• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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Waking up the morning after you get in a relationship is not always easy. Especially when the pony you passed the night with is one of the rulers of your country. Rarity and Celestia still have a lot to discuss with their newfound lovers. And Rarity has yet to see how the royal family act in private.

This story is a continuation of Carapace's story, Radiance. You really should read it before reading this chapter.

Preread by Carapace.
Proofread by Kean, I can't thank him enough for that.

Artwork by Silfoe for her Tumblr blog, The Other Royal Sketchbook, and used with her permission!

Chapters (1)

A nighttime gathering brings the promise of smiles and idle chatter, an inescapable web for Princess Celestia. This night, however, brings forth an opportunity for companionship she lacked since the start of her lonely reign.

Love at first sight? Not quite. But love in a place like this? Princess Celestia can't help but think it to be a rarity.

Preread by Timaeus and Snekinabox.
Cover art by silver1kunai.

Chapters (3)

An unexpected pregnancy has forced Fizzlepop Berrytwist - formerly Tempest Shadow - to settle in Ponyville until the birth. With her due date drawing near, she finds herself in Sugar Cube Corner for a cravings snack and makes an unlikely friend with plenty of motherhood experience.

A commission for KarnWefts on FurAffinity

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to To Be Loved II

After a few months of spending time with her new friend James, Fizzlepop has been invited to a Hearthwarming get-together with the human and all of his Ponyville friends.

Hesitant to accept the invitation due to her reputation, Fizzlepop eventually accepts, only to find that this Hearthswarming might just be the most magical one she's ever experienced.

Chapters (1)

Canterlot Castle's Royal Guards haven't had the best track record when it came to doing their jobs as Canterlot's defenders. This hasn't gone unnoticed by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

When the sisters pondered the reason for their guards' ineffectiveness, Luna concluded that Celestia's motherly nature toward her guards – as well as all her ponies – had prevented her from ensuring they received the proper training. Therefore Luna volunteered to personally turn the guards into buff, mean, fighting machines.

That is, if the guards could survive what the Princess of the Night had in store for them.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle is sure that Rarity and Rainbow Dash are having relationship issues, primarily because they keep inviting her to join them on all their romantic dates.

Commission for the ever-lovely Kits. Artwork by Maxima.

Read this story and others on my website, Hollow Shades! You can also support me on Ko-Fi!

Chapters (1)

The second installment to the How It Started series, explaining how Applejack and Soarin became an item.

Soarinjack, obviously, other back ground pairings such as RainbowMac and FlutterBurn.

UPDATE: Added AU because the show decided to give Mac a canon marefriend. *Shrugs* Fair enough, not gonna stop me shipping what I wanna ship though.

Chapters (1)

Luna’s entire personality glitches as she gives her newborn daughter Neoma her very first bath, much to the amusement of Celestia and Twilight. The splashing has been doubled!

Obligatory song link here: https://youtu.be/QSA-yHzkvP8

This story now has a reading by Lotus Moon on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wkHAJT6As4o?si=rn9dAVwJYTY_wdxl

Cover art by vexx

Chapters (1)

Love is shared, Thorax and the changelings are freed, Chrysalis is defeated, and alls well that ends well. But Twilight isn't Celestia. An escaping villain should be chased down. In pursuit of chrysalis however, Twilight is surprised to uncover the truth of who the queen really is, and learns a little of the truth of politics in the process.

A personal twist on the season 6 finale, inspired by watching said finale, listening to my brother complain about it, and pondering how I would have structured the story differently. Less a "Fix" and more a "what would I do if I ran the zoo?"

Chapters (1)

Rarity isn't mad, she swears, just very confused. Did Applejack actually break into her house? And for some inane, frankly incomprehensible reason?

Commision for Dimbulb!

Set after the episode "Trade Ya."

Chapters (1)