• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013

Commander Jenna Cipher

Name: Jenna. Gender: Female. Status: Completely Awesome, And Coco, Eh. Also, Canada And 'Murica Forever, Eh. Anything else you'd like to know, eh.

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A few weeks after the return from her second visit to Canterlot High, when the Princess of Friendship runs out of royal duties and busy work, she needs to find something to pass the time while her friends go about their busy schedules. Deciding to travel back through the portal to Canterlot High, she meets up with her parallel, human friends. However, when Pinkie decides to host another slumber party at her place, Sunset Shimmer begins acting differently towards the others.
Maybe whatever she is hiding she doesn't fully understand herself.

I almost forgot:
- The artwork belongs to me so don't worry
- and you should all check out this page where you see a very well written look into Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark. It helped inspire the description in this story. (Past Analysis - Tumblr)

Oh dear Luna, Featured: 1/8/15!
It must be a slow day because I am never featured lol
Thanks everyone for the support, you are all Amazing, seriously!

Chapters (1)

Beginning in a psychiatric facility, the pink earth pony falls victim to faulty doctoring and her mental health deteriorates. This story is based on "Cupcakes," only in this universe, it never happened. It was all in Pinkie's mind. Now she's back in reality and her friends try desperately to help her recover. However, through this, her relationships with the rest of the mane six are altered for good. Now she must rediscover who she is and who her friends really are.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash wants Scootaloo to enjoy her final days of life, and she will do anything to please her.

Chapters (1)

While on a routine mission the Enterprise is called to check out an anomaly in deep space.
However, through a chain of events, that are completely not Kirk's fault, he and a red shirt fall into the anomaly and awake in Equestria. As ponies.
Can Kirk handle being in a land of ponies and magic? How will he fulfill his contractual obligations to some how rip his uniform shirt? Will Ensign Ricky live to tell the tale? What is Harcourt Fenton Mudd scheming about while in the brig? What is Sulu doing in his off time? Why am I asking you this? And most importantly, can the crew of the Enterprise bring them back, or even survive without Kirk?

Cross over with classic Star Trek
This story takes place a week after the counter clock incident from Star Trek The Animated Series,
And between seasons Two and Three of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Chapters (4)

Another in my anthros in space collection.
After living over a thousand years the mane 6 are asked by Celestia to join Star Fleet. This is their story as they venture among the stars. Takes place after season 4 show followed original timeline only everyone was an anthro.
Need a better cover pic if anyone find Anthro mane 6 in star fleet uniforms pic please let me know.

RariTwi :raritywink::heart::twilightsmile:
AppleDash :applejackunsure::heart::rainbowkiss:
Flutterpie :yay::heart::pinkiehappy:

Chapters (6)

(CJ)Cave Johnson here, (TW)Twilight Sparkle here, (CJ)and we will be testing the least safe parts of science possible! First, we're going to see if we can turn Scootaloo into a chicken! (TW)For science! (CJ)Yes yes, for science! Then we will see if Applejack can survive if we replace her apple trees with combustible lemon trees! And last but not least, you all might have wondered, what happens when you give Pinkie Pie coffee? Well, we're about to find out! (TW)For science! And many more! The possibilities are endless!

Chapters (10)

A mysterious artifact has switched the brains of the honest farm pony, Applejack, and the spastic party-pony, Pinkie Pie! How will they handle living in each others bodies? Will they be able to return to their rightful places? Will the Apple family barn inevitably sustain massive property damage?

Chapters (8)

Twilight sets Pinkie Pie on a quest to unravel a mathematical riddle. A little TwiPie story with a dash of crazy Celestia, a pinch of maths (I'm sorry to maths haters but its only a single formula and you don't even have to work it out) as well as a handsome helping of adorableness.

Chapters (1)

Humanity is finally reaching out beyond the solar system in search of habitable planets. A disaster aboard the SSC Quasar causes the crew to abandon it, fleeing in the escape ships. Now, after years in stasis, the escape ships crash on an unknown world.

Lieutenant Cassandra Campbell's plans were simple: find the other crashed ships, search for survivors, and try to find a way to get a distress signal back to Earth in hopes of a rescue. Not long after her arrival, one of the consoles in her ship starts flashing ‘Protocol D’ in large, red letters. Now she has to figure out what it means, while trying to cooperate with the local citizens.

****** Extremely long hiatus, possibly permanently. ******

Editing: Level Dasher : Chapters 1 - 14
Pre-reading/Editing: Admiral Biscuit : Chapter 12 - 14
Pre-reading Busstop : Chapters 10 - 13

(R1) = Updated April 07, 2015. A Slight revision and re-editing of previously posted chapters. See blog for details. (A re-read is not required)

Thank you so very much to all who have helped me with my story. :twilightsmile:

Old Coverart by xxMarkingxx

Chapters (14)

What happens when you take two of telivision's most irritatingly adorable airheads and put them in each other's universes? I don't know for sure, but this is my best guesse!

I do not own Pinky and the Brain, it was created by Steven Spielberg and is owned by Warner Brothers Inc.
The picture is of the same title and was created by BB-Kenobi on Deviantart. Good for him!

Chapters (1)