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Twilight Sparkle's long journey had been aimless. Formless. A search for something she could not, or would not name. Her living, singing ship had plied the void for so long with no destination in sight.

But everything is different now. This is a mission of mercy.

Thank you to TheMaskedFerret for her help, and for being a friend when I needed one. And for ScarletWeather, who also read this and is also very good.
Cover Art from the animated "Echoes of the Past". Watch.

Chapters (1)

"Every normal pony must be tempted, at times, to spit on her hooves, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

Over brunch, Twilight Sparkle lines out her plans to turn to a life of villainy. For the most part, her friends are all for it.

It makes sense in context, honest.

Chapters (4)

Straight from the Canterlot archives, this collection of documents retells the rise and fall of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Enlightened Despot of Equestria, Defender of the Peace, Lawgiver, and Commander of Fort Libris.

Twilight Sparkle is, of course, known to historians as the first usurper to seek to schedule a coup d'etat by appointment. But for other details- such as, "What is the longest recorded time a pony has gone without sleep?", "Is it true what they say about swans?", and, "Why is there an owlbear in the Equestrian Witness Protection Program?"- these documents provide the answers and much, much more.

This is ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS HISTORY from primary sources. If anything makes you think this is silly, ludicrous, or unbelievable, blame Discord.

Written for FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns writing contest.

EDIT 3-15-17: Wow, almost instant featured! Was NOT expecting that!

EDIT 4-8-2017: Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library! Thanks!

Part of the Remember Fort Libris print anthology, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

Chapters (2)

Sol was a stallion living a secret life, but after an incident involving his father's side of the family, he was hidden away and sealed within a crystal. That was over one thousand years ago, and has since then remained dormant, waiting to be awakened to aid Equestria in a time of dire need, or when it's finally safe enough for him to return. At least, that's how it was supposed to go.

Having been accidentally awoken, Sol must now adjust to the present world, cope with what he's lost with time, sort out his growing feelings for another pony, and eventually, accept his position in this modern-day Equestria. However, even after a thousand years, some grudges aren't so easily forgotten.

Note: Tags may be added as the story progresses.

First Featured on 3/25/17:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (65)

Twilight and Luna, due to a minor incident, are stuck doing a job they would rather not do. They are stuck overseeing a dance for the up and coming future nobles from Celestia's school on what should have been a date night for the two. Whatever shall two very powerful princesses do in this situation?

Chapters (1)

Teleportation - the best way to travel! Not many unicorns master this ancient spell, and even among those who do, the details of how exactly it works remain a mystery. Some even fear what it may or may not do to the caster, but nopony knows for sure.

After much studying, it is time for Twilight Sparkle to perform the spell for the first time. A simple test: Just move from Point A to Point B. But Twilight is about to find out that there is more to teleportation than she thought.

A lot more.

Set prior to the show canon.
Inspired by (but completely unrelated to) Ocalhoun's story Blink.

Chapters (1)

In the early days of Equestria, a dragon threatens the fledgling realm. It falls to Clover the Clever and Smart Cookie to find a way to defeat the beast.

Princess Platinum's helping too, though. Whether they want her to or not.

Cover art from the gallery of scrimpeh. Proofread by themaskedferret. Written for the Imposing Sovereigns contest and for the Marching Forth theme for the Time Action Glory Challenge! group.

Spanish translation, by SPANIARD-KIWI.

Chapters (1)

After breaking her wing and being grounded for a couple days, Rainbow Dash gradually finds she's a lot smaller than she realized.

My tags: Heartwarming

Inspired by this wonderful artwork:
Colored Source
Non-Colored Source

Chapters (1)

Perhaps there's more to immortality than we first thought. Perhaps it's not about living forever, but merely escaping Death's icy cold hooves.

And by staying one step ahead of him at all times.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ponies Go To Heaven

It has been three months since the events of Anon-A-Miss and Sunset running away to Los Pegasus with Jackie Vibrato. Despite the tears and the hardship, Sunset Shimmer has grown close to and given her trust to a new group of friends, joined their band the Pony Breakers, and has really thrived in her short time in Los Pegasus.

Unfortunately it seems she cannot just simply be allowed to forget Canterlot and the ex-friends that had abandoned her during the Anon-A-Miss incident. A stop over in Canterlot on their way to Manehattan shows just how much things have changed at the school since Sunset Shimmer left. And who is that (face it well all know it's human Twilight) snooping around the school's statue where the portal is?!

00000 ----- 00000

The third installment in the Guitars, Sugar, OCs and Magik universe! I'm so happy that the previous two stories have been received in a positive manner and while this may not be the last sequel in the main series, I can say with confidence knowing what I have planned... SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO APE.

Also, cover art done by me as per usual and yes, the other silhouette with Sunset Shimmer is Jackie's. And the theme this time is Nirvana with All Apologies, cover art based on the Unplugged Album.

Chapters (9)