• Member Since 14th Jan, 2017


born in america raise in america love all anime and cartoons bookwarm adult and a mlp fan

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In an alternate universe where Sunset Shimmer has made the difficult decision to return to her home world, the young unicorn must face a past she has been avoiding and learn a lesson in friendship that she won't soon forget. It hasn't been easy, but her time in Equestria has produce a positive rate of progress towards an eventual goal of self integration back into Pony Society. And although others might have forgiven her for what she has done- has she the strength to forgive herself and move on?

On the one hoof, she has Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and her most current confidant. On the other, her old mentor, Princess Celestia and ruler of all Equestria. Although she cares for both, she finds herself conflicted by her past actions and unable to chose whom she should resume her lessons with...and whether or not she deserves a second chance at a brighter tomorrow.

Disclaimer: This story is set to take place two years after the events of EQG - Friendship Games and the end of MLP:FiM Season 5. Please note that any characters or plots from EQG - Legend of Everfree or from MLP: FiM (season 6 and on) are not considered as part of this universe and will not be fully referenced.

Chapters (1)

Many years after sending her beloved protege to Ponyville, unease sits heavily on Princess Celestia's heart as her relationship with Twilight Sparkle seems to have cooled despite all they've accomplished together. On the advice of her sister, Celestia sets out to investigate and resolve the lost connection with her most faithful student. What does it mean to be a Faithful Student...or a Princess of the Sun?

Earned a six-star rating on Equestria Daily and featured on its very own TVTropes page!.

Chapters (11)

When Twilight goes to show Princess Celestia and Luna her original spell, what happens when one of smallest of things is off by a few strokes of a brush?

Why, Time is turned back for the two Princesses. And Twilight, being the royal student and by ancient and outdated laws dug up by a book keeper, has to help the now young Princesses rule while they wait for the spell to wear off.

Or will it be too late, and a Certain upstart Prince get his hoof in the door, and take over canterlot?

Chapters (1)

For most foals, a magical surge results in a couple hours of frantic searching. For Twilight Sparkle, a magical surge vaporised an entire Canterlot block and killed hundreds. Having spent the last ten years as a fugitive running from the law, she is tired of her life and all she desires is for the nightmare to end. With one last night before she turns herself in, she spends it with her one and only friend - Trixie.

Proof-read and editted by Sabre and Some Person (Thanks!)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has moved up in the job world. From sole librarian of Ponyville's Golden Oaks library to head librarian of the newly renovated Grand Equestrian Library in Canterlot.

What she did not expect was the responsibility that comes with that title as she soon comes to realize that a librarian not only deals with books, but also with the secrets that must not be allowed to be free.

These are the records of her journeys into the unknown to protect all of ponykind from the myths and legends that have been hidden away and must never see the light of day.

Edited by: AntiquatedAnnomaly. I am eternally grateful for his assistance.

Cover by: Icaron.

Chapters (6)

This story is a side prequel to Little Jewels. (Read that one first.)


When Twilight is given a new spell to practice, she asks her friends to bring some aged stuff for target practice. But when the spell gets out of hand, it turns all of the Mane 6 into foals. They still retain the ability to talk though. What else comes as a surprise is that their new Mamas are Celestia and Luna. I can see things looking up from here.

WARNING!!! THIS IS A FAIR WARNING THAT YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THIS TIME!!!!! This fic contains Age Regression, Diapers, Breastfeeding, and a slew of other foalish things. Please consult a doctor before consuming this fanfic. Do not read if you cannot stand cuteness and baby ponies. Don't try to imitate the events of this fic at home.


Chapters (14)

Sunset knew something was wrong when she woke up in Twilight’s castle since she had no recollection how she even got there. She soon discovered that Twilight was missing and nobody seemed to remember who Twilight was. But that was the least of her worries when she found out she has become an alicorn princess and may have taken over Twilight's life. With no clue as to where Twilight was or why they had switched roles, Sunset was determined to find Twilight. With the help of Spike and Twilight’s friends, Sunset set out to find her presumed missing friend.

Special thanks to editors/proofreaders:
The Albinocorn

Chapters (3)

After King Sombra's defeat and the return of the Crystal Empire, Princess Celestia came to the mane six with an offer: to become a manifestation of her will throughout the world, an elite team designed to solve Equestria's most dangerous problems. Warriors and diplomats, Twilight and her friends must leave their homes and their loved ones to ensure the safety of all. This pursuit will push them to new heights, and new depths.

The world is a dangerous place.

Chapters (9)

While in the human world, on a date with Sunset, Twilight discovers a badly injured child that she recognizes a little too well with a newborn baby. Taking them to a hospital, they discovers more about the children and decide to take them to Equestria to help them out.

Nyx is from Past Sins, read it here:http://www.fimfiction.net/story/41596/past-sins
Gore tag for chapter 4.

Chapters (5)

Based off of this comic by bronybyexception and written with their permission

Comic Dub here

Coinsides in the same world as this comic dub

Cover art from HERE

Apple Bloom always wanted her Cutie Mark. It was the one thing she wanted most in the world and her family fully supported her, encouraging her to keep going until she finds it.

However, she never expected that getting her Cutie Mark would come at such a high price. Apples always have something to do with apples in their Cutie Mark, but Apple Bloom does not.

Now, exiled from the only family she's ever known, Apple Bloom has nowhere to go. Heartbroken and unsure what to do, Apple Bloom goes to the only pony she trusted more than her big sister, in the hopes that she might help the now familyless filly.

In Popular Stories 24-26/7/2015 and then again 31/7/2015. Featured box 26/7/2015.

Holy- In the Featured Box 10/8/2018? Huh?

Chapters (4)