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Ever wondered how it would be like to be Discord? Well I've been there, Literally. For some reason Discord has vanished form Equestria, and now I'm his replacement till he comes back. I might even stay if I do a good job at it, but that's Discords decision. But it's not all fun and games. Soon, mysterious happenings have been ... well happening to me. At first, we thought it was Discords doing, then we found out, it was something much worse ... Something, with a black heart ...

Chapters (11)

A girl with indigo hair landed in my shower in a flash of light, can use magic and claims that she is, or was, a pony...and says I'm the crazy one. I promise, I'm not. Though her elitist little mannerisms might just drive me to kill her, we'll see if we can get her back to her home before that happens.

(A POE Romantic Dramity)
(Standard disclaimers of non-ownership apply)
(Cover Image credited to artist)

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Earth Without Us

The Event changed all of humanity. Many were lucky, and ended up as creatures more or less the right size to live in their world. Ordinary ponies might be small compared to old human ruins, but they can make due.

It's a lot harder when you're a few inches tall, and the entire world is rotting away around you. Beset by dangers on every side, a few refugees are determined to survive no matter the price. Come god, demon, or locked door, they will triumph no matter what!

Cover by Zutcha. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail

Part of the Ponies After People universe, by me. This story is independent of any of my other fics, but readers should probably familiarize themselves with the basic ideas of Last Pony on Earth. This story takes place around 7000AE.

A few of these chapters (2,3,4) began their life as part of Bedtime Stories. I decided I loved the characters far too much, and so I've removed those chapters and greatly expanded the story around these characters. Breezies have only been done once in this universe to my knowledge, and that story died very quickly. It was time for someone else to write about them.

Chapters (10)

A new pony has arrived in Ponyville on the day of Summer Sun Celebration. Who is he? He's nice but when the residents of the town learn more about him, even more unanswered questions seem to pop up.
Can anypony figure out this mystery?
Probably when they actually ask the right question.
Are they going to?
Will he interfere with events?
We'll see.

This is just an idea I had and wrote by hand (later edited onto a computer) in a matter of a few hours. I have no delusions that this is a perfect story. Just some fun I had when writing out ideas. For the most part it will focus on different ponies crossing paths with him as the series goes on and not directly follow him. This IS technically a Human in Equestria story but by no means is he ordinary, both in body and mind as you will notice in the first chapter. He WILL be unrealistic, so please no comments about him not reacting to the situation like a normal person.
As for the back story of the character, I had originally included it but at second glance, I felt it would be better for both people inside and outside of the story to figure it out.
The amazing artwork was done by Mix-up. You can check out his other artworks on his Deviant Art page.

Chapters (17)

Mark was out of his league, fooling around with an immortal pony princess, and he knew it. To make life easier for himself, he accepted that as a undeniable fact. She would get bored and he would move on. He just didn't know that the great vain mare was called the Subtle Sun for a reason. And that her enemies called her that as an insult.

Princess Celestia didn't have a subtle bone in her body.

Currently rated T but I might bump the rating as the story progresses.

Now a one-shot.

Chapters (1)

A lifetime in a dangerous reality on earth, being conscripted into the military, and life of training didn't really enthuse or surprise him, but what ended his life as a human and began his life in a new world with new obstacles did.

Mocha has it rough from birth to death, then rebirth into modern Equestria. Life isn't all fun and games for Mocha, and this is his tale.
(Part 1)

He has to learn about the world, struggle through challenges, and grow in more ways than any human should.

This is not a Gary Stu story, he will not have it easy, this isn't going to be your typical (predictable and annoying) HiE fic. (Those annoy me too.) Also, not a human turned pony story.

Thanks to Rancor for being my editor. Coverart Version 1.0 is from artist Mix-Up


Completed, book 2 coming soon.

Chapters (34)

In the wake of a tragic disaster which stole Max's passion for life, he's wrapped himself in mild and mundane routine. The image of one particular pink party pony still haunts him as he navigates deep troughs of depression, wondering whether he will ever recover from his wounds of heart and soul. After a sudden trip through a portal into a land of pastel colors and friendly ponies, Max finds a battleground where the Magic of Friendship abounds. Can it help him to renew his hope for the future?

Special thanks to TwilightVulpix for the cover art - http://twilightvulpix.deviantart.com/
She does commissions! Wonderful commissions! :D

Chapters (16)

Martin has had an unreal life ever since he first stepped foot into the land of Equestria. He has been regularly visting Equestria and his friends The Mane Six for two months now and their friendship has never been stronger. However after Winter Wrap Up he heads home with The Mane Six directly behind him. Unfortunatly upon doing this, they have not only broken a promise that they swore to Sortitus to uphold, they have also caused the bridge connecting their worlds to collapse behind them. While they wait for a new bridge to be constructed which Sortitus must do by hand (much to his annoyance), the now humanized Mane Six will have to blend into regular society with Martin's help. However things get chaotic when a student from Martin's grad class takes an interest in him and she allys herself with a released Discord who has decided Earth is to be the chaos capital of the universe, and to make matters worse, The Six find out they have maintained there "unique" abilities from Equestria.

Sequel to Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero

Chapters (19)

Celestia found me when I was just a baby. Alone, lost in the forest, who knows what would have happened if she hadn't found me. Not only that, but she's treated me with such kindness and love, she's like a mother to me, I hope this life never ends... Yet, even the good times must go, and mine, was going to end for the worst....

This takes place during My Little Human, from Glee Sunrises point of view.

Reading My Little Human first is highly recommended, most of this story will be very confusing if you do not read My Little Human.
Written by Merotik
Edited by Anonymous Blank

(3/14/18) ATTENTION: I will be creating a remake of this story. It will include most of the original characters from this story and may include new characters. However, the concept of the story will be rewritten entirely. Also, I am looking for anybody who wants to help with the remake of this story. Its just for fun and only if you want to. I'm looking for proof readers, editors, and artist. Anyone who helps will be credited and, if you would like this, links will be provided to your personal work. This is just for fun and there is no time limit, so there's no rush on anyone who wants to help.

This is a rewrite on an old story from an old account. The rewrite of: My Little Human and Only Human, will be published on this account: Deidorimu

Thank you for reading this story, and those that inspired me to rewrite it.

(6/16/19) The remake to My Little Human is currently being written. The prologue is finished and chapter one is nearly done. If you would like to read the prologue it is available right now. If you are having trouble reading it than send me a message and I will see what I can do so that you can read it. The first chapter will also be available soon as well. To read the sneak peak go ahead and click on the latest chapter of this story and than click the link provided from there. You will also need the password given to you in the chapter

I hope you enjoy the My Little Human Remake!

Chapters (10)

Hi. I'm Greg, but I'm pretty sure when you look at me all you will be able to think is Dizzy Do. Explanations about crazy, cartoon-world logic aside I have to admit I'm pretty sick of this place. Not figuratively, of course, but physically. Cartoon worlds are two dimensional visuals shoved into three, and it makes me ill just looking at it. But life's not all bad. I have a job, a boss that actually knows my name, and a nice apartment.

The first in a series of one-shots to do with transformation and/or mind-control. I hope you enjoy!

Art by Badumsquish

Some keywords to help people find this: snake snek danger noodle nope rope hypnosis mind-control mind control jokes comedy slice of life sol hie human in equestria cartoon karma transformation tf tg lamia villain reformed

Now with a reading by Quinch!

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (1)