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  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Aria was supposed to be a tough punk, not having any sort of special feelings towards anybody, but Sonata seems to think differently. Aria rolls her eyes, but when Sonata invites him over for studying, the truth could reveal...

Sex is for dirty thoughts and sexual references

Featured on August 30th, 31st, and September 1st!

Art by Trainbang!

Audio Version by ScarlettBlade!

Chapters (1)

Matthew Williams, a citizen of New York City, leads a pretty good life, an alright job, a nice place. Sure, he has dreams and aspirations like the normal humans of the earth, but he was rather content at the moment. That all changes, when six ponies drop right on his head, and soon finds himself in a variety of situations that will spin his life in all different directions.

Rated PG-13 for Language, Violence, Mild Crude Humor, and Some Sexual Content.

Chapters (21)

Being an up-and-coming business pony's not easy—Carob knew that when he opened his plant nursery in his hometown of Ponyville. But since the local librarian became a princess, he's found it much more difficult to focus on, well, on just about anything other than her...

Inspired by the 4th and 5th prompts in Obselescence's Most Dangerous Game contest—"Second Person Perspective" and "An OC and a major canon character (such as one of the Mane Six) fall in love with each other"—the original version of this story ended up in 10th place out of 66 entries. The cover image was commissioned from DarkerSounds.

Chapters (2)

[Third Person] Alternating Perspectives

In a world shaped by the powers of magic and steam, where every nation is ruled by immortal god-kings and god-queens, there is an era of peace never before experienced by mortals and immortals alike. People grow, live, and die all without ever being attacked by bandits. Major wars are a thing of the past, with only small local skirmishes occurring in more primitive sections of the world. International trade allowed wizards and engineers to tame the world so all may experience a little luxury.

To many, life couldn’t possibly be any better. For those living on the far northern borders of Equestria, that peaceful world is but a fantasy. In the northlands, wild animals still roam the woods, even venturing into cities and towns. Farmers whisper of crop-destroying monsters lurking in the dark. Local sheriffs keep a wary eye on the sky, ever watchful for the first sign of a griffon hunting party. Wizards regularly ward the area around local communities, fearing the dark magic cast within these lands long ago might one-day resurface.

This is the world Tractor Pull grew up in. This is the world the young stallion longs to escape. To the southern lands of peace and plenty. All he needs is a chance. A chance which unknowingly comes to him when he meets a mare in a snowbank one frigid winter’s night.

Featured on: 4/11/2018 at 7:26 AM UTC :yay:

Chapters (11)

Featured 15 August 2013. Thank you for the support!
Approved by Twilight's Library

Twilight Sparkle and her friends are called to Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration at request of Princess Celestia and stumble into a new and terrifying adventure with the discovery of an alien: a creature with an apparent vast intelligence and a strange case of amnesia. Now, the arrival of old friends, powerful allies and new dangers lead to a new age in Equestria- both for the better and for the worse...

Proofread and Edited by: _Demosthenes_
Image Owned by: Korbox

*This story has multiple major cross references to many famous fictions, primarily the Halo Universe, the Mass Effect Universe and the Dead Space Universe.*

Memoirs of Insanity Series:
Part I: Precursors
Part II: Time

Currently being edited and rewrote to accommodate for the new Hyperverse Canon. Chapters completed: Two*

Chapters (26)

Inspired by the fic "My Little Dashie". Justin Exitor was your usual widower with a daughter, both loves "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Imagine their surprise when they find six fillies who could be Twilight and her friends. How many years will the two has with their new family before they may have to let them go?

The fanart cover was made by Engrishman

Chapters (6)

I've always wanted to visit Equestria (what brony hasn't), but I soon discover that things very rarely happen the way you intend for them to when I suddenly wind up there myself. The ponies all live in a constant state of fear as a dark gloom lingers over the land, many of them suffering from life-threatening afflictions. Not only that, but I find myself with strange new abilities.

What has happened here? What's happening to me? I will soon discover that I play a major part in the survival of the pony race, but am I up for the challenge that faces me?

Gore tag for some blood.

Part I in the "Guardian Of Equestria" saga.

Note: Potential spoilers in the comments section.

Cover Art by ThePleonasticPotato http://thepleonasticpotato.deviantart.com/art/Ponyville-at-Night-360066446

Chapters (7)

After the events of Rainbow Rocks, Sonata Dusk and her two companions are cooling their heels at a new school. At lunch one day, a young man is bold enough to ask her out. An ordinary teenage girl and an ordinary teenage boy. As their relationship grows, he learns some of her secrets, and has to come to grips with them.

Cover art by kingdark0001

Chapters (6)

What separates us is much more than just simple cultural differences and clothes ...”

A modern human soldier falls into Equestria. After some consideration, Princess Celestia determines that Twilight Sparkle is ready to serve as his guide into their world. And as for her insights into his world? Is he a lens, or a mirror?

A story of trust and differences.

Rather than being a story of good and evil, or dramatic conflicts, the tale revolves largely around the dialogue of the human character with the many ponies; an initial cultural exchange between two parties who have not prepared for it. The intention and exploration in it is earnest: what separates them? Or what doesn't?

What Separates was originally written over the course of a few months in 2012. It was published on another fan fiction website at the time. After FimFiction grew prominent, it has been moved here.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to What Separates

“There's always going to be melancholy days now and again, that's just the way it is!”

Not much more than two weeks past his arrival into Equestria, the human guest has spent much of his time keeping to himself, facing down the painful and permanent separation from his old world and still unsure of his position in this new one. Twilight struggles to fulfill her official roles as both a watchful eye and a guide, to the detriment of her being a simple friend. In the midst of it all, Princess Celestia calls upon them. Beyond the cozy bounds of Ponyville, something has developed which diverts their attention and presses on their differences.

A story of faith and depression.

Like What Separates, the idea is for a story which at its core is driven by the characters' dialogues with each other. This time however, the story expands and there is a bit more drama thrown in; the characters travel away and find new faces to engage with. While the focus of the prior tale was about what immediate divisions exist between two apparently different peoples, this story is focused on depression and those who retreat from the world.

Chapters (24)