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Deleted story from Tales of Love Three

(200 Followers Special) (244 Followers Special)

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders got chosen for the Flag Carrier for Ponyville, Diamond Tiara wants something to bottle her anger out on. She and Spike share an accidental kiss, not knowing how to feel about it. She makes fun of how Spike will never get a Cutie Mark.

Silver Spoon, not wanting to go along with Diamond's mocking of the young dragon. Silver and Spike soon start spending more time with each other, Silver Spoon leaving Diamond Tiara to spend more time with Spike. Tiara flares up with jealous that Spike and Silver Spoon maybe together.

Chapters (2)

Warning: Anthroponies! Again if this displeases you, well that sucks.
Alternate version to It's always worth the price.
One night, John Dixon was working on a story for Fimfiction. He was about to hit the publish button when the most unexpected happened. What does one do when they become a character in their own story?

Chapters (18)

Spike used to live in Canterlot when he was 12, He's gone through depression after a breakup and is sent to live with his uncle.

Three years later he returns home and finds new love with a childhood friend, but has to deal with a psychotic ex girlfriend who won't leave him alone by hitting and flirting and giving him sexual advances all the time untill she moves as he and his friends goes through teenage and highschool life, having new problems and shenanigans with random moments in their lifes

This is a Spike x Apple Bloom story.

Other ships in here
Sweetie belle x Button Mash
Scootaloo x Rumble
Silver Spoon x Thorax

The sex tag is for language, sexual humore and sexual content.

Chapters (89)

Spike and the CMC are close friends, but he doesn't know that they love him more then that, on Valentine's Day they decided to give him a special present when they find out he's gonna be home alone.

One shot human Spike x CMC Valentine's Day special

Chapters (1)

Starlight feel awful when she find that the day Twilight got her cutie mark was also the day that Spike was hatch. With help from friends and family, She vow to give Spike the best birthday present ever.

sex tag for joke and innuendo

Chapters (4)

This side-story takes place in-between "Apple Scratch: Onward to the Equestria Games", which is from the series, "Apple Scratch", created by Mariacheat-Brony.

At the start of the Equestria Games in Ponyville, Roseluck, one of the hometown's athletes, suffered a humilating defeat during her very first race at the 100-Meter Hurdle Qualification Rounds. Not only did she literally slipped up out there, but because of her fall, it cost the race to Fleetfoot as well. Despite their initial defeats, the two competitors became fast friends over the course of the Games. However, as they spent more time together, their growing bond brought forth new feelings for each other. Will Roseluck manage to make their relationship blossom into full bloom, or will Fleetfoot's chilling secret catch up to her and wither it away?

Chapters (15)

Hegira (n.) - "A flight, or journey, to a more desirable place."

Life is a series of choices. When two worlds collide, choice becomes more difficult, and nuanced. A dying planet has a peculiar way of reshuffling people's priorities.

For a long time, humanity has only had three options: Ignore the inevitable, risk the unthinkable, or become the unimaginable.

All that is about to change.

Everyone knows the Ponies of Equestria fairly well... But here, there be Gryphons.

Book One of the Hegira Trilogy - This story only takes MLP G4 Seasons 1 - 3 as cannon, and ignores 4 and onwards.

Chapters (48)

This story is a sequel to Hegira: Option Gamma

Not everyone can accept change. But sometimes, failing to do so is an unthinkable decision. Sometimes, intractability leads to war.

So often conflict has been driven by the selfish, or the fearful; but never before has the fate of an entire species been at stake.

Billions of lives are at risk.

Six friends face change in their own ways... But will they be the right ways?

Book Two of the Hegira Trilogy - This story only takes MLP G4 Seasons 1 - 3 as cannon, and ignores 4 and onwards.

Chapters (69)

Connor is your average guy in his mid-twenties. He has a stable home life but can't help but feel his parents are hiding something from him. After going camping, he wakes to find himself in Equestria and sets out to make the most of his time there. But interesting discoveries are made along the way, along with the attention of fiery maned pegasus mare....

Note: There is some use of strong language in this story. Also MLP (sadly) doesn't exist in this story. The story starts around half way through the first season.

Note 2 (26/12/16): Sex tag added (during writing for Chapter 25) for obvious reasons. Nothing explicit or detailed but things implied and use of innuendo.

Note 3: This story finally got featured on 3/8/2017. YAY! (Or at least that's when I first noticed)

Chapters (41)

Being trapped in a land of talking ponies isn't so bad. Or it wouldn't be if Anon didn't have his heart broken the second before arriving. Now stuck here, he must live in Equestria, heartbroken. That is until the day he attends a wonderbolt show and meets someone who may just bring his love back without him knowing. The leader of the wonderbolts herself.

This is a HIE fic. If you do not like Human in Equestria fics, the main character being named Anon or the story being in 1st person, run. Just turn around, run away and don't look back

This is an Anon X Spitfire fic

Chapters (5)