• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013

Commander Jenna Cipher

Name: Jenna. Gender: Female. Status: Completely Awesome, And Coco, Eh. Also, Canada And 'Murica Forever, Eh. Anything else you'd like to know, eh.

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A story lovingly ripped off from the Futurama episode of the same name.

Twilight gathers the girls to her basement to reveal her latest invention. Unfortunately, they get distracted by another of her inventions: the 'What If" machine, a device capable of answering any 'what if' question posed to it. Follow along as the mane six discover the improbable scenarios that could have been their lives.

Chapters (6)

It is the middle of the night when two bored princesses visit Twilight and her 'What If' machine. Join the three ponies and Spike as the view more:

Chapters (5)

Set in Five Score, Multiplied By More, based on the hit fanfiction Five Score Divided By Four.

He's an eccentric, aspiring disc jockey from the commons of New Jersey. She's a refined, aspiring classical musician from a family of old money. Vic Spencer and Olivia Ravensdale couldn't be more different, but have been a shining example of opposites attracting. However, they discover their relationship may have more to it then they thought when their lives are turned upside down as a strange transformation overcomes them, caused by a mad god from a world once thought to be fictional. As the strange phenomenon occurs throughout the world, they look for answers of what to do next.

Rated Teen for some strong language
Pre-read by Luna-cy, big thanks!

Chapters (18)

Commander Shepard remembers firing the crucible. She remembers she had to make an important choice. She remembers good friends, a lover, and plenty of loyal crewmen.

She just can't remember what her choice was. What the threat she was striving so hard to end was. Or what the faces of the most important people in her life look like.

She also has no idea how she wound up in the monster filled forest she's come to call home for the past eight months. Or how she picked up a snarky A.I. making its home in her omni-tool.

Chapters (21)

The story was featured 4/9/2015. I haven't had a feature since 2013. :pinkiecrazy:

It has been nearly thirty years since Sombra's destruction, and the Kingdom has prospered greatly under the guidance of the royal couple. The mane 6 have stayed closely connected no matter the distance, and Ponyville boasts itself as the holder of the world's largest amount of information held within its library.

A young filly is newly born within the Crystal Kingdom, a birth long since announced as a curse by the father. The mother suffered from nightmares and emotional stress since her pregnancy, and the shadows bend and twist to her fears and pain. Her birth immediately causes distress in the room, and the doctors don't give the mother a high chance of survival. And the father...

The little filly will find friends despite the mean things that others say. She has to. She must. No matter how long it takes or how old she becomes. Just one to talk to and play with would be enough. She'll do it, even if she has to break every bone in her body. Even through all the hardships and rejections she will meet and go through in her life as she grows up. She'll make it and get stronger from it. She won't cry. She won't...even if everypony hates her when she did nothing wrong. Maybe the whispering shadows would help. The grinning one could too. Maybe they could even become...friends.

(Cover by Evehly)

Additional characters: Twilight Sparkle (alicorn), Rarity, Spike.

Chapters (21)

Aria's out of the house and Adagio is left in charge of a sleepover that Sonata held at her house. The only problem is the only guest. Join Sonata and Pinkie Pie on this crazy adventure!

Chapters (1)

Being subtle isn't Rainbow Dash's strong suit. At all. So when Applejack asks her point blank what she thinks of Rarity, she doesn't hold back.

Not her best idea.

Pre-Read by: SapphireColors | LoneUnicornWriter

Reading by LandonWho

Chapters (3)

Episode J: The couragous Captain Lone Starr, regal Princesss Vespa, loyal mog sidekick Barf and helpful robotic companion Dot Matrix have taken a well-earned vacation after they saved Planet Druidia's supply of fresh air and defeated the evil Spaceballs. But far away on an unknown planet, the Spaceballs have survived. Undaunted by their latest setback, they hatch a new plan to steal air from another innocent world. And the only ones who can stop them are flying away in a winnebago... wait come back!

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia, the governess of the sun since time immemorial, has been slain in cold blood by the darkest of magics. Binding her very life to the sun as she was assassinated not only ended her life, but caused the very sun to perish along side her. With the world now cast in eternal, freezing darkness and their very planet speeding out of it's orbit, Twilight and Rainbow Dash must reignite the fire that sustains all life, or die. As they traverse their dying world, they learn of the suns capacity to give life and of it's history with it's fallen vessel. They will learn of wondrous magic and strange technology that the remaining souls are using to sustain them through the endless winter. This is the tale of light and dark, life and death, loss and rebirth. All in a quest to leave a fire for tomorrow.

Chapters (7)

On the night of her return from exile Nightmare Moon comes across resistance as she had expected. However she had a backup plan on hoof for just such a predicament, tearing off a small fraction of her soul and attaching it to the bearer of the element of magic. Now she must play the long game to ensure that she can obtain the loyalty of her new host and once more rise to power over Equestria.

Cover art thanks to Tonto the trotter.

Chapters (9)