, her loving husband, to ensure that this does not come to pass.

...Well, good luck with that.

Requested by Ladon.

Chapters (1)

When you woke up one morning, you weren't expecting to be greeted by candy-colored ponies ruled by a tyrant named Nightmare Moon. You also weren't expecting her to take such a liking to you. She's a bit cruel to her subjects, but you admittedly don't mind the preferential treatment she gives you. So... maybe you like her back?

Perhaps love is the one thing she's been missing.

Chapters (1)