• Member Since 14th Jan, 2017


born in america raise in america love all anime and cartoons bookwarm adult and a mlp fan

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Twilight and Discord are a long way from home, and have to journey through a realm of madness and chaos to get back to Equestria. Fortunately, this is Discord's speciality, so Twilight is in safe hands. Less fortunately, all the local gods want him dead.

Part of the Borderworld.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Night Princess, Night Goddess

Princess Twilight Sparkle has an insatiable craving for knowledge. The vast outstretched wilds of the Everfree Forest sit on the doorstep of her castle, and now she feels ready to chart out its depths and discover its ancient secrets.

Princess Luna guides the way, having explored the depths of the forest many times throughout the centuries, eager to help Twilight Sparkle in her quest, leading her to ancient guardians of the forest, much like the Tree of Harmony.

Can they be satisfied by such mysteries revealed, or will she find herself drawn too deep into powers even the princess of Magic cannot fathom?

just made a slight tweak to a chapter title for now. still hope to finish this story someday, though!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Melt

This is a sequel to Melt, but can be read independently.

The common cold is, for Celestia, quite rare. Whenever she does catch one it's a time for privacy, reflection, and no shortage of small miseries.

That said, she's never had Twilight Sparkle on her side before. Maybe, just maybe, this cold won't know what hit it.

My thanks go to CosmicAfro for prereading

Now with even more perfect cover art!

Chapters (1)

My first story for everyone. Need to be careful around cussing, 'cause that's why I normally rate everything T.

You know I thought why not turn Sunset Shimmer into a unicorn, while she's still at CHS? Why not adding human Twilight later on? This takes place after Rainbow Rocks and yes, Sunset will have her magic abilities. What fun in having a unicorn without magic?

08/11/2015 Okay, featured because 5 people are watching my new chapter. No wait, 4, I accidentally counted myself. I think the system is a little broken.

Chapters (15)

In a world of friendship, magic, and card games, Twilight Sparkle and all her friends will face off against some the world's most dangerous opponents to decide the fate of the world. The game? Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapters (16)

Cover art from here

Bored due to there being nothing for her to do, as no Friendship Problems have arisen that have needed her help, Twilight decides to visit her Canterlot High friends and see what's going on.

However, something goes wrong and the portal closes, leaving Twilight stuck on the other side. That's fine though. She can just hang out with her friends and wait it out.

However, it won't be that simple. Though she turned into a human like normal when she arrived, Twilight is now about 6 to 7-years-old and it seems she has access to her magic as if she were still an Alicorn. The human world isn't prepared for this.

AU universe where Friendship Games happened before the Season 5 finale, so Twilight's human self is already transferred into CHS, but pony Twilight has yet to go with Fluttershy on their Friendship Mission.

Rated Everyone for now, but may change it to teen depending on future chapters

Note: Twilight didn't see Sunset's messages in this AU due to them coming whilst she and the girls being away dealing with Starlight, followed by how much she'd been avoiding her castle in the following episode.

Spike is the reason the messages never got answered though, due to Big Mac accidentally knocking the book of it's place on the machine whilst he and Spike were in the library, Spike not being there in time to see it glowing to indicate messages being received, so he just placed it back on there without a thought.

In Popular Stories 22-23/1/2016. A good start to the Year, I feel

Whoa. Featured 3-4/3/2017. Okay, honestly, I really did not see that coming. What?

Chapters (8)

Sunset Shimmer is a young mare who strives for power and doesn't care about anyone but herself.
Twilight Sparkle is a little filly with more scars than she lets on.
Now both of them have to make do, stuck in a world where their greatest talents are little more than a pretty mark on their clothes.

Cover art commissioned from GPizano, who draws a pretty awesome Sunset Shimmer.

Top of the Feature Box on 15/06/17, and an incredible 91:0 upvotes. Thank you all for your help in making that possible.

Chapters (5)

The portal between Equestria and Sunset Shimmer’s world has closed unexpectedly. Despite Twilight and Sunset’s best efforts, the girls have been unable to come up with a solution. Running low on pages to talk across the dimensional rift, Twilight reads what might be Sunset’s final message to her. However much to Twilight’s surprise, there’s also another message to a different pony.

Inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man and the story The Last Page, with apologies to Holy.

Chapters (2)

Equestria in a "typical" fantasy setting.
"You" have a whole lot of work to do. Many ponies to meet, monsters to fight and darkness to thwart. You may not be the typical knight in shining armour but your worldly charm and strong sword-arm will surely win the day.

Story focuses on the quest of Anon and Sunset Shimmer. Other ponies will play significant roles later.

Many long chapters are coming.
Ponies are ponies, Anon is human, other fantasy creatures are... well, fantasy creatures.

Cover art by the mighty Thorheim

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle wants to reestablish her old rapport with Princess Celestia - the close relationship they had when Twilight was the Princess’s personal student. But life moves ever onward and the connections they had in the past will not be enough for the alicorns to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. To make it through their shared trials and revelations, Twilight and Celestia will need to grow beyond their existing bonds and become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

Chapters (35)