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In the many years after the Conversion Bureaus' shutdown, Twilight Sparkle is tasked by the Princesses with finding the last living human on Earth, Isaac Hamilton, and learning the story of his past. What she hears is a tale of loss, tragedy, joy, and the discovery of one's place in the world. But how much longer would that place last with what Twilight has to tell him?

Chapters (7)

Twilight is practising a new spell and Spike unintentionally breaks her concentration, and now has to deal with the consequences of this.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Spike the pony

Spike wants to be a pony again and Twilight wants to test a highly dangerous and possibly deadly spell. What could possibly go wrong?
I'll tell you what everything!

Chapters (14)

Looks like I need to rework large chunks of this story :>
Added tags: Sad
(The sequel is here)
Youtube reads by Spore Harvest start here.

Sometimes, your inventions can bring about great good for humanity. And sometimes, they do the opposite. However, a single man actually did BOTH with his creations, and is one of the few survivors left on Earth after the "Ash fall". He decides, with his breakthrough in spatial rendering, to leave the destroyed Earth behind and go for a new world. He aims to go to a fresh Earth, where everything is as it should be, without his existence.

Unfortunately, he goes slightly off-course, and ends up in the wrong world. How will his technology get him through this?

If any of you don't like a little pseudo steam-punk, then you shouldn't read this, because the main character's technology is heavily influenced on its style...except for three certain things.

The beginning of the story was inspired by "Techno-Babble in Equestria" made by N64Fan. You should go check it out. It's pretty good.

That work of art is "Steampunk Wanderer" by amlaidgh. I only found the name of the artist, so I don't know where it could have been originally posted. The original version of this art seems to be "Wanderer above the sea fog" by Caspar David Friedrich.

Chapters (17)

This is the first installment to the Eternity Series:

• You Are Here – Slave of Eternity – Savior of Eternity •

NOTICE: Some chapter break and other images aren't working the way they should be. Here is the reason why. So sorry in advance.

The epic of Pinkie Pie and the Immortal Man who's fate is tied to Equestria's. His life will be filled with dangers, choices, secrets, love, and most importantly, beauty. As time flows, the world begins to understand the immortal, and the immortal begins to understand his true purpose in the universe.

Two side notes: The main character comes from an Earth where MLP does not exist, so he is not a brony. That and this story is based around knowledge of seasons 1-2.

Chapters (23)

A few months have gone by since the last season of MLP, and it seemed as though the fandom would slip quietly into obscurity. But strange things are happening, things nobody can explain. People who have never seen the show report sightings of strange monsters wandering at night. Bronies develop strange powers, and sometimes they disappear. Strangest of all are the blurry images of familiar characters, all seeming convinced of terrible danger just around the corner.

Jacob never imagined his life would be anything but ordinary. He’d finish his degree, make a living, maybe have a few kids. Until he almost got eaten on his way home from school and found himself thrust headlong into danger he could barely understand. Jacob (and his humanity) may not survive it.

Updates weekdays.

Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail. Art by Zutcha!

Chapters (50)

It was eight months later the when more humans came from the sky........
But what were the Seven up to between these events?

Yeah.....I couldn't think of a longer description.... Don't know how long this one's going to be, but it'll probably be shorter.

This a sequel to How the hell did this happen?.

Chapters (26)

0515 GMT Sunday morning. "Ugh, why did I get picked for this?" Standing around a aeroplane with "special materials" on board is not my idea of fun. It's going to be boring. No attempts to steal it, no protesters. Damn, I was hoping for the 50 year old lawyer to jump the fence. That would've been worth it!

A few hours later and the "special" stuff is being loaded up when there was a solid thud behind me and then a bright flash before I was blown away by the pressure wave. My first thought was "I'm dead". For all intents and purposes, I might as well be. My new mission? Find a way home.

Rated teen for lot's of swearing. The dark tag is there for the first few chapters, and some more may appear later on. And if someone knows the artist for the new cover, can you let me know.

Chapters (31)

I want to visit Equestria the same way a historian wants to visit the past. It would be cool just to look around, but I don't wanna run around touching everything or stay forever. Life is pretty good for me, so ditching it all for something else wasn't very high on my list of priorities. One bonk on the head later though, I've got a bunch of parasites calling me their king. I don't want to be king, though! All I really want is to go home.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to A Novice Swordsman in the Canterlot Court

"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."—Mark Twain

Alan Williams Goldenhoof, Pendragon of Equestria, now married to the love of his life, has taken a step back from the world to enjoy life.

Of course, this is quickly ruined as the world comes to get him. Now Alan must leave behind his peaceful home in Equestria to face the rebel forces of his old enemy General Ironclaw. But all is not as it seems, for the General has a trick up his sleeve that will force Alan and his friends to face their darkest secrets.

This will get ugly.

Book 2 of the Harmony for All Trilogy.

Chapters (30)