• Member Since 14th Jan, 2017


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You, a brony, are sent to Equestria. The problem is, you're now a mute so...good luck!

Yeah, let's hope you don't do anything too bad considering the whole mute thing

The decent comment driven story writing guy (me) is back! Let's all have a blast and have lots of laughs along the way of this new adventure! Try not to die though, cause people die when they are killed.

Chapters (28)

A diplomatic crisis arises between Equestria and the small, poor kingdom of Tarandroland, ancestral home of the reindeer. Celestia and Luna agree that it is time Luna takes a more active hand in foreign relations again, and Luna brings Twilight with her as someone she actually trusts and can talk to. But the mission turns out to be much more than political discussions - if scheming unicorn courtiers, unfriendly surly reindeer, bloodthirsty pirates, ancient sorcery and dangerous monsters weren't enough, our heroines must deal with something old - older than Luna. And is Luna really ready for diplomatic action, will Twilight learn to use a fan properly, and exactly how wrong are Spike's superhero comics about reindeer mythology?

Now has a TV tropes page

Chapters (56)

Time has blessed Twilight Sparkle and her friends. As the years have passed, they have achieved dreams, pursued passions, and thrilled in one another's successes. But time has also caused the six ponies to drift apart as their lives begin to lead them in different directions. Now only Twilight is left in Ponyville, and she cannot help but wonder if she has lost a part of herself along with her friends.

But the discovery of a changeling infiltrator incites sudden conflict. Twilight must quickly prepare to repel a second changeling invasion by herself. The others, scattered across Equestria, find themselves under attack as they seek to escape these foes and reunite with their friends. Every familiar face could conceal an enemy, every conversation could be a lie, and each pony must search her own heart as lines blur between appearance and reality, between what a mare does and what she truly is inside.

This story was originally conceived and planned during Season 5, so it does not take into account the finales for Seasons 5 or 6.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle has always been known to forgive easily. Many of the worst threats to Equestria have gone unchecked after Twilight forgave them for their actions. But when Starlight Glimmer, a former enemy of Equestria, causes a major accident that endangers lives, Princess Celestia has no choice but to review and approve a plan to implement a checks and balances system against former antagonists—the Reformed Antagonist Regulation Act.

The introduction of RARA splits the Mane Six, and many Equestrians, into two factions. Supporting a former villain's right to choose their own destinies is Princess Twilight Sparkle. Supporting a system of accountability and a fail-safe for potential relapse is Twilight's former friend, Moon Dancer.

Friendships are tested, loyalties are questioned and switched, revenge burns in the air, and all the while, a new threat pulls strings in the background, ready to destabilize Twilight and her friends' bonds forever.

Based on "Captain America: Civil War".

Cover art by the amazing arcanelexicon!

Now with its own TVTROPES PAGE!

Chapters (10)

10 years ago, a Pegasus by the name of Max Million invented the game of Duel Monsters, known in certain circles as simply Yugioh. Soon after its creation, it took off faster than any known product before it, with ponies from all ages picking it up and playing the game. Twilight Sparkle, introverted disciple of princess Celestia, decides that she would not involve herself in the card game in order to advance herself in her studies.

However, on the week of the Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight Sparkle is not only given the tasks of overseeing the Celebration and making friends, but also to participate in the tournament that would take place in the morning of the raising of the sun. As time grows closer to the Celebration, she finds some startling evidence connecting the cards to events that took place over one-thousand years ago, although information is scarce.

What is the connection between these cards and history?

Chapters (1)

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. It's something new and you like discovering new things. Granted, Equestrians don't like new things, especially things that fundamentally alter their government. So maybe there is reason not to be happy after all.

Chapters (18)

After a Disagreement about their duties and the merits of having fun, Celestia and Luna are turned into children as a result of their squabble. now, the new, and severely unprepared Princess Twilight must handle the fillies and try to fix the problem, while also juggling not only her own duties, but those of the sisters. she can only hope her friends and her emergency appointments are enough to make a difference, the problem begins hurting Equestria, and before the fillies drive her insane.

Chapters (5)

Mis-communication has started many a war, but in this case maybe calling it a war was too generous.

The "war" is over, Twilight has successfully orchestrated a bloodless end to the Griffons' aggression, but only now does she realize that there is more to winning than she had first assumed, especially against a nation that holds war as a central part of their culture...

Now Twilight must deal with the aftermath while facing a challenge she never anticipated: being seen as a conqueror.

This can be read alone, but I recommend reading the letter that started it all for a chuckle and a little exposition. This series of expositional one-shots can also give some additional world-building.

Chapters (13)

In response to threats of a griffon attack on Equestria, Twilight responds with a letter detailing just why such actions would prove unfavorable for them.

Chapters (2)

[Featured on EQD 21/4/2014] [Now on TVTropes]

When Luna gifts Twilight the town of Ponyville and its surrounding countryside as her demesne she's initially confused. Then, after double checking her dictionary, more than a little concerned.

All her friends are, legally, her possessions. The town that took her in is her plaything, if she so wishes. She has been given responsibility.

Can Twilight's vision for a modern renaissance outrun the harsh realities of the shadowy figures pulling strings behind the scenes, nobles jockeying for her attention, and an irritatingly metaphorical love triangle?

Special thanks to the insatiable Blue_Paladin42, the incorrigible Maskedferret, the intuitive Southpaw and the indestructible newbiedoodle for all their hard work, past, present and future.

Chapters (10)