• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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This story is a sequel to To you, I love dearly

Alan and Queen Chrysalis celebrate their third wedding anniversary alone in Canterlot cafe. To make this day special, Alan surprises her with a gift that she thought said gift was lost. Until now.

Written by Bit-By-Bit Studio

Art by AmarthGul

Featured: 1/11/2022

Chapters (1)

You've been courting Luna for several moons, and the two of you couldn't be happier. However, even as a retiree, she has taken it upon herself to maintain her nocturnal schedule and watch over the dream realm. This has made it difficult for the two of you to make plans together, but an off-the-wall idea of yours might just be the solution you're looking for.

Chapters (1)

"It's just the flu," you told her. But your lovely wife isn't having it. No spouse of hers is going to suffer under her watch! You definitely have ponypox, and she knows just what you need!

Apparently nopony informed her that her methods were found to be ineffective over 200 years ago.

Or that humans can't get ponypox.

Requested by LordMentat.

Chapters (1)

While your thrill-seeking wife, Celestia, is a big fan of attractions like water coasters, you're a bit less excited by the prospect. Even still, you're pretty sure it will be a fun time. At least, that's what you thought until the coaster broke down with the two of you still on it. It doesn't help that waiting for the coaster to be fixed may take a bit longer than either of you had hoped.

And you having nothing to do in the meantime.

Rating and tag for scritch-based innuendo.

Chapters (1)

Your wife, the now-retired Celestia, has been acting strange lately. Tonight, she has something she needs to say, and the look on her face is all you need to know that it is important.

So important, in fact, that the trajectory of your lives hinges on your response.

Chapters (1)

After undergoing a life-saving surgery at the Ponyville Hospital, you end up in Fluttershy's care as you take the time to recover and regain your strength.

Cover art by hioshiru!

EDIT: Featured on 5/10/2023!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Not That, Twilight!

The Princess of The Sun may be loved and respected, but that doesn't mean she was treated as equal amongst ponykind. Every year when Hearts Warming Eve arrives, all Celestia can do is watch ponies laugh, exchange gifts, build snow ponies, and sing carols together from her window. She wishes she can join them, but ponies will likely get all awkward if she came by just to say hello. She gets only one present from Cadence.

This year though, her student changed things a lot.

Chapters (1)

The time has come for Celestia to have a one-to-one lesson with her personal protege, Twilight Sparkle. She is, no doubt, a bright young unicorn and it doesn't take her long to understand the overall concept of the teleportation and transfiguration spell. That is not to say the lesson went perfectly well as Twilight's magic takes a haywire spin and does things unimaginable coming from a foal.

Edit: Oh the stars and galaxies, this thing got featured on 05/02/2023!!! Thank you!!!

Second Edit: OMG! This is the first time my story landed on top of the featured list. Thank you so much!!!

Third Edit: Audiobook version by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbCgCNefS8A

Fourth edit: Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is dead.
Twilight Sparkle is only slightly inconvenienced by this.

Chapters (1)

Unicorn Quick Caper and his much larger Earth pony pal Mugger, have had it with constantly having their schemes thwarted by the savvy law enforcement of Manehatten.

So when they hear about a fair-sized hamlet out in the middle of nowhere, stuck right beside the Everfree Forest and the main city of Canterlot, they see this as the perfect opportunity to snag some quick bits from the unsuspecting rubes that travel between the Forest and the way to Canterlot.

What could be more simple?! Avoid those pesky, nosy Bearers, lie in wait along the Road, jump out and surprise anypony with enough bits! With Caper's brains and Mugger's muscle, they'd soon be rolling in cash! Profit!

...turns out, they should have done a bit more research...

Now Scouted by Equestria Daily!

Story idea from Prompt #73!

Thank you, Tipper and Estee!

Chapters (2)