• Member Since 14th Jan, 2017


born in america raise in america love all anime and cartoons bookwarm adult and a mlp fan

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"You" are the son of the ever busy Princess Celestia, who despite genuinely loving you as much as any good parent should, can't make as much time with you as she'd like. Twilight, your unofficial big sister, tends to spend her time with you though if she isn't at one of her lessons or studying.

Was bumbling around /mlp/ and made a thing. You might enjoy it, you might not, it's here either way. Updates will be very infrequent. They are also being presented to you as is, only edited to fit the general rules of the site.

Chapters (3)

Takes place during the Season 5 Finale. (And hints of EqG: Friendship Games)

Sunset Shimmer is out of space in her journal for communicating with Princess Twilight. On a whim, she decides to return to her homeland for a replacement. Unfortunately for Sunset, a pony named Starlight Glimmer was busy enacting revenge, catching Sunset in the crossfire and placing her in a different timeline than she expected. With no Elements of Harmony, no Princess Twilight, and no clue, Sunset must reunite the main six, save the timeline, and find a way home... eventually.

Check out the trailer!~

Chapters (70)

Idea by Haseo55.

After trying to stop a man forcing himself on a woman, the police arrived at the worst possible time and arrested you instead of the real crook. Now you have a criminal record and got expelled from your school because of it, your parents shipped you off to Canterlot to live with a family friend and attend the only school that will accept you: Crystal Prep Academy. Once you arrived, you learned the only reason their principal, Abacus Cinch, accepted you was to reform you and reintegrate you as a member of society, something that Canterlot High didn't do.

But as your first day began, strange things started occurring; psychotic breakdowns, mental shutdowns, and a disturbing new world that has a link to it all. Soon you and your new friends at CPA will discover that you all have the power to stop this madness and solve the mystery of who's behind it all.

The power of Persona.

Author's Notes:
Tags will be updated as the story continues.

The original idea is from Haseo55 after reading a forum post on Persona: The Group.

EDIT: New cover art provided by TheLannistersBanjoBard.

Chapters (4)

You're currently on a plane headed from Manehattan to Canterlot, long after a tragedy that befell you and your family and put you in an orphanage for years. Soon you'll have a new start and begin your education at a new school. But not everything is peaceful in Canterlot.

Magic, monsters, and everything in between have been rumored to happen, but you've yet to see it, but you'd call yourself a hypocrite if you said that it wasn't believable. A whole other world is hidden within the one you reside in; when the clock strikes midnight, a realm of nightmarish proportions reveals itself, but you always believed you were the only one who could see it, you call it, "The Nightmare Realm."

With new friends and adventures on the horizon, you and those around you will be thrust into a great mystery that only you can solve, the mystery of the existence of the Nightmare Realm.

Also, what is the "Velvet Room"?

Chapters (4)

Your name is Naxon. You have been living in "The World That Never Was" with Organization XIII for an entire year now, after a man named Vexen has implanted all the data of every Organization member inside of you, giving you all of their weapons and powers, but you have yet to awaken them. You have been told that you would serve as a replacement if the thirteenth member didn't appear in time, your future will be set in stone, your destiny will be what they made it to be.
But the thirteenth member has finally appeared, and your leader has ordered Vexen to lock you up, he refused, of course, saying that you are his "greatest creation", but your leader insisted, saying that they'll release you when needed.

After a little over seven days, Vexen came into your room and told you it was time for a "tune up". You were brought back into his lab and he implanted the data of the thirteenth and fourteenth members, he told you that he'll be back to get you very soon, you don't remember much after that, something about, "taking over the Organization".

You counted at least 130 days since Vexen said that, and you haven't seen him since. Then you met some boy who found your room by accident and you two ended up being "friends" as he called it. You remember his name was Roxas. For the next three weeks, he came to your room regularly, bringing seashells and sea salt ice cream. But one day, he stopped coming...

207 days later, you discovered that Roxas had left the Organization and for you, it was a lot to take in. Your only friend was gone. Maybe forever. You began to realize that Roxas was the only person who cared about you. You wanted to leave this place, you wanted to leave and never come back. Who knows? Maybe you might find Roxas.

Then you felt the room shake and thought that castle was under attack. You took this chance to escape; you packed your belongings, your diary, the first seashell Roxas gave you, and the popsicle stick from your first ice cream, and left your room. You saw a giant dragon circling the castle and raised your hand forward, opening the Corridor of Darkness, as they called it, and escaped into an unknown world.

All that you remember after that is running from a group of fledging Nobodies in a severe thunderstorm.

You are trapped in a doomed future and the only person who ever showed you the light inside you was Roxas. But maybe some new friends can take his place? Show you that, "Friendship is Magic".

