• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013

Commander Jenna Cipher

Name: Jenna. Gender: Female. Status: Completely Awesome, And Coco, Eh. Also, Canada And 'Murica Forever, Eh. Anything else you'd like to know, eh.

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Humanity. Come so far from the first moon landing to the first Mega drive.
Humanity thought they were alone in the universe. They thought wrong.

Equestria. Come so far from the first non-Pegasus flight to the conversion of Angela planets.
Equestria thought they couldn't be beaten. They thought wrong.

Chapters (1)

Several months have passed since The Dazzlings were defeated by The Rainbooms, and they are in trouble. With their singing magic gone, they find it too hard to adapt to the world they now live in.

After discovering how Twilight Sparkle was able to enter the human world, Adagio uses the portal as an opportunity to return to Equestria with Aria and Sonata. But now, they must adapt to a completely new world, for Equestria has changed so much, and they themselves had underwent a most unexpected change.

Will Adagio succeed in her dream of acquiring power and being adored by all, or will it be a dream she simply can't reach.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Twin Students of the Sun.

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, along with Twilight's dragon son Spike, have finally moved to Ponyville! It's about a week after the Summer Sun Celebration, when they teamed up with their new friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Drops, and Masquerade to save the world from Nightmare Moon's eternal night.

Now that they're (mostly) unpacked, it's time to catch up with their friends, meet the neighbors, and enjoy a welcoming party thrown by Dr. Pie, Doctor of Party-ology. And then Spike gets a message, containing the usual Grand Galloping Galla tickets. Ugh, so boring right?...girls? Why is everypony staring? Uh oh.

Episode 2 of the Sunsetverse, now open to more authors!

Chapters (1)

After all that they have been through, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle's bond has grown into a strong and deep friendship. But as their relationship continues to mature, they will have to face challenge after challenge that will put the bond between them to the test.


Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer's Unpleasant Discovery

Twilight Sparkle returns to the human world intending to take a short vacation from her princessly duties, and to catch up with her non-Equestrian friends. One sleepover at Pinkie Pie’s house later, Twilight comes to learn something fascinating—and horrifying—about her very human body.

This story now has a spiritual prequel: Sunset Shimmer's Unpleasant Discovery, by Bootsy Slickmane, rated [mature]. While mine pokes fun at the characters, his offers the more serious take.

Preread by Stiggerzz and Majin Syeekoh.

Rated Teen for sexual references.

Featured on:
Fimfiction.net Feature Box (11/01/2014)

Chapters (1)

Sunset and Adagio explain to Human Twilight what they are and where they came from.

She doesn't take it very well.

Chapters (1)

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities.
Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville who have to deal with three ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

Chapters (17)

When peace loving equines declare war against humanity, they get more than they bargained for as large formations of bombers fly across the Equestrian skies; easily flying through the shield the ponies had constructed around there "great" country and decimating their cities and towns.

One-shot, Anti-TCB story so if you don't like reading ponies getting blown up by 750 pound bombs this isn't the story for you.

Chapters (2)

A lot can happen in 20 years.

Ponies and places can change, but there are some things, like friendship, that may never change.

After encountering a new villain, Twilight wakes up 20 years in the future. Now facing a whole new set of problems and challenges, Twilight must join the fight for survival in a world gone insane.

Chapters (3)

In the aftermath of her battle against Tirek, Twilight Sparkle is unwell. She wants more. She needs more. And she is afraid of what others might think of her.

But even in the midst of her growing despair that she has betrayed everything she stood for, she learns something about friendship and what it means to be an alicorn.

Chapters (12)