KH Universe: Takes place after Kingdom Heart 2 and the events after that.

MLP Universe: Takes place after Rainbow Rocks.

Cover art from vadenwrench via DeviantArt.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Tags will be updated as the story goes.

This is currently a side project; this story is not canon to my KH:MLP Crossover series.

EDIT: Featured on 3/10/2017, thank you all for your support!

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Shimmering Sunset

( The picture is from the site Derpiboo. I do not own it and I will take it down on the artist's request. )

You've been going to CHS for about two to three weeks now after moving from Hoofington. So far life have been anything but normal as you learned more and more about Sunset and her friends.

Though you and Sunset have gotten closer the past few days, something holds you back from asking the human pony out.

But will the presence of the three strangers you ran into the day you saved Sunny's life, especially a certain blue colored one, completely turn your world upside down and change your feelings and world forever?

More importantly, will you fall for the Siren's song or retain your freedom?

WARNING: Gore tag may or may not be added as the story develops. It depends on how I decide for it to go.

(Rated T for teen for obvious reasons. Swearing, possible fighting, arguing, mind control, dark magic, high school drama. The usual stuff you face everyday at school ya know?)

Chapters (6)

You are an ancient god who dates back to the times before history was recorded. Along with your other brothers and sisters, you lived in a time of paradise and happiness. You lived in harmony and ruled over the mortals without a care in the world. Until war broke out. A war that would last for centuries and caused the near extinction of all life in Equestria. During a last ditch effort to defeat your enemy you receive a grievous wound to your already tired and withered out body, which caused your body to turn to stone. Where your body would repair itself and recover your lost energy. However it's been centuries since the war, the world and people you had once known and loved has faded into history along with your existence, but the world has gone too long without you and it's about time you return.

Need help with grammar, please comment if you see any mistakes. I'm sure there are a lot.
Anthro- ponies still have horns, wings, etc
Some chapters will be comment driven

Chapters (26)

In Canterlot High School, every student is wild over the world's most popular trading card game: Duel Monsters! Every day, players of the card game, known as "Duelists", go head-to-head to see who among them is the best around. Among the Duelists in attendance at CHS, one of the best is a young teenager named Sunset Shimmer, a girl from another world...

Another crossover series, this time combining the worlds of Equestria Girls and the Yu-Gi-Oh! series. The series is basically a retelling of the story of Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, from the point of view of the EG cast, taking place between Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games.

The story follows Sunset Shimmer, who is credited as the strongest Duelist in Canterlot High School. However, her skills are put to the test when she unwittingly releases a dangerous power into her world; a power that alters the egos of those that come into contact with it. Now Sunset has tasked herself with trying to return that power back to where it came from, hopefully before that power creates a real world crisis. She'll need the help of her friends, and the power of her Deck, to see her through the tough battles ahead...

Though the story is based mostly on Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL's story, I have taken a few creative liberties, such as allowing a more heavy use of Synchro and Fusion Monsters in addition to Xyz Monsters (which are still mostly the main focus). Although none of the new Pendulum Monsters (or Link Monsters) will appear, expect to see a few cards from Arc-V (and VRAINS) to pop up.

All Duels shown use the current rules and rulings (excluding Link Summoning) at the time they were written. If you need a more detailed explanation of the game's rules, go to yugioh-card.com to find a digital version of the rulebook, as well as other vital information. With all that said...


Updates whenever I can finish a new Rank, always updating on the last full week of a month.

UPDATE: RANK 62 - Part 2 of a 2-part episode - had been posted!

Chapters (64)

Inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Numerous.

You are infamously known as the worst Duelist in all of Canterlot High School, losing Duels left and right, if it wasn't for two other Duelists who are as bad as you, Snips and Snails, you'd be friendless. Little do you know that a few new cards are going to make an appearance in your world...and cause mass mayhem. By summoning all of your courage and Duel skills, you prepare yourself for the greatest challenge of your life.

The big question is: can you survive the power of the "Numbers" and the wrath of the two warring planets, Astral World and Barian World?

Author's Notes:
This story is not canon to My Little Pony: Friendship is Numerous.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle is the personal student of Princess Celestia, principal and founder of the Eos Dueling School. After her warnings about the possible return of an ancient, evil being are dismissed, Twilight is instructed to go to Ponyville and evaluate a potential Duel Monsters school. There she will meet an unlikely bunch of duelists.

Applejack, a farmer with high level dueling skills. Rainbow Dash, who doesn't know the meaning of the word "defeat". Rarity, who wants to dazzle the world with her dueling skills. Fluttershy, a timid girl who can see more than she lets on and Pinkie Pie, an energetic girl who wants to make others smile with her dueling. They will all have to work together to face the return of the Maiden in the Moon.

A humanized crossover with Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapters (17)